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The Frankish Reich

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Everything posted by The Frankish Reich

  1. This is simply not true. It is not hard at all to get into college. Many (most?) colleges are essentially open admissions. The problem is staying on task and sticking with something. And men are failing in that. It's not just college, it's also putting in the time and work to learn a valuable skill. I just had an electrician do some work on my house - he told me what a journeyman makes these days, and it's about 3 times what my job hires college educated legal assistants at.
  2. Short response: Hanson is a good writer. He used to write for National Review if I remember correctly. He expanded some articles into a book, Mexifornia. It focused on the negative impacts of uncontrolled immigration into the CA Central Valley that he grew up in and still loves. It is a good book, (well, at least the articles were good articles; I never read them republished in book form) foretelling some of the problems of mass immigration before many others. This kind of stuff made him a darling of the anti-immigration right. Then like many others, he started to feed those people what they wanted to hear. His writing became more polemic, less insightful. And now he's reduced himself to a clickbait tweeter.
  3. The first "encounter" - that's on her. She's a grown up and should have known what Trump wanted. Trump's continued attempts to contact her to get some more, while dangling the false hope of getting her a role on The Apprentice? That's the stuff of Harvey Weinstein.
  4. You mean the Jesus who instructed us to leave all worldly things to follow him, the Jesus who told us that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to reach the kingdom of heaven, that THAT Jesus was A COMMIE?
  5. Thank you for engaging in such clever repartee with me. I am so enjoying being "ignored."
  6. OK, Stormy, you lost me on this one: "I didn't care about the [amount of the hush] money." Then something about "I just wanted to keep my husband from finding out." Oh, so he's fine with you having sex on camera for money with all sorts of other people, but he'd have a strong moral objection to having sex with Trump for a hope at a new career opportunity. Yeah. That makes sense. 🙄
  7. Hanson's inferiority complex is what drives a stupid comment like his. Nobody - NOBODY - is hiring a Fresno State grad over a Columbia grad. It's fine to say that Columbia's reputation has taken a hit. But its grads will do just fine.
  8. Fresno State, St. Bonaventure, Columbia .. one of these things is not like the others.
  9. One of the Trumpy's favorites, Andrew Weissmann, now on MSNBC saying the cross "could be tough" because the defense position is she's lying. He's obviously a more accomplished attorney than yours truly, but I disagree: better not to question her credibility. That's why all her details were important. They set the scene. Why else was Trump inviting her to his room? Leave it alone. Just argue the old "we're not saying our client is perfect; all of that you heard from Stormy isn't relevant to what the prosecution is trying to prove." But that's where politics comes in - Trump may INSIST that they try to discredit her. And that would allow the DA on redirect to elicit even more details about the tryst. Mark Steyn (funny until he became Limbaugh's substitute host!) used to say this: like all American political scandals, it won't be over until it becomes a campaign finance violation. This case proves it.
  10. Plus the point she made earlier: Trump told her that he and Melania weren't even sleeping together by this time, suggesting that she would be o.k. (and hardly shocked) with his philandering.
  11. I'm sure those poor Columbia kids are regretting not going to Fresno State.
  12. You know the saying: you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. There is no sex worker anywhere in the world who could testify as to what kind of deodorant I use. Trophy Wife only deals with lawyers when she's negotiating a revised pre (post) nup. Poor Barron, wherever they're hiding him. Now: Trump getting handsy with Stormy in 2007. She pulls out the old c*** blocker fave: "I'm on my period." Even NBC says jurors are yawning by this point. Unlike me. I'm lovin' it.
  13. He invited her to attend the launch of Trump Vodka. How was I unaware that there was a Trump Vodka? I need to get out more or go to trashier places when I do.
  14. File under: Some Things I Learned Today. No condom. But that's ok I guess because no sex with Melania either. Separate beds or bedrooms. So Trump nailed a "Horse Face." Seems likely to play out well in the media!
  15. Apparently the defense didn't object for a long time to the "scene setting" testimony Stormy was going into. So the judge at first intervened (I've had this happen to me) by telling the DA "I'm not interested in that." Then we got some objections. The worst that can happen (realistically) is that the judge admonishes the jury not to consider certain things other than that Trump did have sex with her. Unlikely to be considered reversible error on appeal if he is convicted.
  16. Well, there you go. Trump revealed as even more of a creep than we thought, so let's rehash every silly story about a Democrat.
  17. Meanwhile: Biden going on and on in that special yelling style that he thinks communicates vim and vigor.
  18. You mean he was elected because he paid off a sex worker to keep her quiet? (sorry, had to go there)
  19. I've never done a "sex worker." Guess I'm in the minority on this one.
  20. Giving me head on the unmade bed While the limousines wait in the street - L. Cohen Meanwhile: Biden stepping all over the big news of the day with boring Holocaust Remembrance speech. Ever heard of keeping them waiting for 20 minutes or so?
  21. Stormy: Old Spice in his room. Unmade bed. MSNBC has gone all puritanical now. Say they're not going to relate "all the details" because they're graphic. Damn liberals.
  22. Yeah, saying to a sex worker "you remind me of my daughter" is the kind of press any creep desires.
  23. Keep pretending. We all know you follow what I say. What's the stupid movie line your old namesake used to quote, something about living rent free in your brain?
  24. What makes you think he didn't think he could get away with it 😁
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