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The Frankish Reich

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Everything posted by The Frankish Reich

  1. May the baby Jesus shut your mouth and open your mind. - Captain Beefheart, the better Zappa.
  2. This incredibly stupid post says everything you need to know about the "new" or "alt" or Trump right. Two things that have absolutely nothing to do with each other. A Christian conservative football player gave a speech espousing traditional Christian values at a Catholic college. As far as I know, he has never beaten up anyone, much less a girlfriend/wife. But meanwhile: a video of an aging hip hop artist beating up his girlfriend c. 2016 was released. As far as I know, aging hip hop artist did not say anything espousing Christian values or condemning Christian values. They have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Nothing. But the low IQ AI machines will still find something to say. It follows the format: "You called out [A] for doing/saying [B], but you didn't call out [X] for doing/saying [Y]." How illuminating.
  3. Well, yes, I've never heard of it, and therefore I would have assumed that it is "fake news" or at least news that is pre-spun to support a particular agenda. Of course, the fact that we hit Dow 40K is in no way fake.
  4. I think I go with the “it happened on his watch” theory of blame because these alternatives are, well, more depressing. But I fear that at least some of it is true. What we see here at PPP is a lot of high information voters. But the wrong information. Not all information is created equal. Some random Twitter feed’s take on a news story is not the news story. People have completely lost the ability to make that distinction.
  5. So that “please don’t vote” thing? I think I found out who it should be directed to. You no doubt think that Rosa Parks was at fault for ruining the jovial Back of the Bus club.
  6. Wow. Now that’s a special kind of spin. So the plaintiffs should’ve waited for the 14 week limit, or the 12, or Ronnie D’s 6. So again, back to my point: Trump suffered at the polls because COVID hit “on his watch.” There is no reason to believe it wouldn’t have hit under anyone’s watch. Of course Trump didn’t have to go out and make it worse for himself by doing dumb things and eventually catching it himself. But still… the “bad sh!t happened while he was president” theory.
  7. Says the one searching madly for the latest Mulvaney news.
  8. If I didn’t know better I’d assume that Trump’s little minions are a bit anxious about this …
  9. Nice spin. but Biden won this cycle. “anytime, any place” = bluff called.
  10. A bit more Stoicism from certain posters certainly wouldn’t hurt.
  11. Well that degenerated into EVERY OTHER THREAD pretty quickly. Getting back to the point of THIS thread: why would anyone blame Biden for the erosion of abortion rights? My leading theory: it’s the “it happened on his watch” effect. Think about it. The sitting president gets blamed for everything that goes wrong (from the perspective of people who think repealing Roe was wrong). That may be because the sitting president tries to seize credit for everything that goes right during his term, whether or not he had anything to do with it. We’ve conditioned people that way.
  12. A thread to document the appalling ignorance of a lot of Americans. a new survey of registered voters was released last week from Navigator Research showing that a sizable number of Americans, incredibly enough, held Biden responsible for “the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the elimination of the federal right to an abortion.” That opinion was held by 34 percent of self-identified independents, 32 percent of Black voters, and 42 percent of Hispanic voters. https://www.wsj.com/articles/notable-quotable-campaigning-on-roe-biden-held-responsible-new-poll-3c26a4fe?mod=WTRN_pos7&cx_testId=3&cx_testVariant=cx_171&cx_artPos=6
  13. Whiners everywhere. Even whining like a b!tch about the emasculation of men.
  14. They’re doing promo for the film. But I guess you didn’t know that.
  15. He also settled a lawsuit alleging collusion by NFL owners, and walked away with a good chunk of change. One can only infer that the NFL's lawyers saw a significant risk that he could prove collusion. But the larger point: people will criticize Butker and Aaron Rodgers, etc., but they will suffer no adverse consequences to their careers.
  16. Good for him. These are his beliefs, and I have no reason to believe that they are not sincere. And think about it: which NFL players have been blackballed/had their careers ended for expressing their beliefs openly? Liberals or conservatives? Kaepernick never played again. Butker will be kicking off on the Thursday after Labor Day. Then think about the right's persecution complex and how out of touch with reality it is ...
  17. I always enjoy a bs "look how expensive cheap sh!t is" post. I just went on a road trip. Pulled into a McDonalds to use the can. 20 McNuggets, $6. Three of us in the car. That's all we got. Six bucks.
  18. Hardly shocking that they would say that, in that the whole point of the Planet of the Apes series is that humans have ruined the earth, and that apes have therefore taken charge. But don't let that get in the way of "owning the libs" --
  19. I think you'll find that unlike most posters here, I am open to reliable news sources of both a Republican and Democratic bent. Just today I posted something critical of Biden's new China tariffs. When is the last time you posted something critical of Trump and/or his policies?
  20. Wow, they must have waterboarded him to get that guilty plea. repeat: GUILTY PLEA.
  21. Ahh, to read and hear only the news that’s tailored to confirm your priors.
  22. Yes I dispute the things he said because whatever the judge’s daughter does for a living is the definition of irrelevant. But Vivek is happy to be Trumps mouthpiece. As opposed to the sweet smelling human trash?
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