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The Frankish Reich

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Everything posted by The Frankish Reich

  1. First Columbia. Then Yale. And yes, friends. The protests have finally hit the Jewel of the eastern Central Valley, that Binghamton of the West, VDH's very own Fresno State. Damn elitists. https://fresnoland.org/2024/05/01/fresno-state-demonstration/
  2. 1st down play ends: some official puts his foot down within approximately a couple inches of the actual tip of the ball. 2nd down ends: repeat. 3rd down ends: repeat. Error of up to 6 inches after 3 plays. Bring the sticks out and find, definitively, that he came up an inch short! Hint: the laser won't improve this.
  3. Because some guy named Jess Kelly just knows that the Strategic Petroleum Reserve has never been drawn on for any purpose other than fueling our military. How dare you question him! I'm gonna have Julie of the Kellys do some legal research on this. Holy Oil Slick, Batman! I just learned that sales from the strategic petroleum reserve to reduce the (stated) deficit were authorized by the Republican House and Republican Senate in 2015!
  4. I'm gonna fly this one just to freak everyone out.
  5. Just bought gas in New Mexico, coming home from a road trip. $2.89/gallon. Now that's cheap!
  6. Bad food (fast food) is cheap. Six buck, 20 nuggets last month. 5 bucks, McD's meal later this month. Taco Bell "build your own cravings" box (up to 1,760 calories!), $5.99. This is why we have a child obesity problem. Good food (fresh/unprocessed veggies, etc) is cheap. Good restaurant (typically not chain) food is expensive. Budget accordingly.
  7. https://www.energy.gov/ceser/history-spr-releases We fill it up, we draw it down; we draw it down, we fill it up. Treason!
  8. Doesn't Maine have that emblem now? I guess I just thought they were Mainers. Now I know they are faux Mainers, real insurrectionists
  9. Alito's wife is a bit of a flagpole maniac, isn't she. I think the Philly thing explains it. She can have all the fun she wants with her Phillies flags, but the day she puts up a Flyers 1975 Stanley Cup flag is the day I start my own personal encampment outside her home.
  10. Hey, you guys are finally catching on to these bs stories. I guess it depends how much wine you drink .... Meanwhile, for all the "I spent $25 for lunch at a fast food joint" people: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mcdonalds-five-dollar-meal-fast-food-prices/
  11. This is KJP's poster child. Paying off her student loan debt for 30 years until it was forgiven by Biden earlier this year. No explanation of how much debt, why it was extended over a 30 year term yet somehow she still had a balance remaining, what degree(s) she got and how she's using them, and why this loan forgiveness will finally allow this (apparent) 50-something person to finally achieve her dreams.
  12. KJP's example was absurd. Someone who hasn't paid off a loan after three decades? I consolidated/refinanced my loans over a 30 year term; paid off in about 23
  13. The years of middle school abuse that go with having the name "Butker" will tend to warp a man's outlook. Dick Butkus took out that pent up rage on running backs. Butler doesn’t have that option, so a gay married couple will have to suffice
  14. But my point is that lefties freely call various women Nazis. To be fair, the line is somewhat blurred between "strident nationalist" and "Nazi/fascist." But as a finding aid: it resides right there between Meloni and Marine LePen. Good example.
  15. I agree with you on that (even though I continue to hold that you know disturbingly too much about Nazi and fascist theories of government and economics), but the point is that many women are called "Nazis," whether correctly or incorrectly.
  16. Well, they do have a point ... ... you might add "Florida homeowners subsidized by the State of Florida because they bought homes in flood-prone areas." And many other favored classes benefiting from government programs.
  17. You mean like how Pol Pot had all the academics killed? You mean it started with sentiments like this? https://www.chronicle.com/article/the-professors-are-the-enemy EDIT: failed academic and erstwhile massage therapist turned rightist Twitter monkey James Lindsay should be safe.
  18. Oh, really? https://www.politico.eu/article/giorgia-meloni-youth-front-brothers-of-italy-neo-fascist-salute/
  19. Well, this thread certainly has proved your point. We might as well just have TrumpBot and BidenBot AI commenters slug it out here. You should ask me why I'm here. I will answer: work is boring.
  20. I'm not a Jon Stewart fan, but I gotta admit - his commentary on this nails it. Not just the Butker thing, but the outrage media in general. Worth watching.
  21. Might I suggest getting one of those apps?
  22. Somewhere in there is a coherent thought. I read it 3 times, even adding my own punctuation. Never mind, I give up.
  23. The Fake Outrage Machine Must Be Fed! Butker is still welcome to accompany his Chiefs teammates to the White House.
  24. And conservative men pay over $250/night to sit quietly in a dark cave. https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/26/us/aaron-rodgers-darkness-retreat-wellness-ctpr/index.html Or over $12,000 to projectile vomit and hallucinate because they have intentionally ingested poison. https://ticotimes.net/2023/04/30/aaron-rodgers-stayed-at-a-healing-resort-during-his-last-days-with-the-packers#:~:text=Aaron Rodgers – Soltara Healing Center,darkness surrounded by the jungle. And no doubt some of the same people say they can't afford food or gas. Affluenza. Or shall we call it the commodification of leisure, or of the spiritual experience. That's what the Frankfurt School adherents would have called it. And obviously they had a point.
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