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Big Blitz

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Everything posted by Big Blitz

  1. I just saw he called someone a hack. This clown is not a serious individual. Complete lack of self awareness, logic, and any sign of intelligence. He is here only to trigger troll and in his own mind believes he’s a legit influencer. Total loser.
  2. This ***t poster actually wrote this? Where is your list of Republican supported policies or posts attacking Democrat policies. I’ll wait as long as I’ve been for the Trump era Fascism that saw his political enemies arrested 57 times, removed from ballots, and banned from his social media allies Oh wait…..that was Biden.
  3. Prove that without mentioning Trump. As if that matters it shows I do. Despite your immature cartoonish CNN version of what that means. Says the 75 posts in 12 hours lunatic. Hollywood and DC and libs have that on lock. Say America First, always. Then clarify what that means.
  4. We know - you just confirmed it. Let’s recap your 75 posts today alone: 1. You said you can’t accept America First - it’s scary code for something super sinister like peace and prosperity. 2. You hate this country and its Constitution. Stop posting because you’re a domestic threat, a troll, and anti American loon. But please, post more pics of Jan 6 protesters pushing against the FBI’s staged protest as if that means jack ***t - because you have zero consistency (***t posters don’t exist except to ***t post) you selectively like your Covid approved protests - and since you hate the Constitution what’s your problem with the protesters? You hate the country anyway. Which means you want results where the winner of elections agrees in the destruction of it. Thanks for confirming all this.
  5. Undermine the constitution?? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Also just a quick note here The loser poster above has openly admitted to wanting to ban guns and erase religion and your beliefs from the public by eliminating all its constitutional protections. They should never be allowed to comment on the constitution or what fascism is. Ever.
  6. 57 posts in the last 12 hours. FOURTY FIVE of them about Trump and/or the word Reich in a fan made video. Panicked. Delusional. Getting extra pay from his handlers. Multiple people running its account in shifts. There is just no good explanation for the lunacy - only one is full blown TDS - it is real. And it is spectacular.
  7. Yep. Far worse then telling protesters on January 6 to be peaceful and then that they need to go home: “The SPR exists, first and foremost, as an emergency response tool the President can use should the United States be confronted with an economically-threatening disruption in oil supplies.” What’s the current disruption in supply? Other then Dems refusing to find new reserves.
  8. Uh oh. He’s definitely in the lead. Probably winning. But they count the votes during election season so…90 million Biden votes!!!
  9. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha omg “provocative” haha
  10. My point was libs will be quick to call any appearance of the “strong white male” a Nazi. Trump is low hanging fruit that makes them feel less ….. alpha.
  11. You see when you give everyone money thus shifting our AD curve that will lead to CPI increases but if we target this to our core voter demographic it won’t significantly do so - sure ultimately it will make college degrees as worthless as high school degrees but ***k it we can’t do Econ we’re just control freaks worried about power.
  12. The word Nazi has been used to describe bosses, leaders, politicians, and manliness - never women for some reason as if they can’t be Nazis to libs - for decades. I think that’s why a lot of organizations want to be so quick to say “we’re collaborative.” Anyone that gives an “order.” Nazi. Trump is an easy lame typical target - who unfortunately didn’t do enough to allow the country to be taken over by Maoists. I can give you more examples of Trump NOT being a nazi in 2020 alone vs Democrats usurping your rights.
  13. What country should be first? Well we know they’re excellent swimmers. As long as you want to talk about the horrors of January 6, yes.
  14. I guess I missed it while we were all forced to stay 6 feet apart - unless you lived in that other fascist state, Florida. Yea sorry. If you supported all things Branch Covidians you don’t get to talk to anyone about Fascism, ever. But a watermarked chyron……lol
  15. He responded with nothing that equates with Nazism. Kids in cages? Low info response to what’s going on at the border that supposedly isn’t a problem. Muslim ban? Where did any action say all Muslims? Abortion? Supporting abortion is a form eugenics endorsed by PP founder Margaret Sanger - an overt racist. Anything else I need to drop my IQ 50 points to debunk or correct? Detailed response lol. He could have posted another “LMAO” meme and call it proof.
  16. Everything you listed from www.TrumpisaNazi.com is horse ***t There was never a Muslim ban. And the “kids in cages” at the border - who built those “cages?” Legit all the above is garbage - abortion and every abortion policy supported by the Left is representative of the Eugenics movement that they endorsed and started.
  17. The mindless thing. The low info thing.
  18. Current list of U.S. Reich policies/actions under Trump circa 2016-2020 That’s an insane list. The Nazi state we had oh my goodness. Especially concerning was in the summer of 2020 when Trump sent in the troops to break up all those “allowed via the CDC” BLM protests. The power Trump had to tell you all to mask up like stooges to. Unbelievable!! Never thought I’d see the day.
  19. Odd. Actual antisemitism happening - American flag burning calls for death to Israel on college campuses across the country - no comment. Trump ad by a fan has a barely legible “reich” in it we all know was some lazy dumb watermark - but that’s worth your time. Ok then. I will not take your concerns on this seriously then. I’m still waiting on my Nazi policies circa 2016 - 2020. Especially the ones that show our hostility to Israel.
  20. Johnny was conservative. Legend and an awesome band.
  21. Bill - list the Nazi / Reich policies - especially the antisemitic ones of 2016-2020 Should be easy. I’ll wait.
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