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Everything posted by sven233

  1. I have no problem with Shaud Williams.......but to think that this guy was on the field on the MOST CRITICAL down (3rd downs) last year while McGahee was on the bench...... JUST PLAIN STUPID! Nall with a QB sneak for the 1st down
  2. On a side note, it looks as though Shaud Williams has indeed gone from the 3rd DOWN PACKAGE to the 3rd STRING package......might be tough for him to make the team. We'll see!
  3. FAST Freddie on the reverse.......nice run..... 2:00 Warning
  4. Williams with 2 more....... TO Detroit with 2:14 to go
  5. Shaud Williams with a 20 yard run up the middle!
  6. Bills take over at the 20 after the kickoff.....
  7. FG is good from 36! 20-13 Bills with 3:06 to go!
  8. 3rd and 13..... INCOMPLETE in the endzone........caught the ball but only got 1 foot in
  9. Meanwhile, Detroit is walking right down the field on us right now...... Now it is 1st and 10 from the Bills' 15
  10. I love Parrish. If he can stay healthy, which I think he can......HE will CHANGE games this year. Might not get a lot of touches every game, but he is a BIG PLAY THREAT everytime he touches the ball...... Parrish will be GREAT this year in his role.
  11. 3rd and 6..... Big gain up to midfield.......wide open
  12. Detroit takes over at the 22 or 23 after the kickoff.......
  13. I could definately see this happening.......BUT man.....that is a lot of receivers on a team
  14. 70 yards! Nall just looped the ball about 15 yards over the heads on the Defense and Davis outruns everyone! 20-10 BUFFALO!
  15. Nall to Smith...... 2nd and 6 Nall is WAY incomplete on 2nd Down.... 3rd and 6
  16. Shaud fumbles on the kickoff.......Bills recovered though
  17. Hanson in for the FG....... Good from 46 yards......
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