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Everything posted by sven233

  1. I have beat this topic to death, but there has been no results. Time Warner is terrible and are so greedy that us fans are the ones that have to pay the price. And now, because of Time Warner's greed, we no longer have NFL Network. If Time Warner gets their way and they put it on a Sports Tier, most people could not afford it. Right now, I am paying $55 per month for basic, analog cable (not including internet). If they put this on a Sprts Tier, they would be expecting me to pay an additional $15 for the equipment and digital cable. On top of that, I would then have to purchase the Sports Tier, another $10 per month. So, what it all comes down to is that they want me, the customer, to pay AT LEAST $25 MORE PER MONTH to get the NFL Network! It would cost them less than a buck to give it to me. How is this right? THEY ARE COMPLETE IDIOTS!
  2. For those that are interested, the early line has the Buffalo Bills a 5 1/2 point favorite against the Jets. Thought it might be interesting to some! BILLS (-5.5) VS JETS (+5.5)
  3. The fact is, the less I hear Clements and McGee's name, the better because that means they are doing their jobs down the field. So, not hearing his name that last 2 games is a good thing.
  4. Well, thank you for the compliment. I do try to provide the best analysis and breakdown I can. But, fo this game, I didn't think it was necessary. There was a lot that went right......but there ws not a lot of things that just stood out. Ryan Denney had the game of his life. Both safties showed why they are going to man this defensive backfield for years to come. JP managed the game and didn'tmake the big mistake. Good pass rush from the front 4. McGahee had a great game. Josh Reed was very solid. Roscoe Parrish is special. You didn't hear Clements of McGee's name much which means they shut down the outside. Jason Taylor was a non-factor which means Peters and Gandy did their job. Coaching was excellent (we had the better coach today). We were the better football team......PERIOD. The only thing I would like to see more of is McGahee getting some more balls through the air. I'd like to see some more screens and swings. I would also like to see the TE more involved. But, overall, I loved the way this game went. It looks like this team is gearing up to stop each team and is ready to attack each team they play in a different way. That all goes back to coaching. For the first time in a VERY LONG TIME, we OUT-COACHED our opponent. Don't be surprised if next week we come out and beat the Jets in a completely different fashion (although I think McGahee will have over 125 next week). This team is exciting to watch and you will see things start to open up very soon. This team will make the playoffs this year if they continue to keep the penalties down and don't turn the ball over.
  5. Hey guys. I know some of you may be expecting my usual long, in depth analysis of this game today, but really, I only have a couple things to say. 1. The defense played GREAT. Good pass rush (7 sacks.....enough said) 2. GREAT GAMEPLAN! I know, a lot of people are probably going to wonder about whay the offense didn't put up any numbers.....why did Losman throw for under a hundred yards, why didn't we see more plays down the field, etc. The fact is, they were in control of this game from the start. There was NO reason to push the ball down the field when McGahee is ripping off 8-10 yards at a time. They ran the ball effectively and the completely SHUT DOWN THE STINKING FISH. It was the PERFECT gameplan and it was run the way it was designed. 3. The biggest play of the game was the Crowell INT. That play took it out of the Dolphins. A close runner-up would be the pass interference on Evans. The Bills finally took a shot down the field and it paid off. SPEED KILLS. 4. With all due respect to Vincent, WE ARE A BETTER DEFENSE WITH SIMPSON AND WHITNER BACK THERE. With TV going on IR, we upgraded our defense and I thing the coaching staff knew it. I know Spikes and some other Vets may not be happy for their buddy, but the fact is, the Bills are more athletic and MUCH faster back there now. We have one of the best secondaries in the NFL. 5. Perhaps the best thing the Bills did today is stick with their running game. McGahee was very good today and they showed they can run the ball good enough even though Miami STACKED the line of scrimmage a lot of the game. Finally, I think it only gets better from here. SPIKES DID NOT PLAY TODAY AND WE COMPLETELY SHUT DOWN THE DOLPHINS. When he is healthy, our defense is going to be EVEN BETTER. Also, the Special Teams played excellent today. Moorman was perfect of his punts and Parrish (as I have said many times) is spectacular. There is no quicker player in the NFL. He changed field position today averaging over 14 yards per punt return. Look for that to continue. Also, I believe he was robbed on that penalty that called the TD back. Every team runs that play and you never see that call. So, I think he should have had that TD as well. Remember what I said last week.........I said that this team was going to win their next 3 games.......1 down, 2 to go. This team can hang with everyone. I still say they have a great chance at the playoffs. GREAT WIN! GO BILLS!
  6. BIG NEWS....... Well, they are obviously freeing up a roster spot for someone. Just have to find out who. Also, I think getting Simpson the experience this year will only help us in the future. He has a knack for making plays, but is still a little young. Looks like we will see the future of our safety positions the rest of the year.......and that's a good thing.
  7. Well, too bad I can't change my picks now, because if my new prediction comes true, I will be out this week. I fully expect the Bills to win their next 3 games! I had them losing in Miami this week in this thread, but after seeing training camp, the preseason, and now in this first game, this tea is better than I gave them credit for and I expect them to challenge for the playoffs now. The Bills will win their next 3 games!
  8. While I don't think this team is going to the Super Bowl, I do think that with consistent improvement, we can challange for a playoff spot. There were a lot of positives that came out of this game, but I am still dissapointed we blew it. I just hope this game doesn't come back to haunt us late in the season....... But, if we can get to 3-1, like I predict we will, I think the playoffs will definately be a realistic goal this season. For the first time in 6 years, this TEAM looked the part.......almost. I say they get it figured out and get it figured out soon.
  9. Well, the NE game is over and while I am extremely dissapointed we didn't win (WE HAD THIS GAME WON AND LET IT SLIP AWAY), I am not going to dwell on it too much. Yeah, I had some thoughts on this game, but really, I don't want to get into it anymore. Mistakes were made and the game was lost. HOWEVER, I am completely confident that this coaching staff with get these mistakes corrected and I am completely confident the team will respond to their mistakes turning these negatives into positives. THAT BEING SAID, HERE IS THE PREDICTION....... The Buffalo Bills WILL WIN THEIR NEXT 3 GAMES. We will beat Miami.......We will beat the Jets........and we will beat the Vikings. This team will be 3-1. After they get there, we'll re-evaluate then. But the Bills will win their next 3 games.
  10. Although there were a lot of positives that you could take out of this game, I am not happy at all. The Bills had this game won and they let it slip away.....again. Because of this, I can't be too happy right now. A lot of poeple look at this game in a positive way, but this was a game we should have won. BOTTOM LINE. I just hope that this game does not come back to haunt us down the road.
  11. IT WAS A GREAT CALL! IT WAS THE RIGHT CALL! You make it and score the TD, the game is over. PERIOD. You go for the win when you have the chance.
  12. Well, that didn't happen..........coaching did not cost us this game. Not one thing did. But, 1 thing for sure did not, and that is coaching. Great call going for it on 4th and 1.
  13. WHY NOT US? ARE YOU READY? Here's to the Buffalo Bills being division leaders when the weekend is over!
  14. Well, I don't know about 4-0, but I think if we could split the first 2, we should be able to beat the Jets and Vikings to get to 3-1. That would be a great start to the year!
  15. First off, the text was not bold, just enlarged to make it easier to read. And, if you don't want to read the preview, don't read it. There, all problems solved!
  16. Yes. I may be a little more optimistic than most, but I really think the Bills will be competeitve this year. Look at it this way, we were a couple bounces away from 8-8 LAST SEASON, as bad as it was. If we hold on in Miami and NE, there is 2 more wins. If we beat the Jets late last season, there is another win. Also, don't forget the NO game. If McGee gets into the endzone on that KR at the end of the half, I really think that game could have been different. So, I truly believe that with BETTER coaching and playcalling, which I think we have, why can't we turn those 3-4 games the other way this year? I think the Bills will open some eyes this year.
  17. The only reason I gave them a 'B' is that I want to see how the system works first. Also, I want to see that Spikes is back at 100% or close to it. Like I said in my article, if the D-Line gets handled, the LBs will have to shed a lot of blocks to make plays. I just want to be sure they can handle it. With that said, if this new system works well, they have all the potential in the world and that 'B' could easily turn into an 'A'. There were just some questions that need answering first before they get that top grade.
  18. HA! I agree totally with you and I wrote the article! I would love coments on the article and I want to hear everyone's opinion, but please don't quote the entire post. Just add a reply and let's try to keep the board relatively clean. Thanks!
  19. Hello all! Well, it is finally here…..my 2006-2007 Buffalo Bills Season Preview. I have been mentioning it for a while now and it is finally done. I have to warn you, though. It is a very long read. I did my best to combine fact with opinion. I hope you all enjoy the article. 2006-2007 Buffalo Bills Season Preview By: Steve Phillips (AKA: Sven233) After a very long and busy off-season, the Buffalo Bills are set to take the field, for real, just a few days from now on Sunday, September 10, 2006. In what has been an off-season filled with changes in just about every level of the organization, the Buffalo Bills are now ready to change 1 more thing……their lack of participation in the playoffs over the last several seasons. With a new GM and new coaching staff in place, and a roster full of hungry players, the Buffalo Bills are trying to restore the once proud tradition of the Buffalo Bills. As the new NFL season quickly approaches, the questions still remains as to whether all the turnover and changes in the Buffalo Bills organization will be enough to write a new chapter in Bills’ history. Today, in my 2006-2007 Buffalo Bills Season Preview, I will take an in depth look into each position on the field, as I see it, to try and figure out if this team really has the opportunity to ‘SHOCK THE WORLD’ and become legitimate contenders, this season. OFFENSE QUARTERBACK DEPTH CHART 1. J.P. Losman 2. Kelly Holcomb 3. Craig Nall Obviously, the big question going into this season is at the Quarterback position. Let’s face it, most of the success or failure this team will have this year hinges on this one position. J.P. Losman will finally get his chance; it seems, to show he is the QB of the future for the Buffalo Bills franchise. After a VERY up and down year last season, the new coaching staff seems intent on finding out what they have in Losman one way or another. By all accounts, Losman was handed the starting job last season. While maybe it was important to let the former First Round Draft pick grow and develop last year, that decision by the previous regime did not set well with the veteran leadership last season. While brilliant at times, Losman struggled greatly with accuracy and consistency. However, not all of the struggles that Losman had last season were because of his own poor play. Terrible play-calling, an inconsistent running game, and poor pass protection were heavy contributors to Losman’s inability to run the offense effectively. Yes, Losman did provide his share of miscues, but I believe the entire QB situation was mishandled by the previous coaching staff and front office last year. Losman was pulled frequently and never had a chance to settle in and learn from his mistakes. But, the past is just that….the past. And I want to focus on the future for this article. With the sweeping changes through the Buffalo Bills organization this year, it was also a chance for Losman to wipe the slate clean and to get a fresh start. And, so far, Losman has delivered. Through training camp and the 4 preseason games, it was obvious from the start that JP Losman would be under center at the start of this season. His physical tools set him apart and it was obvious to all who watched that he was the best option at QB for the Buffalo Bills to give them a chance to win this year. With a strong arm and quick feet, Losman made plays and consistently pushed the ball down the field meanwhile gaining the confidence from his teammates around him. And that, maybe more than anything else, is what makes this year different from last year. Going into this season, Losman’s teammates KNOW that he EARNED the starting job in a competitive situation. It seems they believe now that he is ‘the man’ to lead this offense. Has Losman been perfect this off-season? No. But, what you have seen through training camp and the first four preseason games is progression. You can see him getting more and more comfortable in the offense, which I believe, caters much more to Losman’s strengths, than in the years prior. This offense is designed around a solid running game with big-play capability from any point on the field. It is designed to push the ball down the field in chunks eating up yardage and the opponent’s will. This is a VERY FAST offense that utilizes the talent on this team. This, perhaps, is the fastest WR group in the NFL. They may not be the most talented group (aside from Evans who I believe will turn into a STUD WR in this league), but this group has blazing speed and will get open quicker. And with Losman’s arm, he can get them the ball downfield to allow these big-play WRs the opportunity to make a play. Also, the offensive line has been together since Day 1 of camp and is quickly developing into a solid pass blocking group. Losman, although he has been sacked a good deal in the preseason, has had plenty of time to go through his progressions and find he open guy, most of the time, through the preseason. Those are tools that Losman didn’t have to work with a year ago. Also, perhaps the biggest change in the offense is Losman’s own ability. He looks much more in control of the game and quicker in his decision making. He is making good decisions, for the most part, and looking more poised in the pocket. However, we do have to remember that he is still young and will make the occasional big mistake. That will only get better with experience. As for the other QBs on this team, it seemed pretty apparent from the start that they were not going to keep up with Losman in the QB competition. Craig Nall, the upstart from Green Bay, did show some very impressive abilities and leadership through camp and the preseason. However, going down with a hamstring injury the second day of camp severely damaged any chance of him competing for the starting role. His real competition quickly became with Kelly Holcomb for the backup job. Holcomb, also know as ‘Mr. Completion Percentage’, was his usual consistent self through camp and the preseason. He completed many passes to Rbs and TEs while failing to take consistent chances down the field. He did have some very nice throws through camp and the preseason, but just never seemed to completely grasp the concept of this new, big play, offense. However, even though neither guy ever pushed Losman for the starting position, the backup QB position does appear to be in good shape regardless of who the backup is determined to be. Now, I know I may be in the minority here, but I actually think by the end of the season, we may be winning more games than not BECAUSE of Losman and not IN SPITE of him. He has shown he can make all the throws and make plays with his feet. When Losman becomes more consistent, I think he has ALL the tools necessary to become a good, if not great QB in this league. Losman alone could make this team a playoff team, THIS YEAR, if he figures it out sooner than later. OVERALL GRADE: C (with the potential to turn into a B+) RUNNING BACK DEPTH CHART 1. Willis McGahee 2. Anthony Thomas 3. Shaud Williams “HE BROKE ONE! HE FINALLY BROKE ONE!” Those were the shouts and cheers heard around Bills Nation when Willis McGahee was running free for a 61 yard TD in the second preseason game against the Cincinnati Bengals. Yes, Willis McGahee finally broke the long run Bills fans have been waiting years to see. With a quick cut in the hole, McGahee was off to the races and outran everyone into the endzone. Although that run was spectacular and showed that Willis does have the big-play capability that we all hoped he still had since coming back from the knee injury, that run alone is not the reason I am excited about watching Willis ‘tote the rock’ this year. Watching Willis through camp and in the preseason, it has become obvious to me that he is not only a little faster, but, more importantly, a little quicker. Reportedly, McGahee has dropped around 10 pounds this season to try and regain some of the speed a quickness that has been noticeably lacking the last couple years. His cuts are razor sharp and he is getting down the field and by guys faster than in previous years. Every run doesn’t have to go for 60 yards. Granted, it is nice to know he does have that extra gear to break the big one, but what I like to see is that initial burst to blow by defenders at the line to pick up a good gain on the ground. Although the run blocking of the offensive line still seems to be a weak point at times, Wills has shown the ability to make a quick cut in the hole and still pick up good yardage. That is what has me excited to watch McGahee this year. I look for him to have a career year running the ball this year. On top of all that, I think we are going to see more of McGahee’s game this year. What do I mean by that? Well, I believe you are going to see Willis catching a lot of passes out of the backfield this year and that will allow him to use his natural gifts as a runner to change field position and make plays. Remember, McGahee made a name for himself in college catching screen passes and streaking down the field. Combine his natural receiving and running ability with his increased speed and quickness, and you have big-play potential from anywhere on the field. Also, remember there is no more “Mularkey Package.” McGahee WILL be on the field on third downs this year and will be given more of an opportunity to make plays. The more touches Willis McGahee gets in the offense, the better the chance the Buffalo Bills have of winning. Willis is a playmaker and a game-breaker. This year will be his first full opportunity to show what he is capable of. I look for Willis not only to have his best year as a pro, but this may be the year that McGahee finally becomes one of the BEST backs in the entire NFL. The backup RB spot was solidified this off-season with the acquisition of Anthony Thomas. Thomas battled Lionel Gates and Shaud William all camp and through the preseason for the backup spot. Obviously he showed the coaching staff enough to grab the backup role as Gates was recently a victim of roster cut-downs. Williams, despite his small stature, has shown a lot of heart and determination in making this team again. Although he will likely have a declining role this season, he does provide some solid depth at the backup running back position. Running back should be one of the strongest positions on the team. OVERALL GRADE: B+ FULLBACK DEPTH CHART 1. Daimon Shelton Not a whole lot to say here. He is a solid fullback. He was never really pushed in camp and we can expect much of the same from him that we have gotten over the past couple years. He is a VERY good run blocker and has OK hands. I just hope we don’t have to see 15 swing passes in his direction every week like we are used to. Let him pave the way for the playmaker on this team……Willis McGahee. OVERALL GRADE: B- WIDE RECEIVER DEPTH CHART 1. Lee Evans 2. Josh Reed 3. Peerless Price 4. Sam Aiken 5. Roscoe Parrish 6. Andre Davis Keep in mind here that I am using the interactive depth chart on the Buffalo Bills Website. This is not necessarily the way I would spread the field on opening day, but I am using their lineup for the purpose of this article. However, I really believe that there will be multiple packages on the field at any time. One thing is for sure, though, is that there will be packages on the field at any given moment that may be the fastest in the NFL. After it is all said and done, I really believe that you will see a lot of the following package: Evans and Price on the outside with Parrish in the slot. I believe that package will create some match-up problems for opposing defenses several times this season. However, I do believe that this group as a whole may struggle at times as well. While all of the players at the WR position do have their strengths, many have their weaknesses as well. Let’s take a look at this group a little further: Lee Evans – No doubt that he is the best WR on the team. He is head and shoulders above everyone else. He is a very fast WR that shows great route-running ability and great hands. He shows a willingness to block and has a great all-around game. However, this is his first year of being the true #1 receiver. He will see most, if not all of the double coverage and it remains to be seen if he is ready to shoulder the responsibility. I believe that he may be a GREAT WR someday. Let’s just hope that someday comes very soon. Josh Reed – Always has been perhaps the most inconsistent WR on this team. He does not have the blazing speed the other WRs do, but he does find ways of getting open. When he catches the ball in the open field, he makes plays because he can make people miss and he breaks a ton of tackles. He is one of the best run-after-the catch guys on this team. He does show great blocking ability for a WR and does a solid job sealing off the edge when necessary. However, the key words in all of this are “when he catches the ball” because he does have a tendency to drop a lot of balls he shouldn’t. IF he can get rid of the stone hands he seems to have a lot of the time, he could be a decent WR even being as undersized as he is. Peerless Price – We all know the story here. He benefited greatly from having Eric Moulds on the other side of the field. He cashed a big check and went down to Atlanta where he did nothing and again in Dallas where he rarely played. Now he is back looking for that magic he once had. Well, Moulds is no longer a Bill. Evans will be on the other side. And, while Evans is not the same type of WR as Moulds, he will take pressure off the other WR positions because he will command a lot of attention. Price is a great route-runner with blazing speed and decent hands. He will have some drops, but for the most part I expect him to be solid. His run blocking is improving. While many do not expect a lot from him this year and expect him to bust, I believe he will see most of the reps as the #2 WR before it is all over. Sam Aiken – Always one of the bright spots during camp and the preseason, this year was no different. He has been solid. However, he has faded into the background a bit after a couple strong outings. That is not different from past years. Until he becomes more dependable, he will never be a great WR in this league. He is a big body and has decent hands. Good run-blocker as well. He doesn’t have great speed, but his size makes up for that. The problem is that he disappears for long stretches. I don’t see that changing this year and I expect much of the same from him. However, where his real value lies is in Special Teams. He is one of, if not the best, Special Teams players on this team in kick coverage. Roscoe Parrish – The X-Factor. While he looks to be buried on the depth chart, I expect him to get a lot of playing time this year on offense. He is perhaps the quickest WR I have ever seen. Nobody can cover the guy and he always seems to get open. An injury held him back last season, but I do expect great things from him this year. Look for him to get most of his work out of the slot position. He is a mismatch for the defense every time he is on the field. I have said it before, but look for Losman (#7) to Parrish (#11) to be just like 7-11…..ALWAYS OPEN. However, his size will probably hold him back from ever being an elite receiver in this league. But, mark my words; he will be a game breaker at times this season. He is a lot of fun to watch. Andre Davis – Speed, speed, speed. That is really all he is. Until the last preseason game, he had not shown a whole lot. But, he showed why he is such an intriguing player. He is a deep threat and big play guy every time he steps on the field. But, he isn’t the greatest route-runner, doesn’t have the best hands, and only seems to show up once in a while. However, when he does show up, it is usually for a long TD. While I don’t expect a lot from him this year, don’t be surprised if he shows up for a big catch or two. Also, he has shown to be solid on Special Teams and will see some playing time there. OVERALL GRADE: B- TIGHT END DEPTH CHART 1. Robert Royal 2. Kevin Everett 3. Ryan Neufeld I wouldn’t doubt that most Bills fans over the last several years forgot that there was even a TE on this team. Quick……name the Bills starting TEs from the last 2 years! Tough, huh? Well, I believe that this may change this year and it will be a breath of fresh air. Robert Royal was brought in from Washington this year as a blocking TE. In fact, some referred to him as the best blocking TE in the league! Well, I know myself and others were wondering if we were going to see much of the same out of this position this year. However, through camp and the preseason, we have seen Robert Royal not only blocking, but catching several passes as well. He has proven to be more athletic than most thought and may change the passing game this year. Now, do we have a superstar on this team at the TE position? No. But we may now have a presence there anyway. Kevin Everett is the backup here. I expected a lot from him coming out of college. However, the knee injury he suffered last year set him back and it looks as though he has not fully recovered as he looks slower than he used to be and his blocking still needs work. However, I do believe he will make some plays this year. Neufeld is not going to get much work from what I can see. However, all in all, while I don’t believe we have the next Antonio Gates or Tony Gonzales on this team, we are going to see improvement. Even in the preseason games, we have seen 2 TE screens and several other passes to the TE position. They will make some noise this year if for no other reason that they will be worked into the offensive scheme this season by the coaching staff. TE is not a very strong position on this team, BUT, it will appear that it is because they will actually be involved in the offense this season. Overall Grade: C OFFENSIVE LINE DEPTH CHART (Starters only) LT – Gandy LG – Reyes C – Fowler RG – Villarrial RT – Peters I feel it is important to talk about this group as a whole. If there is one group on any football team that has to be on the same page at all times, it is the offensive line. As many of you know, I believe that games are won and lost at the line of scrimmage and I believe that it all starts with the offensive line. Over the past several seasons, our offensive line has been one of our biggest weaknesses instead of one of our greatest strengths. Their pass blocking and run blocking has been below average and that has affected not only themselves as a unit, but has hindered the performance of the RB position and the QB position as well. McGahee has often been caught in the backfield for losses and the QB, no matter who it has been, has not had a lot of time to throw and has been sacked more than they should have. Granted, the offensive line was not the total problem, but they were a big part of it. However, with some new faces on the line, and more experience up front, I expect the offensive line to be better this year. Through the preseason, Losman HAS had time to throw the ball. He has had time to go through his progressions and find guys open. I do see much improvement in the pass-blocking department. That is a good sign. Also, McGahee has had some great runs in the preseason. A lot of that is because of McGahee, BUT the offensive line has opened up holes for him to run through. However, McGahee has been caught in the backfield several times due to missed blocks and assignments. While it has not happened as much, I do believe that the run blocking has again been inconsistent. I am still worried about getting that ONE BIG PUSH up front when we need that important yard. While I do see potential and growth on the offensive line, they will probably have their share of problems again, especially in run-blocking. IF they can get more consistent, we may have a pretty good line for the first time in several years. (ON A SIDE NOTE…..Peters may be a Pro Bowler very soon. He is a monster. He neutralizes everyone in front of him and I expect him to be VERY solid for us this year and may be our STAR LT in the future. He is still learning and may have a couple lapses, but there may be no more athletic tackles in the league than this guy.) Overall Grade: C- (with the potential to turn into a B) DEFENSE DEFENSIVE LINE (Starters only) DEPTH CHART LE – Chris Kelsay or Ryan Denney (yet to be determined) DT – Larry Tripplett DT – Kyle Williams RE – Aaron Schobel The defensive front 4 are not the strongest unit on the team. While Schobel is expected to maintain his fantastic form, he will not be getting a lot of help on the other side if history holds true. While both Denney and Kelsay are improving, they still are not quite the caliber of player you want to have on the opposite side of Schobel. They are very similar players in a lot of ways. Maybe not so much in technique as Kelsay is more of a speed and finesse guy and Denney is much bigger and uses his size to make plays, but they yield similar results in terms of playmaking. Both DTs are new this year. It has been a fierce battle between the rookie, Kyle Williams and veteran Tim Anderson for the starting role next to the big off-season acquisition of Larry Tripplett. While there is a new system being installed this year, it will not be new for Tripplett who played in the same defensive system with the Colts. With a brand new defensive scheme which focuses is on flying to the ball, Bills fans can hope that some of the weaknesses the defensive line has will be covered up. There is not a lot of size on the defensive line which is completely different than what Bills fans have grown used to over the last several years with Sam Adams and Pat Williams clogging up the middle. It is no secret that the Bills were terrible against the run last year. This new system that the coaching staff is installing is relying on speed and quickness to blow through gaps to disrupt plays in the backfield. While in theory it sounds like a great idea, and it has worked very well, for the most part, in preseason, it remains to be seen whether or not this will be the answer to our run defense problems. Also, generating a consistent pass rush will be crucial for this defense to succeed. Through the preseason, there were moments that the pass rush was very effective, but as in years past, it seemed inconsistent. Hopefully, with an effective game plan, the Bills can start to get some consistent pressure on the QB. I use the term ‘Starters’ more loosely when referring to the defensive line because there will be a lot of rotation happening during every game, especially at the DT position. While it seems clear that Tripplett and Williams will be the starters on opening day, Tim Anderson and rookie John McCargo will see plenty of action on game day as they look to keep the defensive line fresh. Whether the starter at LE is Kelsay or Denney, the other will see a lot of playing time on game day as well. Expect only Schobel to be on the field most, if not every, down. Overall Grade: C LINEBACKER (Starters only) DEPTH CHART SLB – Takeo Spikes MLB – London Fletcher WLB – Angelo Crowell Speed and athleticism. That is what the Buffalo Bills linebackers are looking to shut down opponents with. Although there are a few questions surrounding this group, they could be a dominant trio for the Bills this season. However, those questions are not to be taken lightly. Will Takeo Spike come back 100% from his achilles injury that he suffered just 10 months ago? Will London Fletcher be able to withstand the constant punishment that a middle linebacker deals with every year for another season? Will Angelo Crowell be able to continue his growth and big-play ability that he showed last year when filling in for the injured Spikes? In my opinion, I believe that this group of linebackers could be a dominant group. However, I feel they could struggle at times. With this new defensive system, the focus is on getting to the ball with speed and quickness. Therefore, the defensive front 4 is a lot smaller than in the years past. If they fail to penetrate the offensive line, there is a good chance that the linebackers might be tied up with more blockers which could lead to more long runs. It will be increasingly important for the linebackers to be able to shed blocks and get to the ball. I expect many big plays to be made by this group. They will fly to the ball and make plays on a regular basis. However, there may be a few plays made against them, not always because the linebackers fail to do their job. The front 7 will have to work as a cohesive unit to be successful. It could be a very interesting group to watch this season. I expect this entire group to improve as the season goes along and everyone gets used to what they are supposed to do. OVERALL GRADE: B CORNERBACK (Starters only) DEPTH CHART 1. Nate Clements 2. Terrence McGee 3. Jabari Greer The defensive backfield may be the strongest unit on the team. There are playmakers at every position and I expect big things from this group. Nate Clements was franchised this off-season to insure that he returned for at least 1 more year to solidify one corner spot. While most fans, and perhaps even Nate himself, would agree that last year was not his best, he is looking to rebound to his Pro Bowl form of a couple years ago. Terrence McGee is going to be holding down the other corner spot for several years to come after signing a contract extension after last season ended. While he is mostly known for his Special Teams kick return ability, McGee is quickly becoming a fantastic cover corner. If McGee can continue his growth as a corner and Clements can regain his Pro Bowl form, the Buffalo Bills could have one of the best corner pairs in the NFL. Jabari Greer is another interesting factor in this defensive backfield group. Coming into camp, Greer was going to have to compete for a spot with Eric King and rookie, Ashton Youboty. It quickly became obvious that Greer was going to win that 3rd corner job. Greer made plays all over the field in camp recording the most INTs in the practice setting. While he is not ready to be a top 2 corner in the league (on this team), he is definitely improving by leaps and bounds. He will hold his own when on the field. All in all, I believe CB might be the strongest position on this football team. There are playmakers at all 3 CB spots and plays will be made. However, I do expect some big plays to be made against them at time because all 3 of them tend to take the big chance to make a play. It happened a lot last year. Teams took advantage of their aggressiveness at the corner position and beat them for big plays. As talented as this trio is, there will be some big plays made against them. Their performance will also be affected by the play of the front 7. If the Bills can get some consistent pressure on the QB, these CBs will have some big numbers and big plays to their credit at the end of the year. OVERALL RATING: B+ (with the potential to be an A) SAFETY (Starters only) SS – Matt Bowen or Donte Whitner FS – Troy Vincent While Bowen is currently listed as the starter at SS, I fully expect Whitner to be there sooner than later (perhaps opening day). Whitner, the 8th overall selection in the 2006 NFL Draft is freakishly athletic and fast for his size. While criticized for taking him too early in the draft, it has become very apparent that the Buffalo Bills got the man they wanted. It is easy to see why after watching Whitner play. He is a strong hitter and a good cover guy. His speed allows him to compete against TEs, WRs, or RBs depending on what the defensive call dictates. He is extremely versatile and will provide instant playmaking ability in place of the now departed Lawyer Milloy. In fact, many, including myself, see Whitner as a younger, stronger, faster version of Milloy. The only thing holding him back is experience. Whitner missed the first several days of camp and many workouts. That has put him behind in the system and has forced him to compete with newcomer Matt Bowen for the starting role. Bowen showed some good instincts and a great work ethic coming into camp. Unfortunately, he has been sidelined with an injury as of late and has not had the work he needs to solidify his starting role, at least for the time being. This has opened up the door for Whitner to step in and step up. It is clear Whitner has a long way to go to get up to speed on the system, but he is a smart, hard working player and seems to be making the most of his opportunity. As stated before, expect Whitner to be starting from the start of the season. Troy Vincent is back again for another year in the league. Fifteen years and still looking to produce. Now a FS, he is still and effective leader on the field. His veteran presence will definitely help his rookie counterpart, Donte Whitner at the SS spot. However, it is becoming more evident that his skills are diminishing. He is noticeably slower and seems to be a step late at times. Rookie Ko Simpson is nipping at his heels and will challenge for playing time this year. Simpson has been around the ball every play from day one. While there is a learning curve in coming into the NFL, Simpson has shown the ability to learn quickly and the ability to make plays. Vincent, while he wants to keep his starting spot, is a great influence on Simpson helping him every step of the way. It will be interesting to see how Vincent holds up this season. If for one reason or another he can’t compete, expect Simpson to step in and be solid. Again, don’t be surprised if you see 2 rookies at both starting safety spots before the year is through. No matter who starts, again, the Safety positions, along with the CBs on this team, comprise perhaps the best unit on this Bills team. OVERALL GRADE: B- SPECIAL TEAMS DEPTH CHART P – Brian Moorman K – Ryan Lindell KR – Terrence McGee PR – Roscoe Parrish There is not a whole lot more that needs to be said about this group. They have been the BEST Special Teams group in the NFL the last 2 years under Coach Bobby April. I don’t expect that to change a bit this season. I am looking for the 3-Peat. Brian Moorman is the best punter in the NFL, PERIOD. He can change field position from any point on the field. He is one of the very best of ALL TIME and that will continue this year. Nothing to worry about. Ryan Lindell is coming off a career year last season. While many were writing him off as perhaps one of the worst kickers in the year, myself included, he showed a renewed focus and work ethic last season and was among the league’s best kickers. He has been very consistent this off-season and through the preseason. I am looking for another good year out of him this year. Terrence McGee is a threat to score every time he touches the ball. He is absolutely electrifying and is perhaps the most exciting player on the field. He has made it so no fan can get up to go to the bathroom or grab a snack during kickoffs because he can score on any given kickoff. “The best in the league.” “Amazing.” There is just not enough ways to describe his talent. Roscoe Parrish is very similar to McGee in a lot of ways. Averaging over 13 yards per punt return last year, he is also a threat to score from anywhere on the field. He may be the quickest player I have ever seen. His moves have moves. As stated earlier, I expect Roscoe Parrish to change games at times. There may be no other player on the team that is more fun to watch than this man. Also, expect kick and punt coverage to be among the best in the NFL again. Coach April has a system in place that seems to bring the best out of everyone. Look for Aiken, Stamer, Haggan and company to have another big year and lead this solid Special Teams unit to the very top 1 more time. OVERALL GRADE: A+ COACHING Head Coach Dick Jauron has come in this off-season with a huge job in front of him. He has met every challenge head-on, so far. He has been honest and straight forward which has really been a breath of fresh air compared to what we have had the last several years. He was a very controversial pick for head coach coming in, but he has garnered the immediate respect of the players and other coaches on the staff. He has hired a great staff of teachers and smart coaches. Of course it remains to be seen how well the team does this year, but in the short time he has been here, you can already feel the winds of change blowing through One Bills Drive. The coaches and players seemingly have bought into the system and are ready to put the plan in motion. While it is way too early to know whether this coaching staff is going to be successful, one thing is for sure…..they have a plan and they know how to execute it. The Buffalo Bills have played four preseason games this season and I can’t remember 1 play-call that I thought was a stupid call. How refreshing is that? It seems as though over the past 5 years or so, we have been questioning every other play-call! The past coaches made the biggest mistake they could….they didn’t put their players in the best position to win. This coaching staff, so far, seems to be doing nothing but catering to their player’s talents and putting them in positions to succeed. I am confident that while we may have lost 2-3 games per year over the last several years BECAUSE of bad coaching, I believe that may go the other way this season. Don’t be surprised to see a couple victories because we have the better coaching staff this season. Again, it is way too early to know whether this coaching staff and their new philosophy will turn into positive results, but everything appears, for the first time in a VERY long time, to be heading in the right direction. OVERALL GRADE: Incomplete So, what does all of this analysis really mean? Maybe it means a lot. Maybe it means nothing. I see this as being a very interesting year for the Buffalo Bills. While most experts, and fans to some extent, view this season as a disaster waiting to happen, I would like to take this opportunity to take a slightly different approach. Now, could all the experts and doubters be right? Of course they could be right. In fact, chances are, they may be correct. However, I believe this team can surprise this season. They may even have the potential to ‘SHOCK THE WORLD’! My guess is that it is probably somewhere in between. As for a season prediction, well, that isn’t an easy answer. There are so many variables that could affect this team and its success. They could easily be among the worst teams in the league if things don’t go well early. However, dare I say that if all the ‘IFs’ come through in a positive fashion; they could challenge for a playoff spot. No matter how you feel about the prospects of this 2006-2007 Buffalo Bills team, one thing is for sure…..It will be an exciting team. It will be an interesting team. The season will be filled with highs and lows, peaks and valleys. The challenge will be overcoming the obstacles that will be placed in front of this team. Expect a great ride this season. OVERALL TEAM GRADE: C+ (with the potential to be much higher or lower) MY PROJECTED TEAM RECORD: 8-8 I say this team gets some things right and will need work in other areas. This team will not be as good as the top teams in the league, but it will, by no means, be the worst. Thank you very much for reading! Here’s to a great Buffalo Bills Season!
  20. COWBOYS AND VIKINGS battle to a 10-10 TIE!!! VanderSHANK misses 2 short field goals in OT!!!!! HA!
  21. I agree. Again, thanks everyone for reading. Stay tuned the middle of next week when I come out with my Season Preview. It will be an in depth discussion position by position. I hope to cover everything from the coaching to the players to the offensive and defensive units as a whole. It will most likely be a long read, but I think you will all enjoy it. Have a good night all!
  22. HA! Wasn't paying attention, but I bet you are about right....... Just wanted to provide the play by play for those who could see or hear the game. It was fun! Hope you all enjoyed the call.
  23. Well guys.......It was fun! Now it's time to play some football! JUST BRING IT NEW ENGLAND! LET'S GET IT ON!
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