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Everything posted by Yeezus

  1. Rex is still playing 1950's football HE WILL NEVER LEARN
  2. No discipline I can't believe there are fans who want to keep this joke of a coaching staff here Pegula WILL clean house
  3. That's why they have been to the redzone on all 3 drives Stop bailing out Rex
  4. Rex has one of the worst schemes in the league You don't take a #3 defense in the NFL and go to this
  5. Lol what??? They have looked awful Jets should have Zero points right now. Doesn't help our offense can't sustain a drive to save their life
  6. This defense looks just as bad as last season I don't understand why everyone was so happy
  7. Sammy is going to play 2 snaps and be taken to the locker room Clay prob won't get thru the 1st half That leaves McCoy running behind the worst oline in the league, nice.
  8. Clay questionable LOL I can't wait until Whaley is gone, most overrated GM in bills history
  9. Is Greg Roman serious??? What he hell is wrong with these coaches, how the hell do you not get play calls in on time in a NFL game This explains why so many used timeouts and no urgency, the offense couldn't even break huddle until 10secs left on the play clock THis shows once again that these coaches did not prepare properly for this game. This might be one of the worst, if not worst, coaching staff assembled I've seen in 20 years watching the bills Even Jaurons offense was somewhat functional. Embarrassing
  10. There are 3 QB's already better than Chad kelly Enough of this crap. He isn't even going in the 1st.
  11. Have fun supporting the worst run franchise in sports and watching them steal your money
  12. Agree. If we start 0-4 or 0-6 we need to start firing people
  13. This is the 2nd offseason Whaley has ignored our oline He refuses to find a new RT and RG. Also Wood is below average as center Doesn't matter now though. If we have a bad season Whaley most likely going to be done
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