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Buffalo Boy

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Posts posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. Usually get Sunday ticket for free, call and ask for retention department right off the bat. Just be honest, tell them you want it for free, and they'll work with you. DTV has SPIFs for everyone, just need to call and ask. Can use them for free HBO, etc.

  2. They had 5 or 6 locations when I was working there. I primarily worked at the Mint Hill location, but would fill in at the Carmel Road, 7th Street, and University locations. Great pizza...bunch of guys from NYC/Long Island area owned the place. I think they have a few more locations now.

    Was thinking of a different place....Harpers maybe.

    I've gotten Pizza from Hawthornes in Mint Hill on 51.

    Proud to say I attended several Bobcat games when they set the NBA record for lowest winning % in history!


    I like Charlotte and have had some really good times there. But man, it sometimes feels like such a generic city. It's obviously much cleaner and has better weather than Buffalo but there is so less civic pride it seems. Still, lots of pretty women and good people.

    Have to agree about the Sterility.

    Between the strip mall feel and the whole " Southerner" thing it can suck sometimes but it is as much home now as Depew ever was.

    Not sure we will stay here for retirement but it is a good place to have raised my son.

    He's a much better kid than I was at his age due to lack of bad influence in this area😝

  3. Oh, without a doubt. They are good. Expectations are high. Especially being their home opener...there will be a raucous group of Panthers fans. I wish I could come down for this one. I haven't been back to Charlotte since we moved away in 2010. I love that city.


    I used to bartend at Hawthornes on Carmel Road in Ballantyne. John Fox had a house on the golf course, and used to come in all the time and have a few beers at the bar while he was waiting for his pizza. Great guy. Very down to earth and funny. Great tipper.


    Muhsin Muhammad's kids used to attend the elementary school where I worked. He would come in all the time with other Panthers players for assemblies and other special events. I remember he came in with (IIRC) D'Angelo Williams for one assembly, and the two of them watched Tom and Jerry in the conference room across from my office while they were waiting to be announced. I thought that was pretty cool. He and his wife were very kind and generous people. Gave away 10$ Starbucks gift cards to every school employee (from custodian to principal) every Christmas that I was there.

    When I first got here, I was managing at the IHOP on 74 in Matthews and then the one in Pineville.

    I can't remember at which one but one night in walks Pete Metzelaars with four kids in tow.

    He would take under privileged kids out as a community service/ church mission sort of thing. I chatted with him , just a little. Heck of a guy!!!

    I thought Hawthornes was over by the Mall in Pineville? Been a while. We've lived in Union county since 99

  4. We moved here in 98.

    Local sports were dominated by NASCAR and Basketball and College sports.

    The NFL was new to the town and the predominate fan base was Washington.

    Local talk radio was mostly other fans calling in about their team( this is where I got the name Buffalo Boy)

    19 years on Panthers talk predominates and cogent arguments are made and discussed.

    Are they tough? An annual discussion here is " How do we get a home field advantage?" This is a symptom of a corporate "Wine and Cheese" crowd due toPSLs and Southern manners.

    I have no fear of going into this stadium wearing my colors but that doesn't mean that Cam and Kuechly and Co. don't have more backing than at any time since we came here.

    Expectations are high here this year and the home opener should be raucous and well attended.


    Bars cant start serving till 12 so its more of a tailgate scene. There are a ton of Bills fan here or close by so 9:30 the parking lots will start filling with Bills fans. Its all private lots but Grills, tents, food and booze. You will have a great time down here. Its their home opener so the tailgate scene will be solid. Nothing like Buffalo but still solid.

    We've been to both Bills Panthers games here and The Bills contingent has taken over the stadium both times.

    The Bills pasted them both times. Not sure about this year and the Panther's fans have " matured" into more football savy fans and will be out in force for their home opener.

    We just need to pick a decent lot( with portapotties) and start early👍🏻

  6. The start was Jerkron.

    I liked Mularkey and he had teams that actually played for him ( though I felt he was a work in progress). I couldn't believe he quit a head coaching job. For me, that was a huge red flag.

    Then that whole Marv/ GM bringing Jerkron fiasco happened. I wanted the ex GB coach( can't remember his name) and they brought in a Dick!! I cancelled the NFL ticket and didn't watch those years,

    I've been on and off since then but don't have that feeling anymore.

    I like to think they might be on the right track now but having been burned/ fooled( like the gullible dumbass they repeatedly cause me to be) I won't Billieve until they turn a corner which they don't appear ready to do this year.

  7. Just have no idea what these " kids" are capable of.

    I don't see us winning 8 games.

    I would be good with this if I saw improvement but I really don't see improvement with TT behind center.

    I said somewhere else that I expect this to be a year where McD gets the feel for the players and I expect next off season for there to be a lot of changes to the team as he figures who he can work with.

    I really have no optimism but I did get tickets for the Panthers game and you can bet I'll be there representing.

  8. this is hilarious.


    you fools cannot even talk about blaine ggabbert signing without talking about colin kaepernick.


    like it matters? why does everything have to be kaepernick?


    gabbert is a pocket passer who can be developed. as we see in buffalo running qb's are limited in their abilty and that is a reason kaepernick remains unsigned. that and the fact that statistics mean nothing.

  9. I believe and I was there 2 was the reason you don't remember the OT because there was none. Smerlas blocked preventing the Jets from winning as time expired. But I could be wrong. I remember the cops in the lots blocking traffic so drunken fans could parade the now shattered goal posts around. Hilarious and will never be repeated. Of course first they walked the Posts up too Ralph's box.


    It was the Bills first division title in 112 years.

    It was a brutally boring 6-6 game. The blocked kick sent it into OT. Crazy day😍

  10. While, technically I know this doesn't count, Smerlas blocking the Jets FG to send it to OT in 88 was the best moment.

    I don't even remember OT but that feeling!!! Joy, elation and certainty that we would win.

    We carried the Posts out that day💪💪💪


    Then it occurs to me: The Hooks game was my fathers B-Day.

    The EJ game was my Birthday.

    My Son was born 75 years to the day after his Grandfather.

    My picture is from the EJ game, Sept.15 and my son and wife were there celebrating it with me.

  11. So far, I like the McD hire as coach. Not much you can judge in the offseason, but I at least like his pedigree and what he's saying so far.


    I do NOT, as a general rule, like the idea of a coach getting powers as a GM, and the way things sound from the outside, that's basically what we're going to get if McD has as much sway in this decision as the reports are making it out to be (who the hell knows what the truth is though).


    I also hate the idea that this article can be correct. Biggest mistake the Pegulas made so far was hiring Rex cause he blew them away when they talked to him. How can they be so quick to repeat that mistake? They're doing things backwards. They need to hire they're best possible bet at GM and let him have the reigns. I really do hope this works out and they stumbled into a great hire with McDermott.


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