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Buffalo Boy

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Posts posted by Buffalo Boy


    I think Tyrod improving or remaining the same is the difference between 6-10 and 10-6. If we finish 10-6 then he likely had a helluva year.

    For me, it is all about Dennison.

    Can/will he create an offense that uses TT's strengths and hides his weaknesses.

    IMO he will never be good at anticipating throws. It was painful to watch him scan the field and miss opportunities down field.

    If this quick short passing scheme works, maybe we have something. Couple it with a good ground game and IF(!!!) Sammy gives us 10+ good, healthy games maybe, just maybe.....

  2. Yea, I don't know that most of those interchangeable wild card teams are beating the pats most years either... but if we are ever going to get there obviously we have to.


    Kind of two discussions there though - how to win the wildcard and how to win the super bowl obviously has overlap but if we are talking about winning it all, winning the division is a better starter than how to be competing for a wild card slot

    Absolutely!!!! Let's hope we finally have a Manager/Coach duo to get us there

  3. I'm sorry but hanging two losses on us annually is a part. When you often have about a half dozen teams within about two games in December- if we could have split that series annually instead of losing out we would've seen us get in at some point I'd bet.


    That's not to say the bills have no share of the blame in not winning enough games but when you start in an 0-2 hole almost every year, even if you are in that mess of wild card teams you will need extra breaks to get in.

    Who's job is it to win?

    It's the Bill's job!!!!

    Remember when EJ almost beat them?

    The last time I legitimately thought we had a chance to beat them was.....?

    It's an attitude that I hope changes under McD.

    So, I agree, it's a beyatch having them in our division but if we are EVER going to win a Super Bowl we need to win against any team.

    And now you have me dreaming......Just think about us getting a bonifde win over the Pats this year.

    Sweet Baby Jesus, that would make it a successful season right there💕

  4. I'm a fan too Brother, just a little too much "Best case scenario" in th OP's post.

    Doesn't mean I wouldn't be an insufferable pain in the arse to all the Dallas, Pittsburgh, and Panthers fans I work with if the scenario turned out😍😍😍


    It's that time of year..... we are ALL chomping at the bit for it to start.

    Last year, I couldn't because of Ryan. There was NO hope!!! This year, I see a glimmer. It might be a mirage but it's still shiny until it's not.

  5. I'd bet, without looking, that the AFC East has produced the fewest playoff teams since the Pats reign started. I guess the South is possible but the AFC East is certainly less than the North or West.

    has to be

    "I see your point but I agree" is what I essentially just read!


    But yea, having the pats in the division both eliminates 1 of the 3 slots we can compete for (and the one we most control our own destiny for) and hangs 2 losses on us when competing with 11 other teams for two wild card spots.

    The Pats haven't kept us from winning a Wild card for 17 years....,.

  6. Atlanta just lost their OC and Carolina just lost their DC... so maybe they have partial systems in place, but not entire ones.


    Plus, again, Carolina sucked last year.

    Both teams are going to continue to run the same schemes under the new coordinators.

    Both teams have better talent than the Bills IMO.

    I don't want the Bills to lose these games but think they will.

  7. Considering the general parity in the NFL, this seems pretty obvious.


    Every year you have teams that go from being pretty good to mediocrity (Jets, Bengals) or go from mediocrity to being pretty good (Atlanta) or go from sucking to being pretty good (Titans) or go from mediocrity to being great (Oakland) or go from great to sucking (Carolina) or go from sucking to being great (Dallas).


    And all that was just last year.



    The most consistent teams in the NFL have probably been the Browns for sucking, the Bills for mediocrity, and the Pats for greatness.



    It doesn't help that we play in the same division as the Pats. But, in the end, looking at our schedule and circling games like Atlanta and Carolina as losses seems like grasping at straws. I actually think Atlanta's going to feel the loss of Shanahan and take a step back from what they were last year. And Carolina... well, they sucked last year. Circling that as a loss seems like purely a guess.

    Atlanta and Carolina both have systems that have been in place for a while.

    Buffalo is playing in Carolina the second week of the season. The Bills will still be in the process of learning their schemes in all facets of the game.

    Every prediction is a guess. Some are just more educated than others.

  8. " TT Sucks". " The D let us down." Maybe they are both equally to blame.

    Maybe, while not Jets bad, we have just been a bad to mediocre team and That is why it is so easy to predict their suckiness.

    Some of us remember when The D, or O , or ST used to win games for us while another part of the squad was having an off day. That was back when we had a good team.......a Long time ago.

  9. We play NE twice, I can predict those.... losses.

    The NFC South is a good division. We would be lucky to come out with 2 wins .

    By my way of thinking we already have 5 losses between those two.

    Raiders... loss


    Broncos... loss

    Do we beat Miami twice? 1 loss

    Just like last year and the year before that.

    We preseason prognosticators have unfortunately been correct far too often with this team😳

    P.S. 6-10

  10. https://www.buffalor...n-metric-stupid

    "The correlation coefficient between a teams preseason strength of schedule and their eventual winning percentage is -0.0861. If you want mathematical proof that the slate for a team going into a season has almost nothing to do with how the season will turn out, well, there you go."

    Meaning there is absolutely NO---let me say that again for all thsoe "off season schedule readers" out there---NO!!! correlation to a "tough" schedule before the season starts to a tough schedule when the season is playing out.

    In fact, if anything, it shows there might be a correlation to it being the OPPOSITE----teams with alledgedly hard schedules end up with easier schedules than thought, and vise versa



    So let's stop talking about the how "tough" the schedule looks because as I have been saying for years, it's BS, and analytics just proved it.

  11. i actually have to agree with you. he was a tough guy in college. we have yet to see him make a move in the open field and take it to the house. its so frustrating. i feel like clemson sammy isnt actually a bill at all. someone said that its because of the 6' cbs from g tech and normally i would call bs. but sammy doesnt play with the same im a man mentality stars play with

    A guy at work laughed at me when we took him.

    He called him soft, said Clemson players in general are soft.

    Then I started to think about Bills/ Clemson players and I couldn't argue.

    Joke: What do you call Sammy Watkins if he were a RB?

    CJ Spiller😂😂😂

  12. the cats out of the bag? man we have had this thread for the past decade on here each season. It's nothing new LOL.

    Yeah, but they are now giving it away for free?!

    I didn't think that had been the case in the past. It never was for me. I've cancelled it before and never had it given back for free.

  13. My Dad used to bug me to go to games when I was about 8.

    He was a nasty drunk and I was afraid of him but there was something I sensed as a kid; that it was important to him.

    After a few years of him asking me I said yes..... First game he took me to was Miami, the first time we beat them in a decade. I was ten.

    Needless to say I was hooked, he took the time to explain it to me, didn't yell at me, bought me hot chocolate.... he was a Dad. The Bills were the only thing we ever shared. The only time he was nice to me.

    I went to every game during the Chuck Knox era except Pittsburgh ( held Bradshaw to 9 yards passing or something) because I was sick.

    He died when I was 14 having his second liver operation. No boo hooing. One thing I learned as a boy was how to be a parent by doing the exact opposite of what my parents did.

    My boy John LOVES football. He's the one I go to if I have NFL questions. We share other things though, guitar and fishing to name two.

    Someday the Bills will win a Super Bowl and we will celebrate it as a family. I will hug him and tell him I love him.

    Having a kid is such a privilege.

  14. So, I'm sure many of you have great stories about sharing your love of the Bills with your Dads or sons. Bring them on: Stories, traditions etc

    Today, my wife is out of town on a trip. My son John and I sat down and watched the No Punt game that was shared in an earlier thread. John has been raised as a Bills fan but the team has sucked his whole life. It was cool for him to see Kelly and Young slinging it as well as how much rougher the contact was back then.

    We go to every Bills Panthers game( we live in Charlotte) and plan on doing that the rest of our lives.

  15. Man,

    I been thinking I wasn't going to share this because I don't want to ruin a good thing for myself but the cats out of the bag.

    My kid turned 16 in November and got his drivers license in May. My car insurance went up over $1000 every six months.

    Needless to say, I started looking everywhere in my budget to save. My DTV bill went UP that same month to some ungodly rate so I called them.

    I've had DTV for 19 years which gives me cache. I cancelled the Ticket last year as Rex was a buffoon.

    When I called, it was just about lowering my bill. It had nothing to do with the Sunday ticket. I lucked into some high level lady in " retention ". She halved my monthly payment for the next 12 months and SHE brought up the Sunday Ticket. I told her I wasn't planning on getting it this year again as my team wasn't looking good( this was a lie , I was going to make my annual call as it got closer.)

    She offered it to me for free!!!! I'm sure it is the base Ticket but Hot damn....


    A couple thoughts:

    The times they are a changing. DTV possibly has a failing business model. With the competition from all these other streaming services they may well be on a downwards slide.

    I'm a dinosaur, in terms of technology, and am comfortable with what I have. My wife actually got a Firestick a few months back but my surround sound couldn't be used with it so we took it back. I see that it( or something like it) will be the way to go in the future as DTV gives me a million channels I have no use for.

    In the near term, I'm afraid if we all start calling asking for The Ticket for free but paying full price is ridiculous.

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