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Everything posted by SWATeam

  1. It would be nice if he knew, or cared to know, anything about football. But, if you like tennis, Schoop's your guy
  2. Hmm, that number looks familiar... SWITCH IT UP FOR CHRISTS SAKE!!!
  3. You guys need to up your game. Dogtown best plate around IMO. Nicks is the innovator, but they prob aren't top 5 at this point
  4. I think he could possibly be a an effective specialist. That would never work in Cleveland because of the expectations, but it may work now. This sounds like the type of lottery ticket you normally like Kirby?
  5. How's Shelton doing? I haven't followed too closely but he looks the part
  6. But he'll also get out of that hell hole with 0% chance of injury
  7. This is all Whaleys fault. This never happens with Fred in the RB room!
  8. A safe one IMO. But perhaps a bit premature
  9. I know I hope that for him. I'll always support someone trying to make improvements
  10. Smart move, hopefully it lasts about 3 weeks
  11. You know, the kid has had multiple concussions. Could be a factor in his behavior
  12. Don't you still normally wait until a normal cut down date?
  13. Yeah, maybe other guys earned reps over a guy who won't be there till week 5
  14. Wow, very interesting. He gets picked up immediately then, right?
  15. JWill is legit. But isn't he facing a suspension as well? Has to be more about Gillislee being good as well. We certainly have a bit of depth
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