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Everything posted by Tiberius

  1. Good to see Biden pushing a huge 33 billion in aid. Better get it through now before a possible check comes on aid early next year.
  2. I think the smaller profile was also a way (they hoped) to reduce target size for anti-tank guns.
  3. It sickens me what Putin is doing. Oh, and good morning. I’m in line at Tim Horton getting coffee for me and a co-worker
  4. What? How are they doing that? The slave holders, I mean big oil, seems intent on destroying the people's party. Russia, the Saudis and our oil companies sure don't like Biden, and it shows
  5. Oh gees! Russian media is having a go at CNN's Clarissa Ward now!
  6. Boy, wouldn't this be interesting to watch, the deliberations about nuclear deterrent How in the would would they do anything in response to Putin using a tactical nuclear weapon?
  7. Can't you find someone to tell that to who actually cares? Remember,you seem out,not the other way around. And please don't post a long winded bunch of bull on why I should care! 🤑
  8. yes! Trump was president! That was mess
  9. Putin has caused inflation,the truth doesn't stop because the Dems win
  10. Nice step in right direction with Putin causing all this inflation. Wind has passed coal and nuclear! Build back better would have helped fight the inflation, too, but the coal barons in WV said no! https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-04-14/wind-passed-coal-nuclear-power-in-u-s-for-first-time-on-record Fast? We are interfering, drones, howitzers, ammo, Intel etc. being sent.
  11. Me? You are the one pulled to idiotic postures by your political leaders. You were whining it was unfair to say Bush cheerleaded us to war in 2003. F'n moron. But, yes, if there is a better way on energy, let's do it. Is your sacred Republican party pushing this? ya right..
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