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Everything posted by Tiberius

  1. Steve Schmidt is claiming that Russians were all over the McCain 2008 campaign @BillStime
  2. I eat a lot of healthy food, but also a lot of junk food. Chicken wings have just gotten too damn expensive so I've started eating Burger King more.
  3. Yup, first casualty of war is the truth. Will be interesting to see the after action reports of the war and see how accurate and truthful Uk has been. We know Uk civilians are suffering horrible losses and the troops likewise must also be. But this howitzers are really something. Winning the long range war means the shorter range stuff can move in, draw fire and then call in the sledge hammer of the big guns and clear out areas of resistance, at least in theory.
  4. Those 155 mm howitzers we are sending look to be having a real impact on the field. I was watching this guy (Hertling) on CNN last night explain how Russia has to fire massed artillery at an area, our guns can hit targets with extreme precision and that looks like what is going on here. I'd guess drones as artillery spotters are also being used.
  5. A man with very little self awareness. No surprise he married a cultist. A real cultist. His wife and that Amy Barret nut with her "Domestic supply of babies" must get along just fine
  6. On Oct. 17, 2020, influential GOP donor Steven F. Hotze made an urgent request during a phone call with a top federal prosecutor in Texas, according to a court filing Friday by the Houston district attorney’s office. Hotze claimed that private investigators funded by his nonprofit group had been trailing a mysterious white van as it shuttled phony ballots around the city in an effort to rig the upcoming election. He asked if federal authorities would help stop the van and apprehend its driver, but he added that one of his hard-nosed investigators was prepared to do the job himself, according to the filing by prosecutors in Harris County that included a transcript of the exchange. “In fact, he told me last night, ‘hell … the guy’s gonna have a wreck tomorrow night. I’m going to run into him and I’m gonna make a citizen’s arrest,” Hotze told the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Texas, Ryan Patrick, a Trump appointee, who recorded the conversation. Two days after the call, the private investigator Hotze had named ran a white van driven by an air-conditioning repairman off the road in Houston and held the driver at gunpoint during a futile search for forged ballots, county prosecutors allege. Police have said the man was innocent. His truck contained repair parts. https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2022/05/06/hotze-texas-recording-ballots/ And this is what these kooks will do in coming elections
  7. So you want the cop that blasted her arrested?
  8. Will the fetus testify at trial? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/louisiana-republicans-advance-bill-that-would-charge-abortion-as-homicide/ar-AAWX97G
  9. Choice of the individual? Why do you think the states are more important than the person?
  10. Alito makes no claim about the rights of the "child" at all. This pre-ruling has nothing at all to do with when a fetus becomes a human. He is just saying there is a history of law banning women from exercising control of their bodies. And in his view that makes it ok for states to have the choice of who gets or doesn't get an abortion
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