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Everything posted by Tiberius

  1. Isn't it true there's no agreement on why she sank? They might have split up or they might have capsized They may have broke deep and took water
  2. Few things more depraved than targeting defenceless - UK PM In response to the reported strike on a children's and maternity hospital in Mariupol, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson says: "There are few things more depraved than targeting the vulnerable and defenceless." He tweets that the UK is "exploring more support for Ukraine to defend against airstrikes". Johnson says the UK government will hold Putin to account "for his terrible crimes". https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-60657155
  3. But binge watching a TV show is all day.
  4. The electronics upgrades on F-16's alone would make them better aircraft I'd imagine
  5. Oh boy The attempts came as Ukraine’s state-owned grid operator warned that the closed Chernobyl nuclear power plant has been disconnected from the nation’s power grid by Russian forces, potentially jeopardizing the cooling of nuclear fuel still stored at the site. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba demanded a cease-fire with Russia to allow repairs as another official called the loss of contact with the International Atomic Energy Agency an “extremely dangerous situation.”
  6. I was surprised by the definition. I thought binging was like drinking for hours or days at a time The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking alcohol that brings blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08 percent—or 0.08 grams of alcohol per deciliter—or higher. For a typical adult, this pattern of alcohol misuse corresponds to consuming 4 or more drinks (female), or 5 or more drinks (male) in about 2 hours. Research shows that fewer drinks in the same timeframe result in the same BAC in youth; only 3 drinks for girls, and 3 to 5 drinks for boys, depending on their age and size.1 https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/brochures-and-fact-sheets/binge-drinking#:~:text=The National Institute on Alcohol,alcohol per deciliter—or higher.
  7. People are stupid all the time. Doesn't mean they deserved to be kidnapped. Putin is just pure evil
  8. Putin kidnapped her. How in the world can you defend Putin's actions. Unreal
  9. ____ Was Post: As it scrambles to keep the ruble’s value from plummeting further, Russia’s central bank on Wednesday announced that it is prohibiting citizens from using rubles to buy dollars and other hard currencies for the next six months.
  10. I dunno, Conservatives actually think Trump is a good businessman 😆
  11. Way too hot down there, yes, this time of year in WNY kind of stinks, but the rest of the year is great.
  12. Up almost 12% today https://www.google.com/search?q=bloom+energy+stock&sxsrf=APq-WBt18nxr8YazB8yTeIN8sozuFXIMFw%3A1646766719670&ei=f6onYtrAKMWkptQPnvqXyA0&oq=bloom+energy+&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAEYADIKCAAQsQMQgwEQQzIOCC4QgAQQxwEQ0QMQ1AIyCAgAEIAEELEDMgQIABBDMgQIABBDMgQIABBDMgUIABCABDIKCAAQsQMQgwEQQzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEOgcIIxCwAxAnOgcIABBHELADOgcIABCwAxBDOgoIABDkAhCwAxgAOhIILhDHARDRAxDIAxCwAxBDGAFKBAhBGABKBAhGGAFQyQFYyQFg2wxoAXABeACAAUSIAUSSAQExmAEAoAEByAETwAEB2gEGCAAQARgJ2gEGCAEQARgI&sclient=gws-wiz
  13. I hope poor Odessa gets spared the Russian onslaught. Maybe Russia's advance is spent
  14. I find it funny people on here are quoting Putin for the truth, but the war on tv? Fake news
  15. Just remember, Trump attempted to extort this guy.
  16. U.S. to ban oil imports from Russia as White House explores drastic plans to buffer economy from energy shock
  17. Sure, NATO was going to protect a free nation, so he attacked before they were fully armed.
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