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Everything posted by Tiberius

  1. Alito---or which ever one wrote it---relied VERY heavily of legal scholars from well before that. Edward Coke was a judge in the late 1500's and early 1600's, and he approvingly had witches burned. And there are some from even longer ago, specifically about abortion. That's ridiculous
  2. That's when the Conservatives were the Democrats, yup! Conservatives were very pro-slavery
  3. Oh no! What will Emperor Alito do to stop??? https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/05/04/abortion-pills-online-telemedicine/
  4. And he cares about life!!! What a scum bag. Yes, love the fetus but hates the born child
  5. So you are a "rent free" kind of "soul" huh? Again, I just find Alito's argument silly. Back when women were not considered or treated as citizens and had no say whatsoever in the law, of course abortion was a thing that would be legal. Women are citizens now and do have opinions, supreme court opinions in fact. No need to drag up a guy who believed in burning women alive for having consultations with the devil. Gees....
  6. Is that "person" living inside of me? I made it clear I objected to Alito's arguments and sources which were stupid.
  7. Well, oh no!!! Respondents and the Solicitor General also rely on post-Casey decisions like Lawrence vs Texas and Obergefell vs Hodges. These attempts to justify abortion through appeals to a broader right to autonomy and to define one's 'concept of existence' prove too much. Those criteria, at a high level of generality, could licence fundamental rights to illicit drug use, prostitution, and the like.
  8. You said liberty and pursuit of happiness, carrying an unwanted child in your body against your will violates that. And, again, why does Alito lean so heavily on laws from when women were treated as an extension of the husbands? That's basically absurd.
  9. Here he makes a "Pro-Choice" argument, but says the choice should be with voters of states, not with the women themselves
  10. Oh really? How about the fact that women did not have a say AT ALL in policy making? He literally relies almost exclusively on law written when men were totally in control. How pathetic. Which means a women's body is her body.
  11. It gets better. This sounds like an argument Marg T Green would make https://www.rawstory.com/roe-v-wade-alito/
  12. Abortion is not mentioned in the Constitution? Wow, Imagine that! While slavery is. Birth control wasn't either....
  13. Nope, it's you guys. I mean the fact Trump allied himself with a mass murdering war criminal and you guys cheered it on. Un-American! Anti-civilization. Just disgusting
  14. He claims that no such right as abortion has existed in American history to have an abortion. Hello McFly, Women were not allowed to f'n vote to clod! Of course men were not going to grant women a right that did not concern men, why would they? Heck, they did not allow birth control. No legal right to birth control existed either. Alito is a scum bag. This is bad law https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21835435-scotus-initial-draft
  15. Yes, a pass on Obama. He didn't try and get Putin back in g-8, or call his invasion of a free nation genius. Trump is a Putin toy
  16. They just can't be trusted to tell the truth. They are a lot like Putin in that regard. Truth is anathema to Putin and many Republicans. It's a trait of theirs. Its really sad. They understand they do not like democracy, majority rule or the truth, so they lie. That's why they always stress we are a republic and say we are not a democratic nation, because they want minority rule. South Carolina had minority rule in 1861. Just sayin https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/05/04/abortion-supreme-court-confirmation-hearings/
  17. So is complaining about inflation, but that’s the other side, so it’s ok, right?
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