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Posts posted by YoloinOhio

  1. As an appetizer to the main entree of the Bills game, I'm watching NE get lit up again by Detroit. It never gets old watching Brady and Belicheat pout on the sidelines.


    As far as what I want to see tonight - first, no injuries. I do expect the Wash D to be stout as they are a good unit and should be at full strength much of the game since this is supposed to be a dress rehearsal. That said, I'd like to see a steady dose of Tashard Choice and The Zak Brown Band on our side, and get a good look at the rookie WRs. Spillertime and Stevie maybe for a few series, but no need to play them too long. On D, I want to see the usual nastiness and also would like to see strong run D. On ST - some decent punts from Powell (no shanks). But first and foremost, no injuries please!


    Amen to no injuries. And Carwell Gardner was one of my favorite Bills. Great reference!

    I forgot about him.. also how about Kenny Davis?
  2. This is why it might be a good thing. This franchise and the fans here have had an inferiority complex. We got so used to getting beaten by those guys every year, and "moral victories" became acceptable. These new guys can just go out and play.

    This is my point exactly...


    All this chatting is confusing me. I just want the Bills to kick the crap out of the Pats and then urinate on them. Is that asking too much?

    It really isn't about the Pats game itself - obviously we want to do what you said. It is the perceived notion that this game is so "big" to the team, for so many reasons, that it makes the next game seem not as important/easier/etc.... a "let down" doesn't happen as much in the NFL, I don't think, as it does in CFB because the talent level is so much closer usually the NFL teams would never take another opponent lighter than another. But in CFB it does because they could play a big rival or highly ranked team one week and there is a ton of hype and extra motivation that week, then the next week play an inferior team and end up losing because they were emotionally spent from the week before.

  3. 24 pages later.....am I supposed to read all 24? What's the etiquette? I feel like When I come late to a conversation, I just don't post at all bc I'm prolly repeating what someone said 7 pages ago. I'd love it if these topics were capped at 10 pages. I can read 10.


    Anyways. If Byrd is going to be a buzz kill, remove him and keep building next year. Or I love the thought of getting some O-line talent.

    There was a thread that started with the trade talk, but it got closed because it was talked about in another thread. I feel the same way as you.
  4. Manny was a guest on the mid-day show yesterday and gave about a five minute interview. Seems like a pretty intelligent guy. There was nothing earth-shattering, but here are a few comments I found interesting:


    -- Gannon asked about Kiko Alonso and Manny's first response was a chuckle. He basically said Kiko is soft-spoken and mild mannered off the field, which is night and day from how he is between the white lines. Also said he was doing a good job with the calls. I interpreted the chuckle as Manny's way of saying Kiko is going to really surprise some people.


    -- Asked what kind of a defense Buffalo will run, Manny said it's all about attacking the offense and not letting them feel comfortable.


    -- Said everyone has "bought in" to what Marrone is preaching.


    -- Praised the D-linemen, specifically mentioning Mario, Dareus, and Kyle.


    -- Said one of the things he noticed most about EJ is his confidence and swagger; said teammates see this and will feed off it.


    -- Said CJ is "ridiculous" in the open field.

    Awesome - thanks!
  5. the deals not done yet - of course theres frustration still but we havent seen much on either side to say that theres legitimate hostility either.

    I still think this "ill will" that has been reported is between the GM and the agent. The player listens to the agent and who knows what he is telling him. His goal is to get him as big of a contract as possible, which is fine. But I really hope the Bills sign this guy to a huge deal. I don't say that a lot, but I really think he is worth it. While he may not be the best FS in the league right now, several of the other guys are on the decline - Polamalu (aging and always hurt), Reed (same), Earl Thomas and Eric Weddle are right up there, but Byrd absolutely deserves this contract and I think this position is important enough to warrant it.
  6. None of us know what happened behind the scenes, so despite the reliability of Rapaport (who broke the news), we have no clue as to the validity of these reports. We all should hope that he is happy bc Searcy and Duke aren't even touching Jairus' productivity and reliability. Happy with A Williams progress, but we need skill in the backfield as much as any team in the NFL with only Gilmore as a proven player aside from Byrd.

    Searcy - clearly has not played to Byrd's level in the PS. Duke Williams - was hurt early in camp and probably fell behind a little, give him some time
  7. I would do anything I could to keep Byrd. He plays a position that is a game changer. The FS can make or break a defensive performance. He is young, yet proven. Teams who have or had great FS have said that their success had a lot to do with when they were in the game - Polomalu, Reed, Bob Sanders... The Colts made no bones aboutt he fact that during their playoff/Superbowl years, if Sanders was healthy their defense was great. When he wasn't, their defense was adequate. This is why the Bills say they "reached" for Whitner in the draft - because having a star at this position is game-changing, and they thought he was the best safety in the draft. It turned out he was not as good as they hoped he would be, and let him walk. In short, if you have a guy like this at FS, you need to hang onto him no matter what kind of draft picks or other positional players other teams might throw at you because draft picks aren't proven to excel at this level like Byrd already has, and we don't have the same type of need right now at other positions except maybe LT, which is another position you don't tend to see teams give up. We have 1st or 2nd round draft picks at almost every position.

  8. There is only a real rivalry when both teams are good. For now, it is only one of sixteen games. Win or lose will not determine the rest of the year unless someone big gets hurt on either team.

    Right, this is why I had "rivalry" in quotes. They feel like a "rival," but it is entirely one-sided. I do think it is more than 1 of 16 games because they are a divisional opponent who had won the division year upon year. Beyond that - this group of guys will not feel any less motivated for the next game because they aren't tied to the emotional history of the Pats-Bills.


    overstating a letdown after the game?



    If they lose its dissapointing but what's new VS the Cheatriots? Last year we got the Putz just after the Refs returned and their 8 flags per game suddenly dropped to 2 IN Buffalo!!!


    its more like overstating a win after just 1 week,

    Yes, win or lose I don't think the team itself will look differently at the next game. I do think the fans, however, will.
  9. Yea but how many of those teams haven't made the post season in 13 years? Even the Hawks before Russell made it into the playoffs. It is just different when your team has been the worst in the NFL for so long the writing is almost tattooed on the franchise.

    Of course, but my point is that the entire coaching staff and the majority of the team has not "experienced" either the Bills history, the Pats history, or the history between the two teams. I know why it is the Superbowl for the fans... and why it is major implication in terms of trying to overcome the past and turn the tide. But just saying that more than half the starters will not have that emotional attachment, therefore the perceived "letdown" factor could be less than we what we, as fans, think it will be. Yes, they all know about the success of the Pats, their SBs, etc... but not sure they feel the added pain of veteran Bill or longtime fan of the team when it comes to the Pats.
  10. Brady has never liked getting hit or pressure up the middle of the pocket. As you can see if you take away their running game and get hits on Brady they fail.

    And Pettine knows how to get to him having played against him for years with the Jets. Don't expect Pettine to hold anything back whatsoever.
  11. I didn't realize that we had a stated opinion on a 'letdown factor' related to the first game. How did I miss this?


    What is the solution? I'm thinking we have to lose out to prevent this 'letdown factor.'

    Huh? No... the letdown can go either way via win or loss to impact the next game. The opinion has been expressed many times by fans, most recently I saw it on the Bleacher Report's win-loss predictions for the Bills season... tried to link it but the administrator won't let me link to the site. You can go to Bleacherreport.com ->Buffalo Bills -> Buffalo Bills 2013 Scheduled: Win-Loss Predictions for Every Game


    You don't win this game it will be harder to give these guys confidence to win the next. Hopefully EJ starts...

    I agree, but that would be true of any Game 1 with a young/unproven team.
  12. Disagree.


    The Cheatriots*** have won multiple Super Bowls and appeared in others under their present coach and are still viewed as one of the league's premier franchises.


    The Dolphins and Jets are virtually in the same boat as the Bills.


    And you don't think Marrone and staff aren't motivated to beat the great Belichick in their first NFL game as a staff?


    I think the intensity will be just as intense for the team as for the fans.

    I think they would be motivated to win any divisional game, and outside of the D maybe wanting to take Brady's head off because he is Brady, I don't think this particular team with the number of rookies and new faces, will put as much of a personal motivational spin on this game as the fans will.
  13. You know, I don't know if it quite is overstating things. There's blood in the water and we all know it. Tom Brady did not look 100% last night. Most of his recievers from last year are gone or injured. We are playing a home game season opener, where (if EJ is starting) the Pats will have to gameplan for a QB they've barely seen. The fans will be going ballistic. Even if losing won't be the worst thing ever, it means that even in the worst adversity they've seen in years the Pats are still the better team than we are. Winning means that we get a win against a division leader, and those wins are vital if we even want to contend for a wild card..

    The divisional impact for sure... I just look at someone like Kiko Alonso, Kevin Kolb, EJ Manuel, even Mario, Jerry Hughes, anyone who hasn't been on the team for a number of years and think that the first game could be against Dolphins or Jets and it would have the same meaning to them. Divisional win/loss... and the extra hand-wringing we do about the fact that it is Pats will not be there for the players.
  14. Again, preseason, but I have to agree with you. Only a fool diminishes Tom Brady's skill, but there is a major drop of from "elite" receivers, "good" receivers and capable ones. The Bills have a lot of good recievers this year. Last year, the Pats had a lot of elite ones. Now...


    Toss in Brady reaching the final years of his career, I don't think they are going to be the dominant force of years past.


    Of course, knowing our luck...

    I am not so much downplaying Brady's ability to put up #s for the offense. I do think their defense can look slow and out of position. This is where I think (hope) we can have an edge with our speed guys and the fact that Belicheat has very little film on our offense at Game 1.
  15. I just hope it doesn't end up being a repeat of last year's opener vs. the Jests. I felt like the season was going to be a waste after that game.

    Yes, that would absolutely suck if that happened and for Bills Nation I think it would be the buzzkill of all buzzkills, especially this year. For the team though... I think it would feel pretty bad but they wouldn't take it as "personally" as the fans or the few vets on the team. I think they could move forward and beat the Panthers if they lose, or move forward and beat the Panthers if they win, without letting the outcome of that game decide everything.
  16. I realize that Game 1 against the Pats is like our own personal Superbowl (I include myself in this) but not sure it will really be that way for the team. While it is obviously going to be a huge game in terms of it being the 1st game, at home, against a perennially successful team in the division, there are only a few Bills that will likely look at this game with an extra ax to grind. The coaches, QBs (no matter which one starts) and the vast majority of the D and WRs don't feel the painful history of the "rivalry" (if you can call it that) and therefore I don't think it will result in the "letdown" I have heard people talk about for Carolina and beyond, and like the win or loss in week one will dictate what happens the rest of the season. While players like Stevie, Freddy, and Wood may have an extra chip on their shoulders playing the Pats, I think overall it will not be the emotional juggernaut that it will be the fans....

  17. Toronto is a cool city, but those games will never feel like a home game, for many reasons, a few of which you mentioned. The passport requirement is a big one for sure. You can look at these games in anyway one wants to, but the Bills start the season at a disadvantage, having only 7 home games every year, compared to 8 for every other team except the couple that lose a home game to overseas each season, and they rotate. One question though, with the Bills losing this game to Toronto, are they exempted from losing another one if they get tapped to play overseas? That would really suck having just 6 home games.

    I suppose they would lose another one because the league rotates the overseas game and their name will come up eventually. I assume they aren't exempt because the Bills entered this deal on their own and count it as a home game. Yes, it would suck big time to have only 6 real home games. But I then I think it would suck so much more if they had to move. So I'll live with the Toronto game.
  18. As I said, I agree with the approach of both the player and the team...the link was provided to refute the idea that Byrd asking to be the highest paid S in the league was the mantra of posters with an axe to grind.




    Again, I never said it was, see my above response.

    I was really referring to the comments underneath the tweet saying he isn't the top FS, knew you weren't refuting it
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