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run dat back

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Everything posted by run dat back

  1. TOUCHDOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 WHAT A BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. WOW - Graham made something out of nothing there. Is he turning the corner??
  3. Still can't seal the deal. Now instead of Baltimore needing 2 scores, one TD takes the lead.
  4. Anyone got stats on how many times the opponent scores on opening drives when we defer?
  5. I don't think they can win, so I hope they play well and don't embarrass themselves. Must see better playcalling and execution. But that might be wishful thinking with the players we have.
  6. Read something somewhere last week, forget the details, but it was saying how there are so many OL injuries around the league already and virtually no excess supply of suitable replacements.
  7. After the Seahawks got in with a losing record, yeah, divisions should go. Probably no chance of that happening, though. I had exactly the same idea, except keeping it at 16 and playing your arch rival home and away, which keeps a little bit of the rivalry thing going. I even thought you could alternate playing the rest of your conference one season and all of the other the following one. But that wouldn't be good for rivalries. Playing every opponent is one of the things I like about soccer leagues and is very democratic. Not sure there would be a big appetite for it here.
  8. Meanwhile at Delta.... http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/delta-airlines-admits-fault-wheelchair-scandal-article-1.1412843
  9. Plus the weather is bad in London in Jan/Feb, and it's still midst of soccer season over there. I really think the attempt to globalize the game is ill-conceived. It's one thing to play an exhibition game, but taking a regular season game away from the fans here is an insult. At the moment, the strategy seems to work because the game sells well because of the novelty value, and because Brits lap up anything with an American label on it. But if the talk of locating a team there is serious, I think that's a huge misstep that has many ramifications, not the least of which is logistics. I get the feeling you would see a full time team in London before a Superbowl over there. Either way, taking the Superbowl out of the states will cause a HUGE backlash, and for a league obsessed with image, that's likely something of a deterrent.
  10. Not gonna predict a score, but 99.99% certain the Ravens win this and the more irrational amongst us who are expecting playoffs can get another dose of reality.
  11. Pace and execution go hand in hand, though. I know they are trying to throw the defense off balance but guess what, it's not working, and you are rushing a rookie into making quick plays without fully analyzing the defense. They should scrap it and design better percentage plays for EJ to keep the chains moving and keep the Buffalo D off the field more. But are they man enough to admit the hurry up is part of the problem, not the solution, and scrap it four games into the season?
  12. http://www.businessinsider.com/robert-griffin-iii-trade-had-no-winners-in-retrospect-2013-9
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