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run dat back

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Everything posted by run dat back

  1. Seems like the Saints make something out of nothing on almost every broken play.
  2. Yeah, OK Moore, you caught the ball. Now go back to the huddle.
  3. Look, that fake handoff is not fooling anyone. Get rid of that garbage.
  4. I mean, first play, what's the point of the QB keeping it?
  5. That we could means nothing. Actually doing it, and regularly, is what it will take for the media to assign relevance to us again.
  6. This video meme was probably funny the first six hundred times people did it. Now it should be put to rest.
  7. To me, he would be better off pointing to the banners and saying "time to get our own." I just really don't think hiding them sends a positive message.
  8. A crucial Miami turnover papered over some large cracks.
  9. Pathetic. Now we give them great field position, they score a TD and the game is over.
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