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run dat back

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Everything posted by run dat back

  1. Bills didn't just win, they beat the Superbowl champs. Jets, Giants (0-4!!!) and Steelers (0-4!!!) lost. Denver won. I'm happy.
  2. unbelievable call on third down. Can the D hold again? They deserve the win.
  3. I know baby steps, but it would be nice for the Bills to play consistent for 4 quarters.
  4. So I'm thinking, this isn't so bad, they've got the whole field to go.... and then that happened.
  5. How many years has Choice been on the team? Has he done ANYTHING positive in that time?
  6. No, I said "might be." The way they are spluttering in the 2nd half, it's not a stretch to think that TD could prove crucial.
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