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Big Gun

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Everything posted by Big Gun

  1. Haha, you're not smart enough to ruin anything and since I was not responding to one of your post yet you felt the need to comment on mine, I'm also living rent free in your empty head, loser!
  2. I love the fact the Don lives rent free in these losers heads, it's comical how triggered they are.
  3. How many times you think Biden has lied through 47 years in the swamp! a few million maybe! heck he's probably lied more than 20,000 times about Hunter/Ukraine/China/Burisma/Laptop alone, that's ok to you liberal scumbags though, right! Let the clown show stars comments ensue..........3.....2......1.........................................
  4. Shut up idiot, and Cuomo, Whitmer, the turd in New Jersey, and Newsome didn't kill any elderly, with their loser policies, right! Talk about being in a cult if you loser libs somehow pass that on to Trump. You libs are ***** idiots!
  5. Shut up turd, I said I don't answer to scum like you!
  6. GFYS, baby! Wha, wha, wha go cry somewhere baby
  7. ***** your question, I dont answer to idiots like you!
  8. You sure about that, the media doesn't get to decide, idiot!
  9. GFYS, you and your loudmouth friends not going to silence me! Take your skateboard and shove it up your ass!
  10. What's funny is if by some stroke of luck should Biden assume the WH (which wont happen) what will all these liberal losers do every day as they thrive on hatred, controversy, bullying and lies, they'll turn and eat their own, it's already happening, AOC, Pelosi, etc. They have no brains, no game and no life. I love how Trump has lived rent free in their heads for 4 years now, and they let him, will soon be 4 more, doesn't get much better than this.
  11. If you cant see the evidence that is everywhere I dont know what to tell you other than you are an ignorant idiot, sorry you just are. Keeping your head in the sand wont make it go away, you're stupid.
  12. He will just stutter and bumbled his way through it and look the fool he is.
  13. Jan 20 to be sworn in for a second term. You idiots just don't get it do you!
  14. So in your twisted world betting on something makes you a man! Yeah, ok, whatever shut up loser! Don't bet on anything dude! Never have and never will!
  15. Yup, cant wait to see all these idiots crying and screaming like children they are.
  16. Again read something and learn something, how many times do I have to say this before it gets past the rocks in your head! Keep laughing as that's what clowns do best!
  17. Did it accumulate over time or were you born this stupid. Since you like main stream media go look at real clear politics. They took Joe's Pennsylvania votes away, hmmmmmm........interesting isnt it. Read some real information and you'll see Trump will be in the WH again. How many time have I told you to learn the constitution and the rules and laws, yet all you idiots want to do is spew main stream media BS as fact. Like I said you're worthless!
  18. I dont need to prove anything to you, you're not worth it, but all you have to do is find some non main stream media media to get an idea of what is going on. You wont, but hey, you do you and keep taking childish digs at others and keep being stupid, it's what you do best, attack and bully, not scared idiot!
  19. Because you are dumb, you believe the main stream media, nuff said. Idiots like you dont listen to anyone as you think you are always the smartest guy in the room, amiright chief!
  20. If you only had a clue........lol! What is funny is that Teump has lived rent free in you head for 4 years and it's going to be another 4 years. If you only had a clue......lol. you're so ***** dumb! Hahaha.....
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