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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Posts posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. I noticed that myself, here's some additional discussion from last week.





    In this thread, I posted this:


    "I agree, Kzoo Mike. I thought he would be a lot faster, and more elusive. I hate to say it--but he reminds me a lot of Antonio Brown, our erstwhile punt returner. Lots of speed once he gets going in a straight line, but otherwise not particularly quick. Then again, he's only played a handful of games--I'm hoping with some more experience he'll become more like a Dante Hall."


    I stick by it; the guy goes down to easily and needs a 30 yard running start to get going. He's great returning line-drive kicks and punts. But if you ask him to start running from a standstill position and make guys miss, he's terrible.

  2. The strange thing is, JR has always had hands.  Hell...i think he was born with hands.  Watch his college tapes...he didn't drop ANYTHING.  Even when he started going sour with the Bills, he still made GREAT catches...he just dropped easy catches.  I can't figure out what happend to that "catch any ball anywhere" guy.



    It seems all mental. My guess is that he is often so tense out there, overconcerned about dropping balls, that he's thinking too much about causing him to drop more, not doing what he used to do naturally. But today was one of the few times when I saw him brimming with confidence. Even after his TD, on that last catch of the game, he broke another few tackles and made a nice gain.

  3. very good ones will only hold on big runs where their hold did nothing and false start once in a while too.


    rare gifted ones will be in motion EVERY SINGLE PLAY fooling no one but making the offense worse.


    we have great holding whites.



    Let's not forget their prowess for holding on monster kickoff returns--like Neufield on McGee's 60 yarder today.

  4. Two holding calls ruined a great catch by Evans.



    I think they were false starts--but you're right: they self-destructed in the redzone...again.


    On that JP pick, if I recall, it was 3rd a goal from the 20, he was under heavy pressure and he just wanted to make a play throwing it up in the back of the endzone. Mularkey said that it was a "bad read" after the game; I'm not sure if we was implying that someone else was open. Maybe someone else was open, but it would have probably been for a two yard gain, leading to a Lindell FG miss anyway.

  5. That TD today was what I expected from him coming out of college. Does anyone remember all that draft footage of him, breaking 10 tackles and getting 30 yards after the catch at LSU? Well, today we finally saw it. I have a feeling that Josh Reed is just a late NFL bloomer--he's got a lot of good football ahead of him.

  6. I have seen Sam Aiken drop more passes than he's been able to catch.


    This bum can't catch a cold.  <_<



    Last game, Losman threw a beauty of a slant to him and it went right through his hands. If he caught it, in full stride, he could have been 30 yards down field after the catch. It's tough on a young QB when guys drop big play balls like that.

  7. Guys, cut the brother some slack. If I have the backstory correct, longtime Browns fan who only came to the Bills when Cleveland moved. Think about how much loyalty you would have to a team other than the Bills if the Bills moved. I give him some credit for not immediately jumping on the new Browns, that prolly how much the move hurt him.


    Someone once said on this board, and for the life of me can't remember who"the Bills choose you, you did not choose the Bills".  How true, but Buckeye chose the Bills, and since hes been a watching, nothing but one screw up after another.


    I certainly cant blame him



    You're in a tough spot. Obviously I can't relate, because my beloved Bills didn't pick up and move out of town on me. I would think if that happened, I would be a fan of nobody--but who knows?


    My advice is to go back to your roots and stick with the Browns. Your allegiance to the Bills, while admirable, seems to me to have been more of a hobby than a live-or-die sort of thing.

  8. Of course Clayton thinks this has been handled poorly. He "broke" the story that Moulds was going to be suspended, and not it's probably not true. It makes him (Clayton) look like a bad reporter.


    From this blurb, it seems like Clayton has gotten all his facts wrong. Moulds is on record as getting into a fight with Tolbert about Aiken going in instead of him. Contrary to what Clayton says, this had nothing to do with Lee Evans catching balls. This was a bad piece of reporting, and now Clayton wants to criticize Mularkey to save face.

  9. who I will not name.


    1. Moulds was not in the game plan period.  This was established days before the game.


    2. Moulds asked the coaches what the deal was.  Coach said this gave them best chance to win.


    3. Moulds suggested that if he is merely a decoy, he should be benched.


    4. Coach got angry and benched him.


    5. Moulds has since been suspended.


    Perhaps this is no new information, but wanted to pass this along.



    I'm confused. What do you mean that he wasn't in the game plan? If he was being used as a decoy, then he certainly was part of the game plan, right? Or, do you mean that, not being part of the game plan, they didn't have any plays where he would be the #1 target?


    It's one thing to say, "you're not in the game plan" and just bench the guy. But it's another when you say, "Our game plan is to get Lee the ball and use you as a decoy." The former scenario is dumb; I'd rather have Moulds on the field than Aiken. But the latter makes Moulds look like a primadona crybaby for not getting the ball or not being targeted.

  10. Frerotte was playing lousy and this play put Rosenfels into the game.


    Have we forgotten anyone to blame??



    That's not fair. I mean, weren't Schoebel and Denney in on that hit too?


    I actually place more of the blame for this loss on Schoebel. He picked off that pass in the 4th quarter and then just fell to the ground. He should have lateraled it back to McGee to return it for a TD, or even himself tried to break a few tackledsand run for a TD. Instead, he just fell to the ground, thereby costing us the game.

  11. He is just terrible come draft time. Roscoe Parrish was an useless pick. We need OL and he didn't pick an OL until the 6th or 7th round. He also chose an injured Mcgahee over a healthy Larry Johnson out of Joe Pa's program. It turned out good but we had to wait a whole year until Willis was able to play and Larry could have been an impact instanly.



    I think TD has had some great drafts. His first one was great--Clements, Schoebel, Henry, Ron Edwards, Jonas Jennings. His third was also very good-- Willis, Kelsay, and McGee in the fourth round. (Picking LJ would have been riskier than Willis in my opinion--LJ's the first highly touted Penn State RB to actually make it in the NFL in years). I think really only TD's second draft--with Mike Williams and Josh Reed--was a stinker.


    I've been pleased with TD's drafts on a whole and nearly all of his FA acqusitions. There's only so much a GM can do--he's fielded a good team and for one reason or the other, they are a bunch of chokers. But I guess that's just part of wearing the Bills unis though, isn't it? <_<

  12. Modrak for GM.  That one's easy.  Coaching staff is a lot harder, though.



    What's the difference between TD and Modrak? They both run the show re. personnel. The Buffalo News also suggested promoting from within to replace TD. I just don't get such a move--you'd be firing TD for the sake of firing someone and the same decisions would essentially be made by the same people.


    I think the answer is not in firing anybody...except some players. Our team is loaded with talent, but they're just not performing. I don't have any answers--but I know if we fire our GM or head coach, it's a bad sign. Good franchises don't fire people at the top on a whim.

  13. This was the question that led to his blowup at the media today, because he thought the reporter was implying that he was "scared" to cover Chambers.  This totally pissed him off and he stormed away. 



    Yeah, Clements wasn't scared of Chambers--after all, he shut him down to the tune of 11 catches for 250 yards. Nothing to be scared of there. <_<


    Clements performance or whatever scheme the Bills told Clements to play was the worst I've ever seen. 11 catches for 250 yards!! If the goal was to not let Chambers beat them deep, well, that didn't work, as he caught a bomb on the most important drive of the game. Ridiculous.

  14. I see strong acceleration and agility with low top end speed. If that’s the case he could be an ok slot, I was just hoping he had a little faster top gear. Also if this is the case wouldn’t somebody else be better suited on return? I thought Fast Freddy or Nate are better return threats then Roscoe.



    I agree, Kzoo Mike. I thought he would be a lot faster, and more elusive. I hate to say it--but he reminds me a lot of Antonio Brown, our erstwhile punt returner. Lots of speed once he gets going in a straight line, but otherwise not particularly quick. Then again, he's only played a handful of games--I'm hoping with some more experience he'll become more like a Dante Hall.

  15. Isn't this situation similar to ours....TD and Matt Millen are two guys with

    big names, but very little to show for from a General Manager perspective...

    Yet both team owners have no inclination to move on.....Eventually everything

    catches up to the final score....and in that case both TD and MIllen have

    losing records with nothing in site to erase those deficits...



    I'm not sure TD has "very little to show." He worked his way up from scout and was a very successful GM in Pittsburgh. Millen, on the other hand, never held a personnel or front office job in his life before landing the Lions' gig.

  16. I have Kevin Jones on my FF team, and have been amazed by how little he has been used this year, when he tore things up in the second half of last season...



    I'm in the same boat. KJ is sinking my team. It doesn't help that he gets injured in the first minute of games and never finishes them. Right now, I hold out hope for an early TD and 20 yards per game from KJ. It's sad--because the dude could be the best RB in the league.

  17. Looks like it'll be a steady diet of Joey Harrington for the Lions now.  Millen gets his way and can now continue to run that franchise into the ground.  I still don't know how they gave that job to a TV commentator in the first place.  Maybe they're getting what they deserve.



    Exactly. It should have been Millen to go. He's been clearly outmatched during his tenure in Detroit. It still boggles my mind that the guy wasted three top 10 choices on WR's--a position that every single scout will tell you takes 3-4 years to develop. He's stuck with 3 high-paid WR's who will basically only become good (maybe) after their contracts run out and they leave Detroit.

  18. Maybe it's better for my sanity, but I used to watch EVERY game with so much intensity. I know many of you know what I'm talking about. I clapped, pumped my fist, and yelled for all of the positives, and yelled at all of the bad plays and bad calls. Lately though, I just sit, watch the game, don't utter a word and change facial expressions....just sit there.



    You've described me perfectly. I've lost my voice screaming and cheering at soundless 13 inch TV monitors in sportsbars, rooting for the Bills. And that included religiously watching and cheering during some pretty bad times (I never missed a game during our 3-13 campaign a few years ago).


    Now, it seems that the team has just lost heart...and I have begun to, as well. I chalk it up to our defense more than anything. When you can't stop teams and can't get off the field (like in the Tampa Bay and San Diego losses especially), it takes everything out of you. I'm now like a zombie watching the games--it's sad.

  19. I disagree. We're a different team at home. We'll probably beat Carolina by at least 10 points.


    The Bills aren't a great team--but I think people's impression of them (including my own) have been jaded by the San Diego loss. Yeah, we got blown out by San Diego. But San Diego and the other top 5 AFC teams are about ten times better than us and the rest of the NFC.


    Bills win 27-17--mark it down. :blink:

  20. 2) Willis ain't the best back in the NFL (not even close)

    3) Our defense is really bad... did SD really roll up close to 500 yds.?




    Re. #2, it didn't help that the Chargers were leading by 21 before Willis had even 5 carries. Of course, it also didn't help that WM fumbled the ball when we were down 21-3, leading to another SD TD.


    Re. #3, I think they had almost 500 yards in the first half. It was possibly the worst I have ever seen the Bills defense look in a game ever. I am only thankful that the Colts are not on the schedule this year. (Then again, I'm sure the game at Cinci will be a blood bath).

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