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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Posts posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. Wyche can't handle it with his health. Odds are better that he'll resign than he'll take a promotion.


    My predicition was and still is firing of Tom Clements and some assistants, while keeping MM and TD on. I just don't think Wyche will be Clements' replacement.

  2. What I DO fault TD for is his philosophies (both stated and inferred) on building a team. Early in his tenure he had stated that retaining a sucessful kicker, or persuing a good kicker was not important because (and I quote) "Kickers are a dime a dozen in the NFL." He painfully learned his lesson that year.


    I suspect he has the same philosophy about the linemen on both sides of the ball, we've been plugging in has has beens and never will be's for the last five years, and then blaming "poor execution" when we should have been blaming "poor talent". The Bills are quick to point out that we can not afford to pay a Jennings, Pat Williams, Ruben Brown ..... we've let them walk ..... and tried to plug in Bennie Andersons, Pucillios (or what ever his name was) and others too numerous and bad to remember. I hate to always return to the "Peters experiment" ..... but the mere thought that an undrafted rookie TE was the best fit we had on our roster for a RT replacement this year really baffels me ..... and once deposed as a starter, our "injured" starting RT was inserted to TRY and play LG instead of a Healthy LG backup ...... well if I had hair, I'd be pulling it out.



    I think, in hindsight, TD's philosophies have been right:


    1) Kickers ARE a dime a dozen. In fact, one of the scrubs off the street that TD brought in was Shayne Graham, who will be kicking in the pro bowl this year. Unfortunately, we didn't have as much patience with Shayne as we did with Moorman (another street FA who will be playing in the pro bowl this year).


    2) Many teams have the same philosophy re. the lines, especially the offensive line. The Pats shop in the bargain basement when it comes to o-lineman and they've consistently had a great line. You can get great lineman late in the draft (like Jonas in the 3rd round) or even the maligned Puccillo (who is supposedly having a banner year in Cleveland this year). But TD isn't opposed to spending money on the o-line. After all, he picked Mike Williams early; in Pittsburgh he picked guys like Faneca and Stephens in the first round.


    I think TD's problem is that we have good players who are dumb, and the coaches haven't figured out how to make them smart enough to use their talent.

  3. HM: Mike Pucillo, Cleveland -- Has filled in admirably at three different spots on the line for the appropriately named Dawgs.


    Could it be THAT Mike Pucillo, he's been my whipping boy for so long it never entered my mind that maybe it COULD have been piss poor coaching ..... I wonder if Mike Williams will make this list next year???



    The same Mike Pucillo. He was super smart, but lacked physical talent. Now, it looks like he's putting it all together. Joke's on us, huh?

  4. Those are solid drafts? Look just like Buffalos to me. Drafts with one good player coming out of each. Hines Ward was probably his best pickup ever.



    Are you serious? Those were some great drafts--a lot of all-pro players and starters for some great Steelers teams. I would include the following players as great picks (particularly in light of where they were chosen in the draft):


    Joey Porter

    Aaron Smith

    Kris Brown

    Alan Faneca

    Hines Ward

    Deshea Townsend

    Chad Scott

    Mike Vrabel

    Jamain Stephens

    Earl Holmes

    Orpheus Roye

    Carlos Emmons

    Mark Bruener

    Kordell Stewart

    Brenden Stai

    Oliver Gibson

    Lethon Flowers

    Charles Johnson

    Brentson Buckner

    Jason Gildon

    Bam Morris

    Jim Miller

    Deon Figures

    Chad Brown

    Willie Williams

    Jeff Zgonina

    Alex Van Pelt :doh:

    Leon Searcy

    Levon Kirkland

    Joel Steed

    Darren Perry

  5. Does it matter?  They went to two superbowls under Donahoe and like 2 other AFC championships.


    His luck has run out it seems, but his drafts in Buffalo arent bad except for choices he made about the QB.  Trading picks for QB's just hasnt worked.



    I think probably his biggest QB error was his first: picking Johnson over Flutie. At the time, I agreed with the move because of RJ's upside. But Flutie won games and if we had Flutie as QB with the defenses that GW put together his second and third years, there's no doubt we would have been a playoff team and GW would have still been here.

  6. Uh, not true.


    The Browns beat the Patriots (coached by the subject of this topic at the time), 20-13 in the 1994 AFC Wildcard game at ancient Cleveland Stadium.


    I know.  I was sitting in the Dawg Pound.  And I'm pretty sure Adam Vinateri was not the Browns' kicker at the time.  It was Matt Stover.





    And then you decided to run Bellichick out of town? :doh:


    The irony of the Browns is not lost on me. They fire Bellichick, who did a pretty good job in Cleveland, and then only years later are able to get his understudy Crennel. They could have had the teacher, not the student, if Modell had half a brain (and if the Browns fans--much like Bills fans now--didn't go on an all-out campaign to get Bellichick fired).

  7. I recall vividly that with time running down in the game during the final drive the ball was placed on the line by a ref.


    One of the Giants kicked it. Some would say accidently, but I would say purposefully. 


    Not only did 10 seconds run off the clock while the ball was recovered and replaced, but a delay of game penalty should have been called. 


    The Bills should have had more time to run another play and had a shorter FG attempt.



    Bellichick admits in the recent book "Education of a Coach" that he instructed his players to kick the ball to slow down the no-huddle. So I'm not surprised that it was done on that drive.

  8. Moorman named a starter.  Adams, Clements, McGahee, McGee, and Fletcher named alternates.



    About time that Moorman made it!! Finally he's getting some props! Same with Fletcher and McGee--well-deserved, even if they are just alternates.


    Adams, Clements, and McGahee are jokes, at least this year. Do the coaches pick the alternates or is it based on fan voting? If it's the fans, what Bills fans are voting for Adams, Clements, and McGahee?

  9. Recall that Ralph does not like paying top dollar for head coaches, and MM still has a number of years to go on his existing contract.



    And don't forget that, as various media have reported, Ralph likes MM and thinks he's a good coach--at least he did last year.

  10. ...but someone should tell Mike Tureco that only the booth can challenge a call during the final two minutes of each half.



    True--although I'm not so sure he wasn't suggesting that MM should have called a timeout to allow the booth people time to decide whether to look at it. When Sharpe corrected him on the point, Tirico kind of brushed him off, like he was talking about something else.


    Mike Tirico--a Syracuse grad, I believe--is one of my favorite sportscasters, especially when he does SU Basketball games. Very fair, but also knowledgable.

  11. If a team has studs on the offensive and defensive lines, they can have middling talent everywhere else and still win.  You still need some marquee talent to win a Super Bowl, but you start with the lines.





    The biggest irony in this statement is that this was Chuck Noll's theory of football. He always preached having the best guys on the lines in the trenches. And, of course, TD and MM, lineal descendants from that Pittsburgh school of thought, have completely forgotten the lessons taught by the founding father.

  12. I don't know if this has been brought up yet, but there was a play during the Denver game that continues to bother me.  It was a 3rd and long (of course) and the Holcomb dumped off a pass (of course) to Mcgahee.  Willis takes the pass sees a cornerback coming up on him, with a linebacker close by, and simply runs out of bouinds after a 1 yd gain.  Absolutely no attempt to make anything happen!  Showed NO heart!!  This guy has become a joke over the last 5 or 6 weeks!!!



    It was more than 3rd and long--it was 3rd and 25 and he had three defenders coming right at him. It might have been soft for him to run out of bounds, but probably smart under the circumstances.

  13. Lee Evans is a lot better then price but I'm not sold on him being a true #1 receiver.  I believe we can live without moulds if we improve the oline switch the focus to becoming a true smash mouth team by building around #21 and not a wr.    However if Owens were available to us I don't see why the hell not



    You're pinning your hopes on this guy based solely on his unbelievable talent, much like Philly did. I'm guessing Philly now wishes it never made a pact with the devil.


    I honestly don't see many franchises, except maybe the Raiders, going after TO. He's just too much of a headcase.

  14. thanks  - it's a really tuff call tho. i mean, collins at home could put up numbers vs the browns, and gado has been a stud, and james is always a stud, and chambers is studly of late, and jimmy smith too.


    so i'm still on the fence.



    Good perspective; don't underestimate team B. I actually think Collins will have a good comeback game this week--a reason why I am expecting big things from Moss in one of my leagues.


    But I would pick team B for one reason: Tomlinson. You never want to face a guy that can put up 4 TD's on you. He alone could sink you this week.

  15. Two points:

    TO has never won anything.  He's been to the conference championship once in ten years.



    I don't think the knock on him is being MIA in big games. Remember when he caught that unbelievable catch from Steve Young on the last play of the game to beat the Packers in the playoffs? And his Super Bowl heroics last year weren't too shabby. He's a big game receiver.


    BUT, as demonstrated this year, he's also a cancer than can singlehandedly sink your entire franchise into the toilet. He's not worth it.

  16. so what's the Bills excuse?


    The same can be said for them, but the Bills continue to implode.



    I have no idea what the Bills' excuse is--the famous excuse of "they need to learn how to win" can only be used so many times. I think it's a combination of a few things: a few bad personnel decisions, bad playcalling, a few key injuries, grooming a rookie QB, some overall bad coaching--and it all blew up into this disaster of a season.


    But my original point is that Saban isn't doing as great of a job as people are giving him credit for.

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