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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. Perfect marketing technique. Now everyone is talking about them, and will check it out.
  2. Your Momma is so fat I slapped her thigh and rode the wave. Your Momma is so stupid she thought a Quarterback was a refund. (Football related) Your Momma is so fat she's on both sides of the family.
  3. And oh so faintly I hear the sound of a violin playing in the backround.
  4. A mushroom walks into a bar and orders a drink. The bartender truns to him and says "we don't serve your kind here." The mushrooms replies "oh come on, why not, I'm a fungi."
  5. Rainbow Connection, by Kermit the Frog. I love that song! As a "real" song goes...The District Sleeps Alone Tonight, by The Postal Service. Everyone has been there before, and for how depressing the lyrics actually are, the song puts you in a good mood.
  6. T-bone now has his weekly attention. Good job boner! BTW, you have a bigger set of t!ts than most of my ex girlfriends. You available? :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  7. Well, there are always exceptions. However, the exceptions are always snatched in a heartbeat!
  8. Actually, my best friend Roman worked for Victoria's Secret for awhile. He liked it in th ebeginning, but he said all of the women he worked with were bitches. My theory? The hotter the girl, the bitchier/more mental problems she has.
  9. There's definately a healthy mix of both. She got another of our co-workers fired: the girl didn't do crap, but to go after someone's job... I just think that women are petty sometimes (with the exception of cable, 89, b4l, melissa, and aussie )
  10. Well, I'm afraid my boss will hear it and start to believe it. This girl has been at the company for quite some time. Should I preempt her and go to my boss saying I don't like all of the gossip going on?
  11. We're big into "teams" at work. I just accepting the position of team leader because a. more pay, b. it gives me some power. Now I get to hear even more bitching. I just found out my co-worker is bitching about me behind my back to people. Why/ Because she's old school and doesn't like change, and I'm all about "if it's broke, fix it." Grrrr...
  12. Haha, i was wondering who was going to ask that first. Yes...1 is married, and two just quit.
  13. I know, you're thinking Ed is more nuts than usual here...However... It's terrible. Everyone is gossiping, I hear everyone talking about one another behind everyone's backs. I work with about 9 women on a regular basis, and 1 guy comes in for one day twice a month...Grrrrr, it's frustrating. Any ideas on how to put up with this crap?
  14. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Do you see how many posts there are here about how great Drew is. I thought everyone forgot.
  15. Drew had a good game Sunday. A real good game. Why? The offensive line pass protected amazingly. Drew had VERY LITTLE TO NO pressure. This is an anamoly. The Rams D sucks, it cannot get pressure on anyone. There are maybe 4-5 teams like this. The other teams can get pressure on the QB, and that is where Drew gets in trouble. He can't move, and can't slide. If the pass protection is phenominal every game, and the opposing D can get no pass rush, Drew is the man. However, that will never happen, as it doesn't happen with any team. In today's game, you need someone you can move and slide.
  16. Geez Fez, relax. You don't have to follow ICE in every thread. Take a deep breath dude.
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