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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. Never answered my question. If you are pro-war, and of age, and not enlisted, does it make you a coward? If there was a draft, I would go. Hell, if the govt came out and begged for more soldiers, or there was a serious need, I'd volunteer.
  2. I've lost 60 so far. I can't do the extra 20 or so I need to. I'm a stress eater!
  3. Woo-hoo, the Ed contigency is out today!!
  4. So, that means everyone who is pro-war and isn't in the military is a coward? Interesting lahjik there. Big surprise coming from you though. BTW, hold the mayo.
  5. This is not a pro war/anti war thread, ya nut case. I already explained why I'm not over there. I'm 6'3", 260 lbs. I'm a giant f'ing target. Is that the only argument you have? No, go in the kitchen and make me a sandwhich.
  6. Uhhh Dan, his real name is Jonathan.
  7. No way, long blonde or dark hair, midriff bearing shirts, and big t!ts.
  8. Secular Humanist-100%. Basically, an Atheist or Agnostic.
  9. Now, I'm not a smoker, but people do have a right to do it. I agree with Bill also. This terrible law is KILLING the bar owners in NYC. When I go to a bar, I expect the smoke. Hell, it is part of the bar atmosphere.
  10. Having a dual needler is as close to a video game orgasm as possible.
  11. Why don't ya like the Post? I dig the sports section.
  12. Hey, Jersey girls (central Jersey) are hot!!
  13. You were the one who likened me to a clan member. It's easy to be tough through a cable modem.
  14. You're making a pretty strong accusation. Very easy to do on the computer. I bet you wouldn't have the balls to say it to my face.
  15. Has a close-up of a US Marine, dirty and a little bloody, smoking a cigarette. It's a beautiful picture. Thank-you to all those who served/are serving now. You're all heroes.
  16. Ahhh, yes, I'm a white supremicist now... Say it to my face pal. We'll see who is standing.
  17. Makes perfect sense. They use children and women, no? Everyone AT THIS POINT should be considered guilty until dtermined innocent,
  18. Right now, if you're Muslim, you should be considered a terrorist.
  19. Of course he is. Of course, someone forgot to tell him he's about as funny as an enema.
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