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Everything posted by IBTG81

  1. We both took off of work yesterday and today!!
  2. The most amazing game I have ever played, BY FAR. My roommate and I have been playing all day, along with downing Yuengling. This game is a must have!
  3. Another religion thread. I've posted on this many times, and many know my feelings. The cliffs-notes version: Religion was created to keep people in line, based upon their fears. The human mind hates uncertainty, thus it created a "god". Not my right to tell someone what to believe and what not to.
  4. Hahaha, you ****... I actually feel bad for the sheep...BF in Indiana's dating pool has just gotten exponentially smaller.
  5. Well, do you think he would be a bad choice?
  6. No Secretary of State. Either Secretary of Defense, or the NSA.
  7. Well BF, when you come over and say, "Bush is bad, daddy won him the election", or "Bush smells like poop", of course you're going to get ragged on.
  8. Plus BF, Steve is at work...You know, a job, where you make money, and are a productive memeber of society. And before you ask, working the checkout counter at KFC doesn't count.
  9. I can't wait for Halo 2. I took off of work on Wed. just so I can have a full day playing it. Yes, I know, I'm a loser. Get the Xbox.
  10. From what I've read (NY POST, MSNBC.com, listening to 770AM) that Wolfowitz is going to be elevated to either Secretary of Defense, or the NSA. What is everyone's thinking of this. I know it's good to have a mix of hawks and chickens, but to have a hawk so high up... Do you think my dream of the mid-east becoming a canal could be coming true?
  11. Woo-hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I joined the club!!!!!
  12. How is that lame? The dude looks really "special." After all, I AM the Director of Special Education for the IBP.
  13. I KNEW you'd be back Steve, I KNEW it!!
  14. Did you miss the special bus on the way to school today?
  15. Wahhhhhhhhh you big baby. You sit and antagonize as much as anyone.
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