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Everything posted by JoeF

  1. Wow.....not only does this make for an interesting start to this game--it makes the Jets defensive game planning a bit more challenging.
  2. Didn't we win the NFC west as well as the Ohio state title?
  3. John, I wouldn't have believed it either...but it was in a presentation from the Deputy Superintendent of Schools this spring when I visited with a group of education and business folks from NC. Here is a link to a pdf file from educationcentral.org. Educationcentral.org is a clearninghouse for educational and economic data from around the country. It is on the first page of the pdf...it lists the 2003 rate at 46% functional illiterate.... Scary and disheartening stat... I know you can pick on the warts of any municipality/county--but this is a damn huge wart. Also, they built an elevated rail system through part of downtown on both sides of the St. John's River---it doesn't service the part of downtown that includes the Minor League Baseball/NFL/Basketball arena complex.....guhhh...
  4. If you want to talk about a town that does not deserve an NFL team let alone a Super Bowl, that would be Jax. They have a 47% adult illiteracy rate in Duval County (Jax) and are spending $2 Billion of the local taxpayer's money on everything but education. The $2 billion has been spent on a baseball stadium, a basketball arena that has no tenant and improvements to Alltel for the Super Bowl, as well as a county courthouse/jail complex (got to have somewhere to put all the non-readers who commit crimes) that is coming in 2x over original budget and various intersection/road improvements throughout the city. By Florida law its hard for a county or municipality to supplement what the state spends on education--but 47% illiteracy is just downright scary. That's developing country status at the UN. I asked the deputy superintendent of schools what she was going to do about adequate yearly progress under No Child Left Behind and she said--well the President is our governor's brother....nice excuse.... No wonder they can't sell tickets--half their potential buyers can't read.
  5. 94--you need to change your diet. 64 is joining Pat and me at the all you can eat Rice-a-Roni and beef place after the game. We're not big, there's just more to love.
  6. I think for every six games you win in a row, scoring 33 points or more in each win, you should be given an extra win credit.
  7. Hamstring Injury during practice last week. The big guy was a late scratch. Look for him to run with the blinders and off lasix this week. He will go to the gate a 4-1 favorite against the interior of the Steelers punt team.
  8. After the first Super Bowl loss, I felt okay knowing that we would be back and have other opportunities to win the game........the moral--in the NFL--playing for tomorrow is a fantasy--play for today....win all you can today.
  9. Agreed Grant. We need to take the Coach Mularkey approach--none of this matters unless we take care of business on our end. I laughed when Coach said he turned off the TV's in the locker room. First I was shocked that the cheapo John York had run cable to the locker room (must be a league requirement) and then I pictured TKO, Drew, Fletch-huddled in the corner with their Treo handsets following the games on nfl.com....
  10. Bench--you are correct. Denver and Jets losses give us the #5 seed and the Jets the #6 seed. We are then at SD and the Jets at Indy for the WC games. I have a business trip to SD January 6-8---wouldn't that be sweet---- Taking it one step further. If we win at SD and Indy wins over the Jets--Indy goes to NE the next week and we play the Steelers in Pittsburgh...
  11. USA Today once again reaffirms the US's losing competitiveness worldwide in math... 38+38+37+41=154 not 160.....no wonder we're getting outsourced....
  12. Just total domination.... The last two west coast trips to San Fran and Seattle --79-16....
  13. Way to go Willis...and let's not forget #80 eclipsing the 1000 yard receiving mark today as well!
  14. Denver and the Jets are just too good to lose must games......yep--just too good...
  15. Hey Spidey...we did okay with the little dusting we got in West Raleigh. It was a little dicey driving to mass at 11:30 AM...hope you and yours did okay. We had a mini snowball fight--my almost 3 year old son--kicked my butt. We just got back from Buffalo Brothers on Capital...a good crew out today.
  16. The 9ers aren't just running for the bus--they are sprinting faster than they have run on the field all year.
  17. Add when Josh Stamer is intercepting passess, you know things are going well.... Alex with the quote of the year..."The way things are going today, if they brought #10, I may suit up."
  18. Look what we could have had all season if Shane was starting. My god what is this coaching staff thinking???? They just don't have a clue about talent.....
  19. Red Buttons I wouldn't worry too much. He's still alive and seems like a decent human being in addition to being a funny man. Maybe he lives in VA's neighborhood or is visiting for the Holidays.
  20. Didn't the Jags get in the playoffs one year in the 90's on a 25 yard field goal miss (like missing an extra point)? The football gods have to do an even up for that sometime.....this is the year. I don't want to focus so much on the Jags that we forget that the Steelers and Titans need to take care of business as well. It would be great for the Bills to go into next weekend in a "win and you're in scenario."
  21. Yogi Berra, jesus what an annoying little Italian guy....and just so not funny. He's half daigo, half thespian and half bad dad....
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