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Everything posted by Campy

  1. That the girls accepted the work, or "knew what they were getting into" is irrelevant because it is pretty obvious the employer violated state and federal employment and tax law. If they had done the right thing up front, this wouldn't be an issue.
  2. I think one of the reasons many people view Sully as being so negative is that his predecessor, Larry Felser, who never endured a playoff drought this long but did cover some Bills teams that were much, much worse than the Bills teams of the past 14 years. And he did so without coming across as whiny, negative, or taking cheap shots.
  3. Like others who have already posted as much, I'm not sure I've seen why you would have to apologize but it is appreciated all the same. Sorry to hear the past couple of months haven't been kind to you. I hope it (whatever "it" is) turns around for you.
  4. I actually misspoke twice in the post you replied to. The first is for the sake of accuracy: MLSE does not own the Jays. The second is regards to the point you raised: Yes, because all of MLSE's teams are all in TO, they wouldn't break the rule about owning a pro franchise in a city other than the one the NFL team plays in. But what makes it moot is that MLSE cannot own a team because they are a corporation. An MLSE principal like Tannebaum (I think that's his name) can own it but the companycannot.
  5. If "moron" is defined as one who acts moronically, I beg to differ.
  6. If there aren't any players worth the 9th pick, why in the world would the other team trade with Bflo to move up to that pick?
  7. yungmack said Trump's not actually worth the billions he claims he is. Don't know about your neighborhood, but in mine, $250,000,000.00 is still considered obscenely rich.
  8. It would be against the bylaws if it already wasn't against the bylaws. What I mean by that is MLSE, the owner of the Raptors, Leafs, Jays, and Marlies, cannot own the Bills as the NFL doesn't allow corporations to own teams. The rumors have executives who are employed by MLSE as investors with Bon Jovi, but not MLSE itself. The Rogers family (of Rogers Sportsnet) are also rumored to be involved. If Jeremy Jacobs Sr sold the Bruins to his company, Delaware North, then he could potentially buy the Bills. Most don't think that will happen and that, if the Jacobs family does make a play on the Bills, it will be Jeremy Jr owning the team.
  9. Assuming this information was accurately relayed to you, I think it's fantastic news - they'll be a couple hundred million shy of what I'd expect the team to sell for!
  10. Anti-trust is a major component of the league's success. Without anti-trust, 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 teams would do well for a couple of years, but the rest of the teams would have absolutely no chance of being profitable - much less competitive - and would have to either fold or relocate so frequently fans wouldn't be able to keep up. This would certainly bring about the collapse of the league. I mean, there isa reason the NFL fought so hard for it - they need it to maintain long term sustainability. If this card is played, Schumer is asking the NFL if they are prepared to crash and burn 31 teams over the fate of the 32nd. Obviously, this card shouldn't/wouldn't be played unless the Bills were in imminent danger of being moved and either the Bills owner or the other 31 other owners needed a little arm-twisting. And it would be something of a nuclear solution, you're right there. We'll step back and go with a Congressionally authorized agency taking another longer, closer look at blackouts. That has been on the FCC's radar for years, and it's something the NFL feels strongly about, so maybe that would provide enough pressure should it come to that...
  11. I figured you were - I think we're close to the same age. The words you chose just struck me as peculiar, that's all. And was the case with your original post, I agree with everything you said in this one - with one small exception. Karmonos played hardball and as he approached a deal with the governor over a new arena and demanded he be reimbursed for "lost revenue" over the course of the 3 seasons the arena was to be built. The had city rallied and did their part by buying season tickets but the owner screwed them after the governor rightly balked. I know it's not relevant to the general thread topic, but I'm not sure I'd lump the Whalers in with the other unsustainable teams. Your overall point about the Bills being viable was well made and I agree 100%
  12. I agree with the gist of your post, but it almost sounds like you aren't familiar with the fates of the Baltimore Colts, Houston Oilers, and original Cleveland Browns. It's exactly the reason why I still despise the Titans, Ravens, and Indianapolis. I think the owners would be more concerned with his ability to manipulate anti-trust laws. But either way, I'm with you and am glad he's on our side on this.
  13. As far as I'm concerned, it has nothing to do with his personal politics and everything to do with his "TMZ Personna" (credit: Dwight in Philly). Consider this: He says a lot, but his words don't really carry much weight. Remember when he said he was going to run for governor but didn't? Or when he said he was running for president but didn't? And now he says he wants to buy the Bills? I guess we'll have to wait and see about that one... And for the umpteenth time: Yes, Trump is better than the Bills moving, but he's far from an ideal choice. And yes, ESPN would talk about the Bills a lot, and I guess for some people that matters, but they would be talking about the Bills for all the wrong reasons.
  14. It's not like he couldn't afford it! The only catch would be - and I don't mean any disrespect to him - that he's not exactly a young man and we could easily be in the same boat in a couple more years.
  15. Funny thing is, after going back and forth with you all evening, the only real difference we have in this is that I don't want his TMZ personna (good name for it, BTW) anywhere near my Bills - our Bills. Sure, if he's the Hail Mary play, it's better than the team moving, but I really, really hope it doesn't come down to that/him.
  16. I could care less if the Dalai Lama expressed interest in buying the Bills because expressing interest means nothing. Remember when Trump expressed interest in running for governor? Remember when he expressed interest in running for president? What makes you think this is any different? Desperation? For all of our sake I hope Pegula, Jeremy Jacobs Jr, or Galisano don't express interest but instead put together a group allowing one of them to buy the team. I believe those guys are the only safe bets to keep the team in Bflo over the long haul. I also believe the real players are not going to talk too much.
  17. When I read it (and I did so quickly at work) I was thinking it was grandstanding - my thought was "He thinks he's going to be in the war room on draft day?!" I don't follow the NBA and I have no idea what the team's finances are like. It sounds like they might be struggling if that's what he was referring to. And if that's the case and he means throwing tax breaks and public money at the franchise, you're right, that would certainly help the team be economically viable.
  18. That's a bit off topic but... I think sticking microphones in people's faces seconds after they make a huge play on the sport's biggest stage is stupid and I don't blame him for what he said, if that's what you mean. Other than that, he's a very good DB on a team that is not the Bills. That's all I got for Richard Sherman. Why do you ask?
  19. The answers are upthread and probably not too much different than your opinion. I didn't care for the way you called out that other guy and I called you on it. Let it go. Bro.
  20. He says on a message board about a public post on said message board? Now that is funny!
  21. You are correct; comedic comments that lack comedic value generally do elude me.
  22. And that's where we disagree. I dislike the ego and I don't believe he'd keep the Bills here any longer than he has to. I can see him pulling the ol' "Hey guys, I told you I'd keep them here - and I did. And it's been a great run, but I'm moving on to make more money." You mentioned his politics. Trust me, I'm not even considering them. Instead, I am considering his character, of which there is little. Echoes my sentiments exactly. The NFL has a rule that markets stop at borders. If I had to guess, it would have to do with rights packages for TV and licensing allocation for merchandise sold across the border.
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