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Posts posted by BillsFan130

  1. Am I the only one not throwing the D under the bus yesterday. While I don't give them a free pass, we turned the ball over 3 times and went 3 and out 5 times in a row at one point on the other side of the ball. Historically you give Brady 3 extra possessions he's going to tear you apart and hang 500 yards on you.


    I was more upset with offensive play than defensive play yesterday.

    Valid points but you said it, they still let over 500 yards of offence. Regardless if the bills gave them extra possessions or not that is an eye opening number. But you are correct, against brady you can't go three and out multiple times in a row

  2. My concern with Ryan is that NE did absolutely nothing that he hasn't seen before and their gameplan was consistent with what we've seen since Brady arrived on the scene. So why wasn't this team prepared?


    On the Gronkowski TD for example this was the exact same play they ran against Pittsburgh last week at the exact same spot on the field and the Bills defenders were looking at each other apparently not knowing what their assignments were which left their most dangerous receiver completely uncovered for an easy TD.. How can this happen? Either the players don't understand the gameplan or the coaches aren't planning for it. Either one is not acceptable. And all the talk about press coverage. What happened with that?


    Maybe with more experience with the new scheme these things solve themselves? Just put down the microphones and the Twitter accounts and just shut up, show up, and play the game.

    I agree 100 percent with what you said. It was a bad game for sure, I don't know what Rex was trying to accomplish with his game plan. I do believe he will bounce back though, he's been an elite defensive coach for almost two decades now, so I do think it was just one very bad game plan because he didn't give the bills defenders a chance too succeed. Jerry Hughes covering gronk one on one and Rambo on Edelman one on one on a few plays? That can't happen

  3. No worries sir!

    interesting, I didn't realize that they got blown out the same year they went on to beat them in the playoffs.Thanks!

    Who's panicking? Have you not been on this site the last 2'days? You would think an Armageddon is coming after this loss

    Who's panicking ? I didn't expect the Bills to win this game and not sure why any Bills fan that's been paying attention would. The Pats still have Brady. We have an unknown at the most important position. The outcome was pretty predictable. I would have been more surprised if TT looked like Aaron Rodgers in a Bills uni than a guy in his 2nd start vs a HOF coach with a HOF quarterback.

  4. I for one think Rex had a terrible game as well as the whole coaching staff and players. But lets remember it is one bad game against the super bowl champs. Does anyone remember in 2010 when Rex got beat 45-3 by the pats on MNF about 4 years ago? That same year he came back and beat the patriots in the playoffs and shut Brady down. Rex is a great defensive coach who had a bad game. This season is far from over, need a big win in Miami and I would consider it a very god start to the year. Go Bills!

  5. I completely agree with the OP here. 100%. For a true football fan, The Nfl gets less and less watchable every day.



    It was a one score game , it very well could have Ben the reason they lost. I mean really, there was an obvious hold on one of their TD passes. Sammy had a bs OPI call that instead of a 15 yard gain turned I to two penalties for 25 yards- that's a loss of FORTY YARDS on one freaking call.


    Calls like that literally do change the outcomes of 1 score games. Not to mention the entire second Q was the refs screwing the bills and te bills subsequently loosing their cool.

    Ya I know. It was a one score game but New England was in control for the most part, they just got arrogant towards the end with trying to run up the score. It made the game look closer than I think it was. You are right though there were bad calls and who knows if it would have changed the outcome but I do think new England outplayed the bills today and deserved the win

  6. Oh it was a sad reality. But this whole doomed thing is ridiculous. We're 1-1 after facing the two teams from last years AFC championship. It's a decent place to be. 2-0 would be ideal but it's not reality. Reality is we still have ground to make up to catch the pats** but that's no different from the rest of the NFL.

    Ya I agree

  7. Yeah regardless of how you view the pats they ARE the defending SB champs and they showed why. I hate them as much as anyone but they showed why they are who we are. Pressing the panic button this early is pure insanity

    You are right that people are overreacting but I think today was a sad reality. As long as the pats have brady and belichick the bills can't compete against this team. 1-1 is a ok start but still gotta beat new England if you are going to do anything in this league

  8. Brady was averaging 1.5 seconds per throw on some of his drives.. You aren't getting to him no matter what you do at that pace.

    What really annoyed me is that the bills would refuse to play tight on the receivers. They knew that new England would try and get rid of the ball quick but yet made no adjustments all game

  9. I don't appreciate Ryan's big mouth. Talk about firing up a team! Wrong team idiot! I won't pin this on Tyrod but with that being said I'm not too impressed with him either. The only one from Buffalo that's doing good is Gronk. Nice job Ryan, I can't wait to hear what you got to say about the Dolphins! What an embarrassment!

    exactly. I've been saying this all week. Why is Rex talking like his record is 9-4 against belichick instead of 4-9. Now 4-10 I think. He just looks like a complete idiot now

  10. sure - if a coach or team member started talking about deflate gate that's one thing. None of them have, they won't even answer questions about it. The closest was Eric Wood a few weeks ago who just said "whatever the league decides, blah blah". This was a retail employee who moved air pumps from the back up front for the weekend as a joke. I don't see that as "poking the bear" but if the Pats* do, they have thin skin. It has nothing to do with the Bills record against them and everything to do with their team's cheating. They will see much worse everywhere they go, and I don't believe any team in the league beats them regularly or has a winning record against them over the last 15.

    You make good points, can't argue with much of that but my main point is I wish the bills didn't provide New England with any more motivation than there already is, whether it is a player or an employee part of the bills organization

  11. they don't actually have a bulletin board in NFL locker rooms. And anything like this that they see, they brought on themselves and will deal with it every where they go except Gillette.

    "bulletin board" was a figure of speech, and I understand they brought it upon themselves and I definitely see the comedy of it, but I for one don't think it's a good idea to poke the bear especially when we have got our arses handed to us the last 12 years by the patriots. Just my opinion

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