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Everything posted by BillsFan130

  1. Didn't PFF give suh a very high score against the bills? The guy seemed invisible to me
  2. Ya same, I still don't like the jets because they are a division rival but with chan and fitzzy there, the hatred has gone down a lot
  3. even though it would probably be a little better for the bills if Miami won, I can never go for the dolphins
  4. Harvin has really impressed me so far. I was a little skeptical when the bills first signed him but this guy can flat out play
  5. I mean, the pats have gone 16-0 before so I don't think 14-2 or 15-1 is out of the question for them. Obviously would love for the bills to win the division but I don't think there is a good chance of that but I guess you never know
  6. Their schedule is very easy. They have a chance to go 15-1 this year
  7. Thanks for the review. For me personally I hate when refs call everything, I can live with the missed calls, it's when there is flag every play that really is annoying
  8. He completely crossed up Miami on that opening drive with all those play actions. He called a very good game today
  9. Was very impressed with the o line today, I think it was easily their best game of the year so far
  10. wtf is Rambo doing, theres a fine line of being aggressive and stupid..
  11. It's ridiculous. If it goes out of bounds at the 1 yard line it's their ball at the 1, but if it goes a yard further out of bounds in the end zone it's the other teams ball at the 20 yard line.. where is the logic there
  12. That is true, I actually do recall now thanks. Definitely got to make tannehill beat us deep this week as his short passing game is his strength (like you said though, not even close to bradys)
  13. I guess it would be defensive line getting to tannehill. I'm worried they are going to take the pats game plan and do short quick throws
  14. Ya he made some really nice plays week 1. But ya I agree with with what you said. Bradham looks like he's the real deal at linebacker at least!
  15. No, That game meant more than anything than Rex. This was his chance to make a statement in the AFC east and the NFL world
  16. I loved Kiko on the Bills but I honestly thought he was a bit overrated. There is no question the guy is a playmaker and can make game changing plays, but he struggles against the run as he is small and can be over aggressive at times
  17. I think shady. Miami's run D has been struggling so far
  18. Edelman is a punk. Good player not going to take that away from him but he needs to get layed out
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