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The Dean

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Posts posted by The Dean

  1. since college ive always thought he was a big time player and i think he has the potential to be a pro bowler. i really hope we sign him because i dont have a good feeling about losman. interesting note, years back i would always go on detroit pistons message boards and talk about how they should sign my favorite player, chauncey billups. well, if we sign davey it will be history repeating itself all over again as one of my favorite players signs with my favorite team.



    You missed our discussion of this earlier in the week. Here 'tis:



  2. Great as always, Lo.


    While I remain eternally hopeful, I'm not optimistic.


    However, for some strange reason, today I sort of think we MAY put in a strong effort. Let's face it, our boys laid down like dogs last week (w/apologies to dogs). The effort was shameful.


    I just think they will come out focused and purposeful and play their asses off this week. With that said, that doesn't mean they have the talent to win the game...but...


    AAHHHHHHHHHH who the hell am I kidding? Damn, ya start to write it down and it all seems so silly.



  3. Gimme Some Lovin': The Spencer Davis Group

    While My Guitar Gently Weeps: Jeff Healey

    What A Wonderful World: Joey Ramone



    "Gimme Some Lovin" was written by Spencer Davis (and sung by a teenage Stevie Winwood way before he became one of the most tragic sell-outs of all-time) along with "I'm a Man". Are you saying someone did a remake that was better?


    Booker T and the MGs did a nice cover...but, I doubt you think it was better than Spencer's.

  4. You arrive at your doctor's office.  They tell you the doctor isn't in today, so the nurse will do the tests.  The nurse tells you your health is too high by one centimeter.  She refuses to explain any further.  When say you don't understand, she says, "don't you know what a centimeter is?"  Then she starts intentionally mumbling nonsense questions.  When you say you can't understand, she asks if you've ever been diagnosed with "muted sensibilities."  Then, a birthday party for the receptionist breaks out with balloons and confetti and the nurse leaves you standing in the waiting room with your pants around your ankles and needles in your arms.


    Then, you see your doctor there and he's limping badly.  He limps over to you with a drink in his hand, wearing a party hat.  You ask him what's wrong with his leg.  He says "I can't understand a word you're saying."  Then you say, "That's funny--there was a birthday party here the last time I was here also."  Then the doctor says he'll have to get back to you about that.




    You are Gay. :mellow:


    Next patient! (Same diagnosis)

  5. New topic?  Covers that were as good or better than the original?  Start it up!



    3 totally different versions of "All Along the Watchtower"...All GREAT. Dylan, Hendrix and Dave Mason (really...I'm not kidding)


    Here's one eveyone will hate. Old and In the Way do a bluegrass leaning version of "Wild Horses" that's WAY better than the Stone's, IMO.


    Wimer and the Dukes played the s#it out of Steve Miller's "Living in the USA"


    More to come if the thread stays interesting...

  6. Among the alcohol soaked bruised and battered egos from the Raider loss, we additonally suffered a couple of material injuries-


    Apparently that trench I dug behind the garage last week was too inviting for Big Bob come "bedtime" after the game. Luckily his knees saved him from damaging any other body parts. See the link below-


    As for Kelly The Dog's parking skills, let's just say the tow strap on his vehicle was required BEFORE he had his first adult beverage. This just looked to him like the proper place to "squirrel away" a city vehicle ;-)


    D Cup Casualties




    That's just freakin' beautiful! I'm jealous.

  7. DOes nayone legitmately know of current or past players frequenting this message board?  Just curious if we have any active player members, or players who scope it out.  I would imagine from a busines point of view Donahoe, and possibly Mularkey would visit this board to gauge an interest of their "market."  Get an idea of how the fans feel.




    Back in the old days, but way after he was Bills head coach, Hank Bullough regularly posted here as Dr. Bennie b.f.d. Of course there was Marv Levy (Yvel Vram), Wade (Dik Smub), Double G Williams (Barry Brady) and now there's MM (Fake-Fat Sunny).


    Rumor has it that Jim Kelly was ICE and I believe Flutie was BF in Indiana...but, again, those are just rumors.

  8. message to Sam


    STFU, take the shot, and play ball!!!



    Where did STFU come from? Was Sam complaining...or are you just a douchbag?



    (Notice I didn't call you an flaming, no-holds-barred, wretched douchebag...THAT would be wrong. I'm just posing a simple question.)

  9. There were a lot of players on that team that were part of all three Superbowls.  By that logic they should all be on the all-decade team.


    That's where I find problems in this whole "Brady went to three Bowls in 4 years so he must be the best" arguement.  In my opinion, the coaching, the defense, and the kicker had far more to do with those championships than Brady did.  It's been argued in countless other threads.




    NO...it was JUST Brady...by himself, damnit! (OK, maybe Bill B did a little to help.) Brady ran, Brady threw, he blocked for himself and caught his own passes. He played all the positions on special teams and was a DEMON on defense. The reason for the few losses the Pats had the last few years were other people's fault. Brady is down-right Flutie-like.


    Don't you forget it!

  10. .........and maybe some 5 o'clock shadow. 


    To extremely oversimplify, Losman needs to lose the high-voiced pageboy image if he wants to lead.

    No more foppity hair or emo sensibility.  No more fruity drinks at the downtown bars---it's beer, tequila, or crown and nothing else.

    Just think people---how good would Losman look with a buzzcut and a f*ck off attitude?

    Humbly submitted,

    Eric C





    You're right...THAT'S the problem...his appearance.


    Must be a full moon.

  11. LMAO......I was at that game.  I went to college at Ball State which is about 40 minutes from Indy.  Wow, you talk about a borrrrrrrrrrrring game.  I did scream my ass off at the end when we won it though.


    Maybe the worst game I'd ever seen live.



    That game sucked on TV...but, I can imagine what it would be like i person.


    I was at Rich Stadium (yes, it was Rich then)...don't remember the year. The Bills were playing the Bears. I think the final was 6-3 Bears. The Bills punted in the 4th Q from mid-field on 4th and short.

    Man did THAT suck.

  12. People did think black QB's were to dumb then, and they simply didn't get developed into QB's because they never played the position.  That was obviously way of base, but in no way does that further justify what’s happening to white players at the speed positions today.


    Plenty of white athletes play the speed positions in high school, its simply impossible for that not to happen with the population difference. I was a CB in high school, and we had two African American players on my team, and throughout my conference 1 African American started at CB out of 15 teams. 


    The disparity comes at the college level when for the first time a coach can actively recruit a certain quality at an each position.  Each position becomes ultra specialized, and in the competitive fabric of the game coaches realized certain position were better filled by fast explosive athletes. 


    Oppression and stereo types held back the African American QB, but that’s not what’s holding back today’s white players from playing speed positions. In football today millions is at stake in boosters, revenue, and merchandise sales.  Only the best players play, and if a white kid posted a monster combine day like we routinely see African Americans do they will play the speed positions. It’s not like a bunch of white 20 year olds are just walking the streets with a sub 4.4 forty, and 40 inch vertical.




    Again, I've heard different. For example, ESPN did a really good "Outside the Lines" a few years back on the topic. It was pretty obvious that some coaches did not want white CBs. Jason Seahorn told of how hard it was to even get a tryout at CB in college for that reason. Coaches even came on the record (if I'm not mistaken...I drink, ya know) and said it was a factor.


    BTW, I hope you don't think that I believe what happened to black QB candidates is a JUSTIFICATION for the treatment of white players. Clearly I do not. I'm just saying, I believe that there is some of that there.

  13. It is interesting to note that bands that were societally shunned when we were youngsters are viewed as mainstream now.  At one time Ozzy was viewed with much distain by many, but  seem relatively harmless now.




    That's because he IS harmless. Ozzy sold out and went mainstream years ago. The first few (maybe even several) albums were killer. After about 1975 he started sucking big time...putting out pop disguised as hard rock disguised as music. A shame, really.

  14. I am probably going to watch alone.  Whenever I make a big deal about the Bills being on television, and invite friends, they usually get trashed from the opening kickoff to the final gun...except that thrilling 1997 MNF game against the Colts, where the Bills won 6-3...




    It's funny I PREFER to watch games by myself, for the most part. But, I'm having a few of the Bay area's best over on Sunday (NorCal Aaron, SF Bills Fan?...and a few others from the North Star)...should be enjoyable, even in the unlikely event we lose.

  15. Jason Sehorn and Nolan Cromwell are the only two I can recall




    First of all, this may be the best and most balanced discussion on race I've seen on TSW (with the exceptions from the usual suspects). Bravo! I also want to point out that LABills, Kelly, Aaron, GG and FFS have made excellent points with which I almost totally agree.


    With respect to the comment above...I think it's an interesting observation. From what I've seen, read and been told, many high school and college coaches actually coach their white players AWAY from the CB position. They hold a belief that a white guy can't play CB...much in the way coaches used to think a black player wasn't fit for QB. Fast CB candidates are asked to play WR and Safety...almog with other positions. It would be as wrong to thing the reason there are few white CBs is because white guys are slow as it would be to think the reason there were few black QBs is because black guys are dumb. (Man, that's one tough sentence to read...punctuation would be real nice in that baby.)


    What nobody's raised (OK, FFS did in a way) is that his comments were racist on many levels...one of them is that he insulted his white players...for being white (not for being slow).


    There are many reasons why saying a particular race is good at something is racist... don't have the time to go into them all right now. But, as the Wallians are doing such a good job. I think I'll TRY to stay out of this one.

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