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The Dean

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Posts posted by The Dean

  1. In my understanding a "Players' Coach" is a coach that used to be a player at the level he is coaching. He is supposed to understand what it is like being a player and is supposed to make decisions with the players mentality. He is supposed to reflect his experiences in their identity and their systems. Basically, Mularkey treats these guys with kid gloves.


    Levy said the most important thing about being a coach is not motivation, but to find self motivated individuals and to convince them into the system being employed. The team work will follow. The chemistry will follow. The level attention will be elevated because they believe in the systems, They have trust in the coaches.


    I don't see that here.



    As far as the explanation: Best I've heard...although I don't think that's how it's NORMALLY used...it's how it SHOULD be used. Good Job!

  2. Kelly Holcomb has been playigng well, but this season is not happening. We need to develop Losman.  Troy Aikman was talkign abotu this and was mentioning that he was 0-11 until they won their first game and went 1-15 his first year. He said things didn't gel until just into his second season as a starter. So where will this leave us with JP? If he is indeed the future, when is that future- 3 years from now? look at Eli Manning- he went through his growing pains.  Kelly played in the USFL for two years before we got him. This is merely pushing back JPs development.



    Where were YOU Sunday?


    BTW, I agree as long as we RUN...RUN...RUN. If we stick with KH, we should RUN...RUN...RUN

  3. I guess that is what a "players' coach" brings.





    What does "players coach" mean? Belicheck is a "player's coach"..no? I don't hear players complaining about playing for him. Parcells must be the ULTIMATE player's coach. He brings the same players with him from team-to-team. Coughlin is not a player's coach...he's a douchebag. But as he has ZERO SuperBowl appearances I guess that's not the answer.


    WHAT is a "Player's coach"? <_<


    My guess is "no nonsense". :wub:

  4. Follow up to that story: The Dean invites billsfanmiami(oh) to San Francisco for the weekend.  They hang out in the Castro and have a gay old time.




    You STOP that, ya big silly. I'll give you such a slap with my bag. (Not THAT bag, ya weirdo!)



  5. Had a feeling this thread would turn into me not being "educated" enough to "understand" the beauty of this film, but I can't imagine someone could watch this move for the first time today and find it either scary or entertaining. And isn't that the mark of a truly "great" film? The ability to stand the test of time?(ie Freaks, The Innocents, Psycho, The Shining, etc) This movie is just funny. I don't need million dollar special effects, but this movie is a laugher...







    These <<<>>>>> are vvvvvv birds >>>>>>


    <<<< they are<<<<< pecking you >>>>> vvvvvv


    pecking your <<<<>>>> head <<<<<<<<


    pecking your >>>>><<<<<eyes vvvvvv


    Pretty scary, no?




    Here's bigger birds VVVVVVVVVVVVV pecking your head VVVVVVVVV

  6. As far as composition, they both balance the eye well, "grove" in particular. 


    However, make them both black and white and you could probably charge more.  I think removing all color from "grove" would give it more character...you know, really enhance the stark contrast between tall/short, belonging/intruding.  The color makes it too "happy" when you've named the piece "interupted," suggesting a break from conformity.


    I really like the the light/dark/shadow aspect of "claw", and I think it also would stand out more by amplifying that opposition or contrast.  The brutal aspect of an industrial object, somewhat softened by it obsolescence.


    Just my 2 cents.





  7. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, more demoralizing to a team than to have another team run the ball play after play, right up your gut, and you can't do a damn thing to stop them. That's where we were last night. Right up until those four passes. It's killing me.




    My buddy called me (drunk) at halftime from LA. He asked, "Dean, do we keep running in the second half, or is it time to put the ball up?" My response (surprise) was, "We keep running. The runs that didn't give us much in the first half will yeild yardage as the day goes on. Trust me, we're in the lead and need to RUN!"


    Well, when we ran, I was right. Then the passes started...ugh.

  8. Trust me, it's not the formation/situation... it's the players.  I'm so confident in that statement that I can honestly say you'd feel differently if the names were changed to protect the guilty.  Decoding this garble...


    You mean you really like this formation if the names in that formation/situation are kelly, thermal, reed, wolford, ritcher, hull, ballard, Davis, Metzallars, Beebe and Lofton.




    But those AREN'T the players...and teams have succeded with the level of talent we have (at least have gone into the playoffs). The coaches are supposed to put their players in situations where they are likely to succed. Given the strengths and weaknesses of the hand they have been dealt, the formations, playcalling, etc, is perfectly legitimate conversation here, methinks.



  9. I don't have a problem with Williams as the third down back.  My main beef is when it's 3rd and 2, and we lineup in shotgun formation (with or without a RB).  I hate that, as we rarely run the ball in shotgun.  3rd and 6, fine, but 3rd and short shouldn't be shotgun formation in my mind.






    You got it. We clear the backfield FAR too many times. When there's nobody in the backfield except the QB, the D is immediatly relieved from the responsibility of even THINKING about the run. When we have an RB he's already in motion...wide before the snap.


    I don't get that.

  10. Nice pics. Dunno how big the prints are, or what the venue is like, or what the average $ of the other pics is..WO with that said, here is my advice re:pricing:


    Charge MORE...maybe 5 or 6 times more. (Or, say, twice the average price of the pics at the gallery.) A higher price will make them seem even better and will create more buzz and mystique.


    If I'm wrong, you're out $90...and you still have the pics. You'll sell em somewhere else. If I'm right, you'll have some nice coin in your pocket and you'll have set a higher baseline for your work going forward.

  11. :(  A 55 yard pass is completed to Moulds; after that play not one pass attempt over 5 yards. With 4 and 7 the coward at quarterback throws a 4 yard pass; because he is such a friggin coward he is afraid of getting hit. Put anybody at QB, but cut this chicken sh-- coward Holcomb today



    Were you drunk when you posted this last night? Or, are you just naturally a braid-dead idiot?

    Inquiring minds don't give a rat's-ass!

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