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The Dean

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Posts posted by The Dean

  1. I don’t know if you’re like me but once and a while, I just like a good freak. Although I think it’s preferable for them not to be on my favourite team, what will make me enjoy another NFL game that doesn’t involve the Bills will probably be the freak content. While others may take offence at behaviours a la Randy Moss, I find it very enjoyable. So here is my list, by positions, of the players who combined somewhat greatness with a lot of freakness. But lots of position needs to be filled, so feel free to add up to this list.




    Michael Irvin: Best TD moves, ever.

    R. Moss

    T.Owens: Makes noise both off and on the field.




    R. Williams




    Steve McMahon: Was once on the injury list with a bruised butt.

    Joe Namath: Fur coat wearing image will forever characterized this legend.

    Rob Johnson: Arrived at training camp with a sleeveless Melrose Place shirt. 

    BJ Hobbert: Would rather practise his putting than studying the playbook.

    Joe Kapp: Just like Culpepper, minus the qb skills. Yet let his team to a superbowl. 




    W. Sapp: Always speaks his mind.

    Neil Smith: Anyone remember his appearances on United Way ads? He always seemed to enjoy himself just a little too much while helping kids to read or something.




    L.Taylor: Was a monster despite playing many games under the influence of illicit substances.

    B. Romanowski: Spitting incident, pills, racial comments etc.

    R. Lewis:  Can fire up his teammates like no other. Of yeah and he was somewhat involved in a murder case too.

    B. Bosworth: Now an acclaimed movie actor, or TV movie actor!

    D. Talley: Spiderman sleeves. Would that be allowed now?




    D. Sanders: Where do I begin. I’ll just mention his Jesus bandana.


    Coaching staff


    HC: Jerry Glanville: Has Elvis ever used any of the courtesy tickets left by Glanville?

    Honourable mention to Jim Mora, who always seemed completely lost and out of control. Hey didn’t we once make the playoffs with such a coach?? 


    OC: Chucky: One intense looking dude.

    DC: Buddy Ryan

    O line coach: Carl Mauck, who probably now lives in a van down by a river near Detroit.

    Marc in Montréal




    "Steve McMahon"?


    As long as Buddy's there, shouldn't Killdrive be there so he has someone to punch?

  2. To drink or not to drink? Alcohol makes me hyper so that won't work.


    Yeah, I'm calling the doc and seeing if I can get some pills. Man, I'd much rather drive. It's only 6-7 hours but work won't let me....



    Well, if booze won't work, then drugs will have to be the answer!

  3. The primary reason this OLine sucks is we're paying Mike Williams twice what he's worth.

    That is a blunder of huge proportions. He makes too much money. (period)

    So, do we "make" him play Left Tackle? Hah! No, of course not - he's not trained to play in that position. He'd be a disastard there.


    Somewhere Jason Peters is just shaking his head, and Ross Tucker is laughing.



    I'm missing something here. Does Williams' paycheck get in TT's way when he tries to block? Perhaps if Mike made less $, Bennie would be a better player...is that what you're getting at?


    Or do you think there's a cap on the OL salary?


    Perhaps you're highjacking the thread, ignoring a perfectly resonable post and question to take a shot at MW. Well, I guess I can appreciate the whole cheap-shot thing.

  4. My thoughts exactly. We'd still be 3-5 if holcomb had started all year. If starting holcomb long term was the plan, we shoulda kept drew. at least he had an arm. This season was about JP, and we are just stunting his growth because of a few whiny veterans.


    (I see the "arm" hasnt seen this poll yet, due to the lack of a 6-2 vote.)



    I think we'd only have 2 wins with Drew. And, if he were mortal, I would say Drew would be out for the year if he started for us this year...but he almost never gets hurt. He'd almost certainly be sacked about three times more than JP or KH.


    just my opinion.

  5. I'd like to second (OK, third) Shaft...go Chef! (Black Moses, Hot Buttered Soul...that was some bad-assed s#it.)


    "Town Without Pity" is also great. Originally by Gene Pitney, the instrumental cover by Ronnie Montrose is beautifully dramatic. Maybe it should be my theme song!


    BTW..."Live and Let Die"? Were you serious with that POS? There are some great Bond theme songs...how about "Goldfinger"?

  6. You could look at it that way, but the reality is that the Celtics organization always remained the Celtics. The only thing that changed for the Celtics during the great Buffalo switcheroo was their owner.


    Same goes for the Buffalo Braves/SD/LA Clippers.


    Whatever. Why am I even talking about the NBA? :) The NBA = RJ!!!!




    You could look at it that way. <_<


    I'd like to see the detailed legal paperwork.

  7. If you're venturing into bluew-rock I'd add a couple of Roy Buchanan to your list, too.


    I'd start with "Livestock" ( a rare GREAT live album) and "Anthology" is a nice pick, too as it gives a career perspective (musically and through the written material).


    This MoFo could really play.

  8. I'll buy that, even considering it's only BB who has succeeded post divorce. This might be one reason why:


    Something that struck me was Romeo Crennel's first interview after taking the Brown's job. Asked "after playing for BB and BP, what is the most important thing you'll take from those experiences to your new role as a head coach". I was stunned when Crennel, without any mention of BB and the still hot hardware from the '05 Super Bowl, "Without a doubt it's Coach Parcell's ability to relate to his players, to get the most from each of them every week. I believe it's the most important thing for a head coach who wants to succeed". All I could think was that at least in Crennel's opinion, he figured he was taking that exact strength away from the Pat's organization with him. While it may not have surfaced yet in Cleveland, it would be easy to argue that there's little of it going around in Foxboro these days ;-)




    Good point. I think RC and fat Charlie filled the "heart" position for BB.

  9. Actually...the first drive of the second half, we put the ball up.  We scored 7 on a 55-yard TD pass.  From then on, we ran 18 times and passed 13, scoring 6 more points.  I'm not picking a fight with you.  I agree this team needs to run most of the time - as we did, but there are times where you need to pass.  And we didn't execute those times well enough.  Anyone else notice NE outgained us on running plays 4.2-3.8?


    And the unnatural acts, so a family walks into a talent agency...



    I know we scored on a pass (a by-product of the amt of running we did in the first half). You are correct that we did not execute the pass well when we needed to (the last pass, for example). My point was we passed when it was unnecessary. We were ahead in the game (thanks in part to the 55 yard TD pass) and we needed to REALLY keep the ball on the ground. There was NO reason to pass on the play where KH threw the INT. (BTW, I called it i advance of the play. I said "we'll do something stupid like pass and turn it over."...or something to that effect.) And we didn't need to pas when KH got hit and fumbled.


    At that point in the game this team did not need to be balanced. They needed to be over-the-top all run. That's all I'm saying.

  10. We had a very small turnout this year.  Double murder/suicide in our neighborhood on Saturday probably scared them away.  Whimps.



    Isn't that what Halloween is all about?


    BTW, you a suspect at all? I mean a chef with a nice knife selection, I'm sure...

  11. Time for a reality check here....


    Those guys are TOLD what to discuss.  They have someone chirping in the ear the whole time. Yes, the broadcast sucked, but it is the PRODUCER that should have his balls lopped off, not the guys in the booth.


    Now, I guess they could have tried to not lay it on so thick, but they are pawns in someone else's chess game...




    While you are correct, the talent (I can't believe I just typed that in reference to these bozos) actually has a lot of input...and in some cases veto power. (If John Madden says "I ain't saying that", my guess is he doesn't.) These guys aren't Madden (in stature...physical or in terms of power) but they COULD have said..."This is way too much. We'll look like idiots." My guess is they were willing (or, even worse, indifferent) accomplices.

  12. Too bad you did not enjoy the movie.  I agree.  I think its a classic.  I even went to Bodaga bay when visiting SF.  The schoolhouse is now a bed and breakfast.  The person that made the initial post.  How old are you?  Just wondering.  I am in my 40's.




    I went to a wedding reception in that school house. I was drunk by the time I got there and really don't remember a lot about it, though.

  13. I think the opposite- a guy like Parcells, a real players coach, would have mediated a situation like the Milloy separation no matter which way it had to play out. If you remember at that time Belichick floundered all over the place when that happened, similiar to the Bledsoe separation.


    I've always gotten the feeling that players consider Belichick the booger-eater who keeps drawing 21 at the table- they're absolutely tolerant of having him around and they'll listen to him as long as they're winning. In contrast Parcells is a guy whose players want to drag him out partying with them. I've never noticed any indication of the type of collegiality Parcells gets between Belichick and his players. And the "Players Coach" tag seems more constent with the type of coach who goes to bat for the players with the team; in Belichick's case he seems to be almost completely hands off on personnel issues, surely publicly.




    It's funny I always thought that BB didn't have enough personality to succeed as an HC (enough personality?...he doesn't have a SPECK of personality). But, you're correct, winning ameliorates his (perceived) inability to communicate with the players. OTOH, Parcells, seems like a love him or hate him kinda coach. I can see where he breeds loyalty from certain players.


    Together they were the perfect coach. Parcells still has yet to go to the dance w/o BB. Parcells is not the genius he's made out to me. In fact, from what I've seen this season, he's made some seriously boneheaded decisions. I think BB was the brains and BP was the heart.

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