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Bookie Man

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Everything posted by Bookie Man

  1. He was looking quite sharp on the suit he wore last week. We need to be patient with his style. It's going to have ups and downs, but we've seen what he's capable of.
  2. It may seem Tyrod would be a good fit for a Chip Kelly offense. But I don't think he gets rid of it fast enough and I'm not sure if the seam throw is his forte. I think those are points of emphasis for his system. Jmo.
  3. Sometimes I feel like the crowd nose affects our defense also. It's hard for the offense to call audibles and make line calls. But it sometimes it seems like it also bonnets hinders them to make checks and stuff like that.
  4. Great points, but how is he to know this without seeing Tyrod?
  5. I mean I get it, but I don't. If he didn't break the rules, there shouldn't be a flag. As is always the case. There's just too much grey area in officiating. I think that's something that everyone agrees on.
  6. So lunging holds no bearing to the rule. So basically, the ref was wrong.
  7. Haha, there was nothing unintentional about that kick. He almost winds up his hip a little. He is a ninja with these "accidental" kicks though. Remember when he did a spinning heel kick to Matt Schaub's b@lls? Isn't he also big into soccer also?
  8. Ok I'm trying to look up chop block definitions, but I can't find where it says anything about lunging. Is this a new extention to the rule or something? Could you clarify the lunging aspect?
  9. The refs have too much influence on the outcome of the game. Borderline game changing penalties are being called at the drop of a hat. It's like a crap shoot. A big play happens, then you look around and check for flags. Whether it's a legit call or not is just plain luck it seems. Teams' seasons can hinge on if the refs are pms'ing or whatever that day. It's a joke.
  10. This seems like an odd thing to say. He made a split second move in a football play and made a legitimate block. Got flagged for a legal block, but he's at fault for putting the refs in a position to make a bad call? Is this a real thing?
  11. My only issue is that he abandons the middle of the field too quickly. He won't look to the skinny or deep post, when it seems like it's there.
  12. Thanks guys. Overall just a really frustrating experience. I'll make a call and see what happens. Let you guys know.
  13. So you consider the ribs low? Was not even close to the knees.
  14. Agreed he didn't NEED to make that block. But is he supposed to look around, make sure Tryod is safe, then just lay off? Get real. He hit the guy in the freakin ribs. I have never seen a chop block get called like. I'd be shocked to hear you have. It wasn't a chop block. What is the argument? That he hit an engaged blocker in the ribs? I don't get it
  15. So we're sitting in 330, 10 of us. A few minutes into the 1st quarter 5 guys come and say we're in their seats, they have tickets that match ours. Ushers come over freaking out, make us get up, saying that one of us purchased fraudulent tickets. They take my friend that bought all the tickets to some office and ask him questions and such and come to the conclusion that they just messed up. Meanwhile, the remaining 9 of us are just standing in the hallway until the 2nd quarter while they sort it out. They then, give those 5 guys seats somewhere else and then let us sit back down. Big pain in the ass. Anyone else have this problem? And does it merit any kind of compensation? I'm over it now, but I was kind of ticked at the time. Thanks.
  16. We need robot refs. IT WAS NOT A PENALTY! Did ne need to help block him? No. So what?! Not even that close to a chop block. Now you can't block someone in the ribs? Another GAME CHANGING penalty against Buffalo. One of many. This is getting ridiculous. Officiating is a joke. Every call is subjective. Even my giants fans friends admitted the horrible calls today. I told them it's always like this. They didn't believe me. Is it just me??
  17. Just a thought. In order to not overwork Karlos, perhaps Roman should utilize different type play calls to run the football. Maybe call more designed QB runs, like the sweeps he used to run with Kap, esp if DE Ayers is out. More read option stuff. Sprinkle in a few jet sweeps as well.
  18. He is still a presence and has to be game planed for. I see this DL kind of like our skill players on offense. The numbers might not be there, but they are contributing and opening things up for the other guys.
  19. From his body language on the sideline, he didn't appear to concerned by it. Laughing, joking and smiling. Hopefully it was more precautionary, as they seemed pretty in control of the game with Percy, Woods and Clay getting the job done.
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