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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. I think the only way to avoid this is to have California secede before these particular stars align.
  2. I’ve been doing a fair bit of reading about various secession movements in California. The most plausible scenario is that California would become three states, one of which would be conservative leaning. As an aside, all this talk of stacking the Senate, the Electoral College by adding new states in order to harness majorities to dictate policy tracks me back, once again, to the national politics leading into the Civil War, and gives me one more reason to think we’re headed there again.
  3. What definition of terrorism are you using? Terrorism has a narrow and specific meaning. School shootings, generally speaking, are not acts of terrorism; and most school shootings end with the shooter(s) taking their own lives. The murders are the precursor to the suicide. Speaking to a larger concern, however, you seem to be implying that “white people” (a meaningless term which comingles dozens of different ethnic and racial backgrounds) are genetically predisposed to mass shootings. Can you speak to this?
  4. This is disjointed, and commingles dissimilar situations. DC is a special case because it was specifically created by the Constitution to be unaffiliated so that the Federal government would not be unduly influenced by any one state. Having DC becomes a state would undo that, which is incredibly problematic for reasons I’m certain you can identify. Because DC was created by the Constitution for that purpose, it would require an Amendment to grant it statehood. This has nothing to do with Wyoming, as population has nothing to do with wether or not an entity can become a state. Any other body of land: Puerto Rico, Guam, etc, can be admitted to the Union through normal Congressional proceedure. What any of this has to do with California is beyond me.
  5. The only reason a white person might shoot into a crowd is because they are a white supremacist? This is your analysis? The FBI should hire you immediately.
  6. Interesting that you’ve been able to devine motive and intent when no one else has, and without being able to examine evidence.
  7. Puerto Rico can become a state through the regular admittance process as described. DC very uniquely can not. However for all the sabre rattling over seeking statehood, Puerto Rico doesn’t actually want it because then they would have to pay federal taxes.
  8. Again, it doesn’t matter who controls the Senate. It requires an Amendment. If they want to.
  9. Yes it is. Because the Senate represents the states and not the People. It’s also the only reason it makes sense for “flyover country” to remain part of the country. If the Senate were apportioned the same way the House is, the entire country would simply be dictated to by California and New York.
  10. It was commonly agreed by both parties even into the early 2000’s that DC statehood would require an Amendment. There is a ton of precedent for this, including a failed Amendment which would have granted DC legislative representation in both houses of Congress, which was passed by Congress but was not ratified by the States. Washington DC was specifically created by the Constitution. It was not created in an existing state, but rather on land ceded by two states in order to create an independent and unaffiliated entity. Had the Founders intended DC to be a state, then they would have made it one when they formed it.
  11. Correct. This is why granting Washington DC, specifically, statehood requires an Amendment. Any other body of land can be granted statehood by Congress, but DC is unique. The Founders saw that making the Federal government beholden to any single state would give that state unjust power over the others.
  12. It doesn’t matter if the House votes for it. It doesn’t mater if the Senate votes for it. It doesn’t matter if the President signs it. DC can not achieve statehood without a Constitutional Amendment.
  13. Federal elections should be illegal at the state level.
  14. Fear porn with more than a few dashes of statistical fraud. You like being lied to, I get it.
  15. It’s not the flu, but it’s death toll for those catching it is only roughly three times as bad. Again, a bad flu season.
  16. If not for the absurd amount of media hype which was generated for the sole purpose of destroying the economy, you, not anyone else, would have noticed anything more than a slightly worse than usual flu season.
  17. Reposted from two other threads, one locked the other deleted: He wants to be Colin Kaepernick. There’s money in the victimhood cottage industry. Again, I’ll keep on saying it: We‘ve reached a point where we’ve miseducated an entire generation of people to believe victimhood is social currency; while at the same time social progress has nearly eliminated racism. The result is that now racism must be manufactured to meet demand.
  18. Which resident (*^*&%^$^#blew up the old thread?
  19. Quote where I said there was no racism. Specifically that there “is no racism” or that “racism doesn’t exist”.
  20. Clearly not. If you were capable of learning you wouldn’t have communist tendencies. Feel free to stop lying, if you’re capable.
  21. So you were lying earlier about being learning averse, or about your communist tendencies you’ve spoken about on other parts of the board? OK, fine. I can accept that you lied. Now explain why I should waste my time on you.
  22. No. You’ve already explained that you’re learning averse. I won’t waste my time trying to educate rocks, or reform communists.
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