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Everything posted by Badasss

  1. I'm pulling for the Ravens over the Jets; the Panthers over the Phins; and, of course, the Chiefs over the Chargers. GO CHIEFS!!!
  2. I just bought 2 tickets for the Miami game in Section 240 for just about nothing. It seems that everyone's scared to sit there now. I wonder why...
  3. Russ Brandon has permanently banned him from this, and all Bills-related, web sites.
  4. Because he did not die from the fall, he is what the Darwin Awards committee would classify as an "At-Risk Survivor."
  5. Attempting suicide can be a criminal offense if it causes physical harm to orher people. I dont think that's what the faller was trying to do in this instance.
  6. Assuming he's OK (which I've heard is the case), I hope he's arrested and permanently banned from the stadium. I also hope the guy that he landed on sues him for all he can. Celino & Barnes is hopefully already working on this.
  7. I feel sorry for the guy because one dumb decision might change the rest of his life. But it's easier to feel bad for the innocent bystander that also got hurt.
  8. Well that confirms it. Russ Brandon would never lie.
  9. I looked online and there cant be more than 500 tix left. WTF?
  10. I just checked their web site and it looks like they are within striking distance of a sellout. I think they have < 1,000 tickets remaining.
  11. JP Losman used the word "obviously" a lot too.
  12. Look on the bright side, at least UPitt beat Notre Dame last night.
  13. His brother Jamaal was no slouch last weekend either.
  14. Actually, the Chefs are more like 5-4 morally.
  15. Not true. After a few minutes on a shaded sideline on a cold day, a player would feel less prepared to re-enter the game.
  16. I sat on the Bills side and I thought about sneaking over to the chiefs side during halftime because I was freezing. How can this NOT be a disadvantage in Nov/Dec games? I remember we had this same situation in H.S., which explains why we lost a lot of home games.
  17. Did anyone really expect Jeff Tuell to actually pull off an upset of a dominant team like the Chiefs?
  18. Does anyone really think the Bills have any chance of winning this game?
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