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machine gun kelly

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Posts posted by machine gun kelly

  1. I keep looking at the Giants and see what we could be. Cannot wait. Mar cell, Go have fun my friend and give t Brady absolutely no time. Smile at him and let him know he's going to be on the ground all day. That's wat it takes.


    I think we will finish well with the JETS, jets, jets, jets, fish, and very well with our NFC west and aft south opponents.


    How pumped are all of you for this year as I've not been this excited for a decade.



  2. I think he means to the Nat'l media and fans, who after some games we'll hear, "where did this guy come from"?


    From TBD crew, we know all of these guys.


    I"m betting on the following in order:


    1. Easley

    2. C. Glenn

    3. Merriman - This sounds silly, but everyone outside of Buffalo has completely written him off, everyone. He comes out guns a blazin, and we're in business on top of our other talent.

  3. Freddy ran an avg of 93.4 yds per game until hurt. That is not including his passing yds. That means he would have finished second had he played 16 games if you just continue playing close to the way he did in the first 9 games behind Mighty Mouse.


    He has never been truly given the shot he hqad last year for a whole season. Fast Freddy can do it all in terms of finding holes, yac in passing situations, change of direction, and blocking. I love the guy. I hope he stays healthy as there will be more talk of fast freddy this year. I truly see Chan doing more running with our backs, and a more stout defense.


    That is fine with me. You can win games with 21 points, when the opponent can only score 17 (my hope is the patsies are in that group against us).

  4. I hate reading posts like this although I understand his point on the unconventional manner in which the Pats have won over the years. It was defense, and a deep threat, and so on so on.


    The bottom line as much as we all hate losing to them is they are a well coached, and managed team with fantastic QB play, and Coaching. We should strive for the same.


    I am hopeful that the tides can change and this management and coaching staff can provide the talent and product on the field that we are not an automatic W on their schedule.


    As many of have, I've coached for years with younger guys, and you have to put the product on the field. Then you have to prove at some point in a year where you have less talent than your opponent you can win. Then you are truly a formiddable team. I billieve in Chixley. Give them time. They should make an impact this year. Also, should make even more progress next year.


    This won't get fixed soon where we go to the SB this year. That's a fantasy. But now that we are starting to get out of the 20 foot hole we were put in with the previous FO, and coaching, we can now build. I guarantee you if we blow up again, we will never get out of this hole.


    Stop hating the Patriots for being GOOD. BTW- I hate them as much as all of you, just like I did of the Dolphins in the 70's.

  5. A mistake was not taking Kellen Winslow for not that much money as the basketball player, athletic TE. He would have complimented Chandler well. I also think P. Burress for cheap would be another good pick up. There has been too much negative press about Winslow, from people that must not see the last three years in Tampa. I've watched every game and he was the most productive offensive weapon on the team. Burress with an off season is a very good situaltional player.


    We're as set as we can afford on defense. We bought what we could in the draft and FA. These two weapons get us that much closer to real success

  6. Merriman money is already spent meaning of the dollars owed most of it is guarnateed, so they don't win by cutting him. Possibly a restructured contract for Kelsey if things get tight. I still think Chan and Buddy look at the Giants keys to success, with rotational pass rushers and interior lineman push, and they see Brady looking uncomfortable. rotational rushers means all stay healthy. Darius came cheap given the new CBA. Secondary looks better as they have to cover for one less second, and LBs are more natural in a 4-3. We're fine. I wouldn't get so excited as some of these posts, but we're going to be markedly better with better depth, so it's not an oh crap when one guy gets hurt.

  7. Guys, I love it. tebow creating havoc, and more to come in the J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets, and now when it couldn't be any better the Dolphins choose a ridiculous decision to have their every move evaluated in almost real time while they have a qB contraversy. The only thing better is to get not only ocho cinco, but add TO, and possibly Randy Moss on the Patsies roster. Maybe Jeremy Shockey. Something, please.


    We're going to get better, and these boneheadsw are making it easier. Embrace it guys. I'm loving these dumb decisions.

  8. The main reason to bet on the Bills is one phrase to remember (Flutie vs Johnson)


    Do you remember the problems we had then when we actually were pretty good? I think the mess between Tebow and Sanchez is going to be pervasive at least enough to create problems when they face us. They are not sure on what they have as one of the previous posts regarding new talent, and DC, and scheme.


    We were menat to be a 4-3, and many players are going to be more natural in this position. Watch how Kelsey looks against the run, possibly Carrington in a significant improvement on top of K Williams and Darius. My question is more of how will Easley, SJ, etc respond, and become a very good offense. There was a lot of talk about our offense last year, but the year before we were in some respects better. We were the worst defense in the NFL in 2010. Bar none. We couldn't stop anything. Fitz numbers were actually better in his games.


    Can we get to a place where we are stronger in the running game with I hop a better line (Yes, Fitz made the line look good in stats due to schemes by Gailey and Fitz), and can we control the clock more. I know everyone wants the New Orleans offense where they just over power everyone, but if we can dramatically improve on defense, and have a strong running game, Fitz doesn't have to be Brady.


    Wanny will determine a lot of what we look like next year.

  9. I think the guy who started this thread one point, that it is not Weiss so much we missed on, but the stupidity and short sightedness of the front office during the last decade. I really believe in our current management, and coaching. We've been in a significant deficit to our competitors in talent. At a minimum we were going to need 3-4 years of excellent drafting to improve. I think we're on our way. The point on Mularkey, don't forget although he posted a 9-7 record, he also had the easiest strength of schedule that year we've had in a decade. Somewhat similar in part to this upcoming year.


    I think we're going to have a solid year, probably in the 9-7 or 10-6 range and finish second in the AFC East. The problem is we need mroe depth still, an athletic tight end opposite Chandler, top WR, and another stud LB like Kuechly. It isn't so much the fun of this year I'm excited for, but the following year with more talent added to the team. We could be looking at a fantastic 2013. The most important two factors is Ralph doesn't die and place us all in upheavel, and he doesn't blow up his team again.


    Go Bills!!



    Great phrase in leadership when someone just cannot get it done. I'm sure he's a nice guy, but we need someone to plug up the middle and create puch on the pocket.


    I never thought he was a good fit. Given we could have had Gronkowski, or Clay Matthews, i'd say we missed on that one.

  11. Eric was a good guy. I agree with the previous post. If he had a real team around him, aka Jim Kelly in his prime along side of Reid, and so on he would have been fantastic. Does anyone remember that Dolphins game where we had a standing ovation when we went from snowing in December to a blizzard. I'll never forget telling mu oldest son when he was little that only Buffalonians will cheer and lose their voice to a snowstorm when the fish are in town. If you guys remember that game where we won, Ricky Williams ran for I think 213 yes, but they still lost.


    Moulds had that 40 yd one handed catch on the heavy snow going into end zone. So how would you like him against Stevie now if he was in his prime. I actually feel bad for the guy who had to play on so many mediocre teams with poor management.

  12. When the hell will the Patriots do something so stupid as what the Eagles just did, or the Jets did with the Tebow implosion that will occur soon. TD is about as good as a staph infection. It looks not so great up front, but gets worse and worse until you have to amputate. He is so instrumental on so many levels of the debacle of this team for the last twelve years.


    I'm not going to write a book, but just really think about where we were with the Bills defense prior to him arriving and what happened on his watch.

  13. We have to hope one of these existing WR will step up and a more balanced attack will provide more holes in opposing defenses. We do still need a WR, and an athletic Tight End. Living in Tampa, I've watched Kellen Winslow for four years. It's a shame we didn't go after him as having a big target in Chandler, and an athletic red zone threat like Winslow would have made our WR better. Seattle's getting a solid guy. He's not been a problem at all for the last 4 years, and has been one of the most productive players on the Bucs. Moving on.

  14. I grew up a few miles from BTI. I remember going in with my brother checking his pools etc., and had more than a few occasions talking to the old guys. My favorite memory was in the heyday when so many guys could have attitudes Andre "all world over the middle" Reid held the front door for me on two occasions where he was in his prime. It just seemed it was his way to be confident on the field, but humble off. I nev.er forgot that after meeting or talking to so many professional athletes later in life.


    I haven't lived in The Southtowns for quite some time, but caught up with Andre at a Leadership Meeting for my company and he was just as gracious as he was opening the door for a 25 yr old kid in 1992.


    This sounds tangential, but is one of the very fond memories I have of those great heroes of our past. I'm sure all of you could share more, but it was fun on Christmas Eve talking to Thurmon, etc.


    The BTI is a staple of south buffalo..


    Whoever had a wait in eating is not the norm, and duffs is not real buffalo food. I make my sisters and dad when they visit me down south bring me real buffalo food.


    Is there anything better than a Mighty?


    If you live in Buff you can't appreciate that comment. When you leave for twenty years you pay your sister real money to bring you frozen mightys and pizza subs. Just sayin.

  15. It is fun watching this game a second time really seeing how their power run game, mixed up intermediate passes, and a phenomenal pass rush made Brady look so frustrated. If we can gel as a defensive unit even close to what this team has done for quite some time, we will gain excellent field position, and although not pretty (run hard with our two horses) but will wear down a team like the Patsies.


    As many of you have said, we haven't won a thing yet, but I like the philosophy of what we are creating. Can we just get one more WR, TE, and solid LB? We're getting closer for the first time since in over a decade.


    Go Bills!

  16. It will never happen because Ralph would never let it happen. It is not their style. Our locker room is tight and Chan wants to keep it that way. Just look at the attention getting persona of the Jets, and then what happened when things were tough last year. They imploded. The Bills on the other hand when all was lost spanked the Broncos, and showed heart. Hard Knocks is not good for a football team especially when they are trying to build something.


    This is one strength of the Bills.

  17. To:


    Mad Town Buffalo.


    Don't think about these losses as that only puts all of us in a bad spot. Think about the Houston Win from 35-3 down at the half. That is resilience, determintation, and a "I don't care, but I'm going to kick their ass trying attitude". That makes me want to lift, train, and run harder.


    This thread is tough as it reminds me of that Tim Russert exerpt where he talked about the Buffalo Curse. I can't live that way. I'm so excited for this year, adn yes, I've been as disheartened as all of you. I'm just so excited I think we have football people finally running this team since the Butler/Polian Clan of old.


    I'll take the Southern drawl all day long.


    Here's my challenge to all my Bills friend out there. Forget about all of these miserable games. How about Fandemonium with the Jets win, Houston comeback, smack dpwn on the Raiders by 50 points, etc, etc. Yogi Beara always told his hitters to watch film where a player was killing it, not where he was in a slump.


    Short Memories my friends! Short Memories.

  18. Guys - upside if your looking at retreads is Plaxico. He did not have a full off season last year, and had two years to get his knee healed up. The Jets are a debacle right now, and I don't look at him not resigning as a negative.


    Every flippin analyst on the planet but us, wanted a tall WR when we already had Nelson, Easley, and Chandler. We picked up TJ for speed. If your going to go league low in terms of comp, and that would be the only deal worth it, or very low with lots of incentives is a Plax deal.


    Remember what he did in Pittsburgh, and NYG. I don't think he's done for one reason. He has to need money after two years in jail with the loss of endorsements, and none coming lately. If he was cheap, I'd bring him into camp.

  19. Section 122. You need to follow College Football more closely. The SEC is the best in College Football. I live in Florida, but not an allegance to any conference. It's very easy to see when you follow the different excellent teams out there in each of the conferences. They have the best players as an aggregate, and thus compete against the best. That is why they are drafter more than any other area of the country. That doesn't mean there are not excellent athletes in everything from Division 1 to 2 football. Just very simple to follow.


    As far as Nigel, the previous threads from Ramius are right. Nigel will be good and make the team. He is a little aggressive, but when given time with a veteran like Barnett to mentor him, he'll blossom in year 2 and on.


    Section 122, not busting your chops, but just correcting you on a fact. Watch these games each week like we do down here, and you'll see the differnce in the speed of the game over ACC, Big 10, Big 12, PAC 10, etc.

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