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Everything posted by DefenseWinzChampionshipz

  1. Hey guys I got great news. I just saved a bunch of money by switching my car insurance to Geico.
  2. Yeah that's why A.J. Green and Julio Jones contributed in 2011, Dez Bryant in 2010, Jeremy Maclin and Hakeem Nicks in 2009 and so on... A football player is a football player... WR isn't one of those positions where it takes 2 years to develop. Route running maybe but if you can catch the damn ball, you'll have a roster spot.
  3. I bet Kamar Aiken makes it into the 53 man roster this year... Mark my words Kamar Aiken aka Baby Stevie...
  4. YES. How can I forget that? I've been saying if there's any year to trade down, it would be this year. But I don't want to move too way back. Jets pick 16th so I wouldn't mind moving down to the 15th slot and take best WR available and then in the 2nd round get best OT and the other 2nd round pick go defense until the 5th round. Well I don't want to sound like a scout or a know it all cuz I'm definitely not. But, I knew Stevie had talent when he was in the PS and couldn't wait til he hit the field. I have the same feeling about Kamar Aiken who's in the PS now. I know people don't know what we have in Easley because of injuries but he's ok also. I'm not a huge Donald Jones fan but he can catch a ball here and there. Roscoe will surely be picked up by another team. If we do trade down like I said I'd trade down to the 15th slot ahead of the Jets and get a WR because the Jets will definitely draft WR with the 1st pick I'm sure of it. NFL is a chess game and this draft for Nix will be a challenging chess game for sure.
  5. Yes I do actually remember Stevie saying something about blue pants. What I would like to know is would the league restrict us to wearing white helmet, blue jersey, blue pants for one home game and then white helmet, blue jersey white pants in another just to have a variety. Either way I agree. These new uni's are great. Let's hope that Nike doesn't change the style too much.
  6. If the Steelers lower the 1st rounder to a 2nd rounder I'd do it in a heartbeat. Then draft a LT with the 1st pick. But it will never happen so we actually have a tough choice in the draft. In the 2nd and 3rd rounds is where the defensive side of the ball has many many good players that can contribute right away. So with the 1st do we get a LT or a WR? Tough choice because we don't have anymore wiggle room in free agency according to Nix so LT and WR is the only two choices i can think of in round one. I definitely hope we don't draft Coples. I know Ingram wouldn't fit in this defensive scheme we have this year according to analysts but, he would be the ONLY defensive player I would take in the 1st round if he were to be available.
  7. Us Bills fans know what we got in Mario. The truth is we have to show it on the field. If we can manage to draft 2 starters on defense this year we will be an UNBELIEVABLE defense. That's all I know. Kelsay is the only question mark on the line. He was ok when we had Schobel it wasn't like he was great. To improve over Kelsay would make the D-line incredible. Then if we can get another Linebacker to become a forcible starter, it's over. I throw the yellow flag on myself cuz it has to be a penalty to have such a defense like that.
  8. I have a feeling the OP is joking about Miami giving Wake or a 1st rounder for Thigpen but there is some kind of truth in there. Miami IS desperate for a QB. I don't see them even giving us a 7th rounder for him even as desperate as they are so on that note, the answer is no.
  9. No don't get me wrong. I wasn't intending on getting rid of Kelsay. We need depth at the position. The OP stated to waive him and I said why would you waive a player still under contract and take a cap hit when if you don't want him you try to trade him. Even for a 6th rounder. I believe Kelsay is worth anywhere between a 5th or a 6th rounder.
  10. If your plan is to get rid of Kelsay why would you waive him and take a cap hit? Try to trade him and get something for it. Waiving a player with some kind of value is like using money to wipe your a$$.
  11. If Freddy wants to make some money he should buy the number 90 off of Kelsay and then triple the price back to Mario. Entrepreneur way of thinking.
  12. Well I hope all of you guys realize that Nike is taking over the uniforms industry this year so, whatever uniforms you were used to will look different. I'm guessing it won't be a drastic change but the unveiling of all 32 teams uniforms will be on April 3rd. Now to add my 2 cents into the convo. Me personally, I love the home jerseys with the white helmet and charging Buffalo. But if we could change the white pants to the same color blue pants, it would be sweet. Away games could have the same white helmet with the white jersey but with blue pants. I would like to know if there is a restriction on how many different combinations/styles of uniforms 1 team is allowed to have because if there isn't a restriction, we can mix and match whatever we like. We can even have an all white uniform with the red helmet that the OP misses so much.
  13. Yeah that does sound like a F U to me also but in the interview he had at locker clean out day he said somewhere along the lines of, This is my first time being a free agent. I love Buffalo. I know it's a process but I want it to be over with already and it didn't even start yet. So I'm guessing he was nervous about free agency and really was sincere about coming back to Buffalo and then maybe ended up having fun in free agency? I don't know. The guy should have been retained before the season ended IMO and then if Buffalo didn't want him, we could have traded him for a 6th rounder at least. In free agency teams are ALWAYS looking for a LT. Injury prone or not I believe he would at least be worth THAT much. Nix had a couple at bats in the offseason. He hit a triple with re-signing Stevie. Then came up to bat and hit a double by getting Chandler back which led to a scoring run. Then hit a single with the re-signing of Morrison which has guys at 1st and 3rd. Then hit another single with the tenders of Rhinehart and Urbik which let to another score and struck out by not getting Bell back with guys at 1st and 2nd. But by signing Mario he hit a homerun which led to 3 scores. So at 6 bats he has 5 hits, a homerun, a triple, a double and two singles with 5 RBI's and one strike out. Not too bad if you ask me. OH and by the way. I hate baseball... It was the best way to explain it though.
  14. I haven't heard about Bell signing anywhere so my guess is that when Nix said that they offered him a certain amount, that Bell hasn't heard a better offer yet maybe? Either way it wouldn't hurt to get him back and still draft a LT.
  15. If Wanny took a back seat role I don't blame him and also can see the logic in it. I'll compare it to driving. If you're behind the wheel yes, You're in control and actually have the lives of other people in your hands. But sometimes the co pilot or even the guy in the back seat can see things you don't and at times can see the whole surrounding and get a better feel for the road. Wanny saw what offenses were doing in the NFL better last year IMO because he didn't have to focus on driving. Also, my opinion on great defenses is not about the system. It's about the players in the system and we just got a heck of a player so we ARE a better team today.
  16. Maybe Kirk Morrison can do a little recruiting. The Bills should fire a couple coaches and pay players recruiting bonuses.
  17. I don't think not even 1 person can diagree with the Bills needing another QB. The problem right now is cap space. At this point idc who they bring just as long as Thigpen is not the #2...
  18. Great article. Can you send a link where Wannstedt confirms to playing the "over" please? If we are to be playing the over, according to the article we're going to really only need one true MLB known as the "Mic". I highly doubt Sheppard fits that Bill this year. Maybe Barnett can fill that role. OLBs in the over system are 6 foot to 6'2 190-210 lbs. But as long as they're fast they can bulk up. There's plenty of those "type" of players coming out in this year's draft so it shouldn't be a problem filling the OLB positions this year. Just think. When the whole league is focusing on becoming a 3-4 defense, what if the Bills have a heads up on the shift that's about to take place in the NFL in the recent years to come and become one of the smartest and dominant defenses?
  19. I believe from what I heard Morrison was going to back up Sheppard at MLB so maybe we might try him out at OLB and under Wannstedt and the 4-3 he might be able to contribute. All I know is just as Buddy said, a couple years ago we had many holes to fill and couldn't pin point which one was more important. Now, we can easily determine our area of needs so based on that alone, we're headed in the right direction.
  20. This question should be asked. If the Jets offered (everytime there's a yellow flag on the ground you go and cry to the referee trying to mimic Brady) Sanchez as a one shot deal to trade for Fitz, would you want Sanchez? If you answer yes then you're not a Bills fan anyway so it wouldn't matter.
  21. It isn't even a question. Merriman stays. If we were trying to catch a big fish and it took one more million to catch the fish Nix would have still cut someone else besides Merriman because he knows just like we do that by having the big fish with Merriman, Dareus and Kyle is just an amazing if not borderline insane line to have. Merriman is a pro athlete. Mario has played LE at Houston. Now hear this one out. We all are not expecting 60 plays a game from Merriman but if he can get anywhere from 15-20 snaps, we take Kelsay out the huddle when Merriman comes on the field. We put Mario at LE and Merriman at RE with Dareus and Kyle manning the middle. I mean damn. I had to take a deep breath before I get too anxious just thinking about it.
  22. Merriman will not be cut. At least not to save a million dollars. My guess is they're going to have him start the season and before the trade deadline if he isn't injured and is playing above average? He stays the year and maybe even gets a new contract with us. Nix loves him and wants to see him make a comeback for this team just as all the other Merriman fans. After all he's done off the field you cant let him go for just a million. There is absolutely noone that you can get to play for just a million bucks that will be better than Merriman so why should the Bills downgrade by letting him go?
  23. You need some sugar in your coffee. Sounds like it's bitter. Or maybe you should grind it up and put it in the freezer.
  24. If he looks and moves like Stevie then we'll have 2 Buffalonians taking vacations on Revis island.
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