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Dan Gross

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Everything posted by Dan Gross

  1. Those planning on watching the Arizona/Oakland battle next Sunday may have to wait until Monday, thanks to the A's. I know many of you will be disappointed.
  2. Let's see the Chargers beat a playoff-capable team (Steelers don't count, they are not playing like a playoff-capable team) before we even put them before Indy, Philly, Denver, Baltimore, New England, heck even Cinci, Atlanta, Seattle. I put them in the "who have you beat?" league of 3-1 teams like NO and St. Louis. I'd go Chicago, Philly, Indy (yes they are undefeated, but they are going to have trouble in the winter months without a running game), then probably New England (unless Denver and/or Baltimore get their offenses producing). Could never believe much in Cinci, Atlanta or Seattle either, but I haven't seen enough to let past prejudices be put aside.
  3. You really like reminiscing about the "good old days" when you were young, don't you? Was it "liberating" to be able to wear a toga without people looking at you funny?
  4. Well I, for one, am pleased to know that there's no chance that Chris Simms will be in a Bills' uniform next year. Thank you Mr. "Can't Predict My Way out of a Paper Bag" King, for making it so...
  5. Shall we change the title of this to "dickering Bills' fans...?"
  6. Probably call him a bust because he was picked off once, and only had 5 TD passes and 387 yards passing, and Super Bowl MVP. Then they'd blame him for the Bills not having the first overall pick to spend on can't-miss college phenom QB Lifetime Bledsoe Mularkey (grandson of Mike) to replace him.
  7. "Hey, mommy, they're singing a song about me on Sesame Street!" I hear ESPN daddy's neighbor, who is a hockey fan, vows to names his first son Versus. Guess it's better than if it had happened last year....
  8. Exactly. It would be a whole different perspective on the Wall today if those "losers" would instead answer questions with random quotes from The Jerk.
  9. With respect to the fake punt: if Moorman holds onto the ball, it's a first down, according to the gaping hole that was to his right (the direction he was running). Sounds like they were fooled to me...It wasn't a matter of "they weren't fooled" as much as it was (I won't say the e-word) a mistake in getting it done on our part...
  10. No, but you're freely participating. Last I checked, the Bears made Brett Favre, Matt Hasselback and Brad Johnson look like Moe, Larry and Curly too...
  11. 5a. We were perfect in converting Bears' turnovers into points. 5b. We were perfect in the red zone on offense. 5c. We broke the 12,000,000 passes without a TD thrown against them streak. 5d. We scored as many offensive touchdowns as all of the previous 2006 Bears' opponents combined.
  12. Forget the 3rd and inches, connect on the bomb for a TD on 2nd and inches.
  13. Yup, and while JP's sack count has been pretty consistent game-to-game, 10 of the 11 Bills' defense's sacks have been made on the road... And I believe the point was if JP can loosen up the defense, we have a better shot, not JP will loosen up the defense... Should be a fun one tomorrow.
  14. Wow, Fez, I'm surprised you missed that on the first go-round. Still funny of course (original link is dead...removed for copyright violation).
  15. Where's the "we score more points than they do" option? (Sorry Kurt) Keys to me are: --No turnovers --Win the field position battle. --Low penalty count. The rest is pretty much "play the way we have," IMO. Not that those keys aren't a tall order by themselves...Limited to those options, I'd say "Bears turnover twice," assuming we have no turnovers (not a good "key" if they turnover twice and we turnover 12 times).
  16. Well, the folks that did show up certainly got their money's worth. Wow, glad I decided to flip it on...nice gutsy performance by the Sabres!
  17. Yeah, he was outspoken. Someone asked him if it sounded like the Bills were rebuilding, he said, in short, "Yeah." But he also said (the part of his answer that no one seems to remember): "The thing now is do you complain and worry and go off on a rampage? No. Regardless of what may happen, we'll bring everyone together and still work toward that common goal (to win)." Sounds exactly like someone starting a "silent protest."
  18. Best I could do was 2 seats together. And at Gold level pricing, yowza. Again, special event like the raising of a banner, sure, but $63 for 300/II? People who don't get seasons will generally go to cheaper price-level games, unless they really want to see that particular opponent (usually fans of that team).
  19. You could do the same with the Bills for last week's sellout. Remember there are tickets that are "held" for opposing teams, promotions, etc, that left unused are made available at the last minute... You don't think that a Stanley Cup banner-raising party would be a difference maker over a couple hundred seats?
  20. So does this mean the Bills are going to lose this weekend?
  21. I believe the correct term to use here is "sluggish."
  22. Interesting hearing the announcers talk likes it's an affront to hockey that the Sabres are trying to ruin the Canes "victory lap" by actually trying to win the game...
  23. "It's a darkness reduction tool to me dammit. You wouldn't understand."
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