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Mr Info

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Everything posted by Mr Info

  1. "House of Games" (David Mamet's directorial debut) "Jean de Florette" (Greek tragedy with a French turn) along with its conclusion "Manon of the Spring" (which coincidentally, introduced a hot, young actress named Emmanuelle Beart)
  2. Rumor has it that JT is going to take Bruno's slot. That's just wrong. Bruno is arguably the best sports guy on radio. Maybe he turns up somewhere else on the dial.
  3. That's it - he's gone! But he's been alluding to it for a while.
  4. Hey, don't bogart that joint! It took a while but I have seen the light. But I wish it weren't true. Sad when your only alternative is Shane Matthews. As a season ticket holder, I'm not happy. A respectable D is being wasted.
  5. You da' man. I have had the benefit of a transplant and I know the joy and relief that man and his family will feel from your amazing generosity.
  6. It ends up that I'll need 1 spot. We plan to be there sometime around 8.
  7. When I worked in Shanghai a few years ago, Microsoft was setting up a big shop in Shanghai. However, it pertained to software development and not as much as trying to set up a marketing/distribution organization. However, this is a common practice with organizations trying to enter the Chinese market. They may choose to establish a part of the business that employs Chinese resources to demonstrate what a good employer and organization they are. They can use that further themselves in the Chinese market. Financial institutions are another example of this practice. Many companies trying to enter the PRC will encounter and expect losses when entering this market. But with this market size, a company like Microsoft will not be easily deterred from leaving. In spite of the govt. support for Linux, there will still be plenty of $ for MS. And I have seen policies like this change over time. I am not going to repeat the intellectual property issues that have already been discussed. Suffice to say I could purchase any CD/DVD I wanted for the equivalent of $1 or $2 US. This is a very brief summary but this discussion could take much longer.
  8. Try Smugmug. It's $29 for the year and unlimited space. I have been using it for a few months and it is as esy as it looks. You can use the basics and it works just fine. If you know HTML, you can snaz it up if you like. I tried a few of 'em and it was the best. I use it to share photos. The price also includes no ads or registration and it won't spam the people who use it. You can restrict which photos to publish. Send me a PM if you want more info.
  9. I assume the award is not for grammar or spelling. Therefore, congratulations. Based on percentages, it would seem to be a prestigious award.
  10. My wife and I will be doing the 100 mile "Ride to Cure" in Asheville, NC to benefit the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) and I will be raffling my two season tickets (sec 137, row 22) for the NE game (10/3) at the Tailgate for part of our sponsorship for the ride. Tickets will be $5 each or 5/$20. I was fortunate to be one of the first in the country cured of diabetes via an experimental transplant and it's time to get crackin' and make something like this available for children.
  11. Anyone here have any experience with Marvin or Kolbe & Kolbe windows? We are building a house and chose the Marvins over Andersen but then heard about Kolbe & Kolbe. Anyone ever have Kolbe & Kolbe windows? Any builders around here?
  12. Mr Info, Mrs Info, and two small info-boys will be there. We will not require a place to park.
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