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Everything posted by GoBills!

  1. They are giving them the easy Brady routes quick 3-5 yard roll outs and slants.
  2. Injuries under 2 mins are automatic timeouts
  3. We need Hyde no need to throw your body there. Let the young guns make those blow. Look at Poyer always getting hurt being a human rocket
  4. Anyone get a screen shot of the play card? Before Pat waved him away.
  5. On defense Greg gets to the QB for a big sack. Offense I think Diggs get a touchdown and 80+ yards . running back Ty gets a big run of 30+ yards. Think Brady likes what he sees in him.
  6. What about Tyler Kroft and Charles Clay? The best of the best 😂
  7. Hard to Blame bass - he didn't allow the blocker through. Mcdermott did well all game until 2 drives with the D both times they moved the ball with little effort. Playing 8-12 yards of the LOS. Gabe put up great numbers and turn around the wrong way on a clutch play, but kincaid and diggs weren't open. This game goes down as a loss on all. Broncos game is straight up on Coach McD NE on McD. First Game was on Josh and the whole offense vs Jets. We haven't lost by more than 6 points all year so is it the D closing games out or the Offense not finishing? Pick one.
  8. Looks like he takes himself out, shoulder or collar bone
  9. Holding call incoming so we only get a field goal
  10. That will be a fine on Monday but the refs need to be fined.
  11. I think diggs is dealing with a shoulder / collar bone issue seems he is taking himself out after some plays.
  12. Josh just having to do it all, we need to get the run game going again...4+ yard carries not these 2 yards into the pile.
  13. Have to keep the QB spy going, Hurts can break us. Also these flags are the death of us...
  14. Hopefully Rapp and company are able to go next week we will need our secondary.
  15. He is heavily over paid for his talent and level of threat in the passing game, his is an average blocking TE and average catching. Kincaid is a hybrid TE, not great at blocking yet, but also not 10-12 million a year for a cost. Next year Knox will cost us 14 mill a year think about that....That is a great WR pay for some 1B , 2A Talent.
  16. Lamar out and Andrews out, if they both miss serious time thats the season for them...
  17. I agree Gabe should have been benched. Cook had 2 fumbles and regained one, Josh was a turnover machine. The D played great until it mattered, those front shovel passes were the death of us.
  18. Kincaid has enter the chat.....He is the Hybrid TE.
  19. I look at this as a backup to Murray, they are similar styles Leonard gets a slight nod for pass catching but both are great at pass pro. Maybe murray is a little dinged up 🤷‍♂️
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