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Everything posted by AiO

  1. my good friend jan! A lot of you may not know her but she is one of the good guys. And she hasn't missed the annual tailgate yet! See you in 6 weeks!
  2. Just a note to those of you who have mentioned Dan Patrick...are you sure you don't mean MIKE Patrick?
  3. Excellent. Check the Holiday Inn website...it seems they still have rooms available for a slightly higher fee.
  4. Aren't you staying in Canada? There's a Red Roof and a Comfort Inn nearby. There's always the TallyHo and Days Inn.
  5. Continued love and prayers from Ohio, Campy.
  6. Mr. Rubeo just got 6 tickets. He said it's $1.75 per ORDER, not per TICKET.
  7. I think you better change your name, because *I* am the #1 Columbus Bills Fan. But welcome anyway.
  8. ACK! NVT! I had nearly forgotten.
  9. I MISSED THE FINALS????????????????????????????
  10. Bastard. Beat me to my reply of "Russell or Sheryl?"
  11. I was hoping you'd use the Christmas card pic from a few years ago.
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