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Everything posted by 3rdand12

  1. I disagree. Chan made good use of what he had on offense. Some honest to goodness NFL Coaches might have made a significant difference. Like say what Sean is bringing in. There was always a budget for Coaching in Buffalo pre Pegul.
  2. are you sure he stood by them? I seriously think he was hamstrung by budget constraints and would have upgraded if it was his call. it was not, IMHO. but i am correct in this matter. and Matter of fact! that is how the Bills found Chan !!!
  3. a veritable Sage are you My Friend ! I have been considering a life Coach btw.
  4. It is worth stating, again. I suppose that is part of the fun to our infatuation with the "game"
  5. I think this plays into what Whaleys focus should be. he is young still. But glory should not be the mantra. steady perhaps? a sure improvement over Mills. what is the difficulty here? I almost expect him to be wearing Buffalo logo. too many folks have mentioned him. But please upgrade Mills. please
  6. We all had best know. Bills put themselves into the situation under Nix. He was waiting for the kill shot , which never came for him, or us. Any real GM knows, QB is the the King for creating a competitive team for any span of time. Whaley talks the game this year, finally. Building the foundation. You cannot really cheat the system. QB is king. and that is how the team is built. Just like we have a running Offense. because our QB is maximized scheming that game style.
  7. at ten you better draft a player, not a maybe. Hear me Dougie ?! trade down and collect players and a fine draft pick for next season. just in case we are not drafting at ten again !!
  8. I will always have a sweet spot in my heart for Chan, grower of Tomatoes. actually i realy did and do respect the old Coot
  9. I also think the primary CB will have to come from FA. we need someone who can come in already rolling. And that can be done this year it appears. That leaves us Safety to deal with. another position that needs some time to develop. But ya gotta look to the draft this year for one or two. Don't forget about our up and coming K. Seymore. I have some hope for him honestly
  10. should be fun. I think he thinks he is getting paid top dollar soon
  11. They lose Gilmore and the scheme changes to more zone perhaps. which it appears it already will. another reason i think Gillylock is headed south
  12. This should play right into our (Bills ) hand. Why didn't we promote Lal ? geniuses over there in Jersey
  13. perhap because teams often use five and sometime six more often than the good ole days? The accent has turned how defense is played. Everyone would love to rush 3 and be able to cover as to rushing 5-6 and hoping
  14. this is a concern worth noting. Bills have some issues with player headed to FA that need to be responded to. Not just next up players. Gilmore aint coming back, because he will get paid and knows it. Bills better get that secondary, and heck LBs too, fully staffed. I want another WR across from Watkins. I also feel that way even if Robert Woodman is retained. at 10? how about 15 after a trade down
  15. Bills need DBs. i read somewhere you cannot draft enough of them
  16. I can't stop looking. One of the best avatars ever. And I always meant to be complimentary. I really liked the original post !
  17. as long as a "chance" is later in the draft. ala Jones. But if you are taking one in the first, instead of nearly surefire day ones who do not play QB ? It better not be chance
  18. #34 i really liked your OP effort. one of your finer moments. Obviously the draftees have a bazillion opinions of them. Yours are well though and reasonably expressed well done
  19. Reasonable and well explained take ! are you suggesting Bills should not draft one this year and score the vet, in the first paragraph? We all realize that if TT is not picked up, EVERYTHING changes. including such matters as what FA we can resign. Guys like Lorax or Zach will move on likely. Maybe even Kyle Williams will call it quits.
  20. I understand that. Most QBs have the odds against them. and Bills have never shown an ability to develop one that i can recall. Tyrod gets two years likely. Can Cardale back him up? Kid has a killerarm and a relaxed attitude during game time. Maybe i am a homer for this one.
  21. That i understand. How do YOU feel about Cardale stepping in for a game or two, next season I mean of course. With another year another camp preseason etc, i might hope he is good enough to fill in. If he is not even adequate i will begin to worry. This year i had no expectations of him. Next year I will.
  22. what does Foles offer that TT does not as far as Vet exp. ? well he has been pretty aggressive in the past. Hope he knows how to let off the throttle for one year ; )
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