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Everything posted by richNjoisy

  1. shaud williams is the backup to McGahee
  2. Hmmmm - Sid, perhaps THAT will be your new nickname at Bills Central? The Mouth of the CNJBBB? or just "The Mouth"? CNJBBB - packing their gear, cutting those wings, ready to fire them up (both literally and uhhhh literally) CNJBBB Hot Buffalo Wings!!!!!! Soon , Fezmid, soooooooon ****************************************************************************** Hammer's Lot 9-11-05 Come Early Come Hungry Leave Happy Be There! -RichNJoisy CNJBBB
  3. We aims to please ma'am but....only a little sauce?!? BLASPHEMY!!
  4. WElllll How about this: Mark and I are putting the finishing touches on our Buffalo Wing plans Mark plans on bringing Hot Peppers to add to the "temperature" of the day The CNJBBB contingent departs "Bills Central" (Home ofthe CNJBBB) this Friday at 10 am. We will begin setting up at Hammer's at 7 am Sunday. See Y'all on Sunday morning at Hammer's Lot -RichNJoisy Pres, CNJBBB
  5. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=28394
  6. kffl.com is reporting 1) DE Abraham will report to the Jets and sign his tender by August 27 2) TE Antonio Gates has agreed to a 6-year deal with the Chargers
  7. I agree with this - obviously, most of you saw how ridiculous the prognosticators are being this year. A NewEngland Lovefest and A "Must hate the rookie" diatribe. Finally, we are getting close to real games where the "experts" will shut up and history will be the judge. Of course, my complaint is, why prognosticate at all if all one does is predict a continuance of the past (in my field, meteorology, this is called "persistence".) Pick New England until they ose? THAT is NOT a prediction. Especially when worded that way, As to JP -I, too, have seen what I have wanted to see (no glassy-eyed expectations o.k.?). And that is - a gradual improvement in his play and an indication that he is learning from his mistakes. I agree that he needs to slide more. I think that will come - hopefully not too late! Last Sunday, JP, Mularkey, Wyche and some Green Bay players stated that thedefense was designed for maximum pass protection and that the QB scramble was freely given. JP took advantage of this. One would prefer he not run in preseason but we have to be realistic about this -JP's legs ARE part of the Bills offensive game plan. If a team is giving JP tons of room to run, he should take it. But, yes, slide a bit ay kid huh? -RnJ
  8. Aaaaagh! There is NO WAY McGee is replaced as our kickoff returner!!!! This is the greatest "it ain't broken so don't fix it" situation of all time on the Bills. Using your logic, why has clements continued to be our punt returner? Answer - he's been great. Thus, Terrence is the main KO returner for the Bills in 2005. Bank on it.
  9. No BC - Boller is better - haven't you been reading all the "experts" predictions? Jeesh Boller is "experienced" = better. This reminds me of a friend trying to get Bill Cosby to smoke pot. "Bill, cmon try it! It will bring out the real you". "yeh" Bill replied, "But what if the real you is an !@#$?" Boller MUST be better since he has experience and JP doesn't. Get it? ****** RichNJoisy Hammer's Lot - 9/11/05 - CNJBBB wings - Be There! who's ready to eat hot wings at 8 am?
  10. Sure they do. And why? Because the Bills have "A huge question mark with JP Losman at QB" I see. And the Ravens have the experienced Kyle Boller. Hmmmm, it is really looking obvious that Boller is better than JP right? ************************************************************** from kffl.com: Ravens | Boller Struggles Against Eagles Mon, 22 Aug 2005 11:09:56 -0700 Jamison Hensley, of the Baltimore Sun, reports Baltimore Ravens QB Kyle Boller was picked off twice, fumbled once and was sacked once in the Saturday, Aug. 20, preseason game against the Philadelphia Eagles *************************************************************** I think I will take JP right now. Thanks BTW: I love the "prediction" on the TBD front page: Pick New England UNTIL THEY LOSE. Wow! Can I bet at THAT casino?
  11. I see Williams making the team and Gates on the Practice Squad. My guess is that Lee makes it and Burns is released. April wil fight this though - he loves Burns on ST. At WR - I think Wilson go PS but the question is Reed or Haddad? Does anyone think BOTH will make it? At DE it is still too close to call (Gause or Ritzmann).
  12. I noted Justin's block right away when I reviewed the tape His block was the key block right befopre Lee broke through the line for his dash down the field on the right side.
  13. We can be trusted......not! CNJBBB WIngs of Fire - Coming to a Lot near you!
  14. Right, MadCap! your suggestion has led to this change this year: There WILL be a donation box (decorated by the CNJBBB "artist" Kaz) to help offset wing expenses for those who wish to do so. checks are fine (and safer! make them out to Rich Gudgel) We also will accept donations of canola oil and frank's hot sauce RichNJoisy Pres CNJBBB www.cnjbbb.org
  15. -- Bledsoe Holding the Ball too Long -- Thu Aug 18, 2005 --from FFMastermind.com # The San Antonio Express-News reports Dallas Cowboys HC Bill Parcells believes QB Drew Bledsoe, who has been sacked 402 times during his NFL career, holds the ball too long. Bledsoe was sacked twice and knocked down at least three other times in the 13-11 loss to Arizona on Saturday in the preseason opener. He said afterward the play of the Cardinals' secondary often forced him to keep the ball longer than he would have preferred. "A couple of times, I was able to get to my No. 4 progression, and I didn't have anybody open," said Bledsoe, who completed 4 of 8 passes for 27 yards. He also fumbled and nearly threw an interception. Parcells said it would be wrong to assume that Bledsoe is an easy target because of a lack of athletic skill. "People have this misconception of him not being able to run and move around," Parcells said. "He's actually a pretty fast runner. If you time him in the 40, he's not going to run it in 5 seconds flat. He's going to run much better than that." While Bledsoe's tendency to hold onto the ball too long worries Parcells, it's a trait that has won the No. 1 pick of the 1993 draft the admiration of his teammates.
  16. A bag? Huh? As to reading about a "calmer" version - no my dear, then they wouldn't be Buffalo wings. But, there is no law against wiping off the sauce. it's a crime though.....sniff
  17. Ahh too bad I ddin't know - I leave for WNY tomorrow around 1 pm - I would have been happy to have sold (or at worst given them away) I doubt it is worth fedexing 'em to me to arrive by Noon tomorrow at "Bills Central" Hammer also would have at least taken off your hands and, if he sold them, have passed along most of the proceeds!
  18. uhhh....actually, 28 strong. You ready for some Hot Wings Cindy?
  19. fair article I liked the part where they say "Last year, the Bills' defense dominated the offense in practice. Now the offense is holding its own." I will be at the Ralph on Satuday I am expecting to see JP move the offense better than last week and I expect fewer penaties. The defense? It can't look any better except to maybe have the LB's do a better job of covering WR's and RB's out of the backfield. Ritzman, last week, was unstoppable. I will be watching for #91 again. Lastly, I would like to see one of the #3 WR's to stand out. Could be Haddad. Could be. And, no, FEZ - in case you were wonderin'., I won't be cooking wings. not THIS game. But the CNJBBB cooks are talking about timing the first batch today. Can you taste them huh huh? -RichNJoisy cnjbbb.org Hammer's Lot Sunday September 11, 2005 CNJBBB Hot WIngs Be There!
  20. with what you listed, I'd grab the Bills D
  21. yeh but didn't wgrz report the Bills had released Rob Johnson and kept Doug Flutie?
  22. be careful with statistics - especially when handed out as one or 2 liners see if you can track down more information which is very pertinent to the evaluation of these statistics (trust me, this will be a bit of work!) things to consider (my initial thought laundry list) - how many attempts to each side? - which teams for each percentage of carries AND the actual numbr of attempts each side for each opponent - injuries - who was out for each particular game - long vs short runs - what was the MEDIAN run from each side? (This asks the question: Did Willis happen to get a FEW long runs left while attempting more runs to the right thus making the left look like he consistently achieved better results?) -rnj
  23. YOU COULDN'T PAY ME to let owens on the Bills Say NO to the O-Hole, a poor excuse for human excrement!!
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