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Everything posted by miserable_fan

  1. Offense: 19 Pros: Fitz returns to last seasons form. Stevie J also has another great year Cons: Easley disappoints and we fail to have anyone establish themselves as a #2 WR. Plus, our O line sucks Defense: 13 Pros: Alot more puss rush!! Makes the secondary look alot better. Force more turnovers. Better against the run. Cons: We do not have a #1 corner. Big name WRs have huge games against us.
  2. If anybody can join the pool, I'd definitely be interested. If it's just for long-time regs, then I guess I'll have to just wait my turn
  3. That's really too bad for him and the chiefs. He has a ton of potential. With that being said, I hope the Bills can capitalize on the injury
  4. Bears didn't give him a chance. The guy can play. I've seen him on tv for a few years in the CFL.
  5. I expect him to pick up where he left off last year. He hasn't done anything to show me that he isn't capable of putting up 1000 yards. He drops some passes, but so did T.O who is a first ballot HOFer
  6. We may have the worst defense in the division, but there's no way we have the worst offense. Ours is definitely better than Miami's and one may make the case that our offense is better than NYJ
  7. He'd probably tear it up in the CFL. Linebackers are alot smaller cause they have to cover more field
  8. lol i love the optimism, but it's an assertion not a fact for all we know, the bills could finish last place. i have a feeling the bills will have a decent season. Not quite playoff worthy yet IMO
  9. Yep. If they choose somebody other than a QB or T, I will rip my hair out
  10. If we can take away their running game (which isn't unattainable), we force Sanchez to make plays. We all know what happens when Sanchez tries to gunsling (5 ints anyone?)
  11. Definitely. I think the Spiller screen will be a popular play this year
  12. The true test will be the home opener. I'm skeptical.
  13. I wouldn't pay too much attention to Clayton. He notoriously boosts up the Pats and disregards historically inferior teams. Not saying Fitz is great, but he's better than 27th. Typical Patriots-loving ESPN employee.
  14. The NFL wouldnt exist if not for the fans. Life must be so hard as a millionaire.
  15. I guess they don't want to see Fitz get killed based on a coaching decision. Makes sense, but I would like to see how he does against first teamers
  16. Ya, I remember that huge 3rd and 20 something against the Pats that Fitz and Parrish connected on a first down for.
  17. Didn't read the article, but I think it's a great idea to start him at LT. If Bell gets injured or shows inconsistency (which he prob will), we're gonna need some depth and if Hairston can fill in that would be awesome.
  18. I agree 100%. But like most people on this board, Brady is by far my most hated player. He's the only player I wish season-ending injury upon
  19. I hope he's right. It's stupid, but it always feels better when a legitimate source gives the Bills props.
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