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Everything posted by Bills99999

  1. Are we in a foul mood tonight, Bill? I'll just address one issue here, and that is the going for it on 4th and nine with the game in hand. I do not see "running up the score" as some kind of sin in any sport- College football, NFL, Little League Baseball...NOTHING If one team is 100 points worse than another team, then they should lose by 100 points and take it as a message that they need to get better. When one team is in the process of pounding the piss out of an inferior team, they should still try to score. The only reason a team should back off is to pull their starters off the field to avoid injury and give the 2nd stringers some game experience. I even hate 5 run inning limits and 10 run rules in Little League baseball to preserve the "self-esteem" of the loosers. Saving time should be the only consideration
  2. That "slash" idea worked out great with Kordell Stewart. Isn't he washing cars now?
  3. I know for football they use the "academic index" where there are (I believe) five categories of academic achievement/ability. The team is allowed to offer admission to a certain number of players in each category called “bands”. The number in each category differs from school to school. Because H, Y and P, have the most status, they can offer admission to fewer in the lower bands. The “Lower Ivies” Columbia, Dartmouth, Penn, Brown and Cornell can offer admission to more in the lower bands In general, the best players come from the lower bands because they come from a larger talent pool. Do you think they also have this Academic Index system for legacy admissions, famous people and the children of famous people? For example, it could work like this: A Kennedy or Obama offspring needs a 1200 SAT and a 3.5 GPA One of Al Gore or his roommate Tommy Lee Jones would need a 1400 and a 3.8 GPA The Unabomber’s kids would need a 1600 and a 4.6 GPA, a great essay, give blood once a week and be class president.
  4. I have been reqading some really great suggestions about our draft needs, but I feel we are spinning our wheels here. We need to heard. I plan to mail my suggestions right to the Buffalo Bills Front Office Maybe if we had done this earlier, they would not have drafted Maybin or McCargo I know the address is "One Bills Drive", does anybody know the zip code
  5. Most of you people who try to tell everyone else what makes a great receiver can't even catch a cold
  6. How typical of you to pick the Irish guy before the Italian guy
  7. No, but I have met grads from Princeton, Columbia, Cornell, Penn, Dartmouth and Phoenix Online
  8. Who were dumber at Harvard, legacy admissions or Football admissions? A close relative of mine played football at a “lesser” Ivy and he said the legacies were clearly dumber
  9. Would you also include ITT, ECPI, DeVry, and Phoenix Online?
  10. The area near where you work should be OK. You are correct to stay away from "Gang Run". The area does not look bad, but it is full of Section 8 housing. If you want to pay extra and be around the beautiful people, check the Town Center. Also stay away from the area that borders the Norfolk city line. By the way, I am happy with Nationwide, so don;t even try
  11. Ivy League schools do not award scholarships based on merit, only financial need. The Ivy schools have really thrown money around for the lower and even the middle class in the past 10 years so a family of 4 making less than 75,000 pays ZERO.
  12. Will you have kids in the school system? What area of VB is your workplace? What kind of money are you looking to spend There are also plenty of people renting good sized HOUSES in nice areas How long are you going to be living there?
  13. This guy is a big Rush fan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOYZa16BmJA They may act like they are not impressed, but I'll bet he's the first one they go to when they want to know how to spell something when they are Twittering, or Tweetering or whatever you call it The advantage of the Cornell Ag school is that you pay SUNY tuition. Some with the Hotel School That is why other Ivy people tease them by calling it "SUNY Ithaca"
  14. While Ivy League football players are in college, they tend to downplay the fact they are football players while in class by not wearing clothing that denotes they are football players. They do this so professors will not pre-judge them as football admissions. Of course, the professor would have to be an idiot not to figure out that the bulky guys with the protruding foreheads and bruises hanging out together in the back of the room are not football players. Same thing goes when they get out into the working world. They may have the Ivy degree hanging on their office wall, but they like to downplay their football history Its not that Ivy football players are stupid, but the overwhelming majority were admitted ahead of more academically qualified applicants. They use what is called the "Academic Index" http://www.collegeconfidential.com/academic_index.htm Then again, football players in most BCS programs ARE idiots. Just look at Cam Newtons painted laptop and listen to Michael Vick try to express "hisself"
  15. Not quite Moats is progressing very nicely-way ahead of the curve for a rookie Poz does not suck, he is average
  16. Long beards are for cool people and bums who have someting cool to say Long hair is for girls EVERYBODY cheats Belicheck got caught Auburn got caught too
  17. A guy has a coupe of drinks and his fellow fans turn on him because he makes a few typos
  18. I agree Remember how bad KC blew the past couple years
  19. Close loss that feels like a win, making NE poop their pants like we did to the Steelers
  20. I was talking 9-7 with Trent Edwards having a good year So, I never claimed to be Miss Cleo... Next year- 10-6 wild card, elimated first round Year after that 12-4, losing 5th Superbowl Yard after that Superbowl champs (Unless they go to LA)
  21. C'mon now...Brady is not a bad guy, you just hate hime because he is a very good player and Chris Collinsworth wants to sleep with him If Brady played for the Bills you would love the guy almost as much as Collinsworth does I do agree that his hair has to go. Remember the movie "Remember the Titans" when the kid called "Sunshine" moved there from California and he had that fabio-looking hair-do. I think that is the look Brady is going for (before the haircut)
  22. Doesn;t that idiot know the man's name is "Fitzgibbons"? A piss-poor job of sports jounalism I agree with the "grow up" part I used to get all emotional and "hate" certain players and certain teams, but it's just a football game. I want my Bills to win, but I also respect other players and other teams UNLESS.... 1. They make complete asses of themselves after making a big play 2. They wear their helmets so loose that they fall off all the time Other than that, these players are guys with families and their fans are people too (except maybe about 82% of Cowboy fans are not human and 82% of Miami fans are fruits)
  23. Is there any way we can convince Brady to smoke some of that dope next week?
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