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Everything posted by Bills99999

  1. Moats http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-combine/09000d5d816dd01c/2010-Combine-workout-Arthur-Moats Compare it with the clip of Maybe (half way through) and listen to how STUPID Maybin sounds and looks http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-training-camps/09000d5d8120cb6b/Bills-sign-rookie-Maybin
  2. I nver said that I am not hating the Irish I am Irish I just want everybody to set aside thier personal preferences about WHO the QB is and get a QB who can get the job done I never said anything about race I just want the best QB
  3. Great idea...Shut down the thread Bury your head in the sand like a stork
  4. Save it from a move to LA Haven't you been paying attention?
  5. If I were his father, I would be soliciting funds from you guys Are you talking about an $180,000 "signing bonus" or the funds that rolled in after that? They don;t have to "say" it Jim Kelly and Doug Flutie were WORSHIPED by Bills fans.
  6. I mneant to say 600 gorilla, but I have been drinking. Cut me some slack. I can't give yyou a bunch of stats, but how about we talk about Buffalo Bills history and how the fans ran James Harris out out town-saying he "threw too hard for the receivers to catch". He did just fine when he went to the Rams When I was a kid, we used to play this little gane called "James Harris". We would be having a casual game of catch with a football, when all of a sudden one of us would yell "HARRIS" and whip the ball as fast as we could. If the guy didn;t catch the ball, it was HIS fault, not the fault of the guy throwing it, but you people ran Harris out of town with that feeble excuse Help me with my history...Who did the Bills start after Harris left? Was it that POS Ferguson?
  7. CS Lewis, although believed (convinced by his Lord of the Rings buddy)in the Roman Catholic Church, never got around to making the formal change from protestantism before his death. Buckley and TA were devout Roman Catholics There was a period of four years of my life when the Bills lost 4 Superbowls in a row that I doubted the existance of God
  8. Rex Ryan??? You mean the guy whose team starts a second-generation mexican American QB?
  9. You are correct. Only retards like CS Lewis, Thomas Aquainas and William F. Buckley believe in God
  10. Are you guys gonna apologize to Maybin now? ....I'm waiting.... ...I didn't think so...
  11. Did you mean to write "you're" or "your" ? I have been drinking. What is youyr excuse?
  12. http://arcticboy.arcticboy.com/view.php?q=Pictures%20Of%20Notre%20Dame%20Mascot&url=http://www.thevictorstailgate.com/Logos/NCAA_mascots/Notredame_mascot.jpg
  13. Newton Classy??? His father shopped him around for cash His father was a part time storefront preacher who now suddenly has gotten the money to build a "mega-church" Auburn a classy program??? Like the booster who took the players to his friend's Casino where they were set up with private slot machines that won on EVERY pull of the lever Wait until after the bowl games and Auburn gets the NCAA "death sentence". Newton will be off making money in the NFL when that happens Newton's father is a greddy Elmer Gentryesque charlatan and the apple does not fall far from the tree That does not mean the Bills should not draft Newton because he can make them winners By the way, if Bills fans were not so hung up on "image", we could have signed Michael Vick and we would be headed to the playoffs this year
  14. Oher is very average at this point in his career People are making a big deal about him because he is a "feel good story" How many 5'8" thin, weak, non-athletic kids did his adoptive mother take in and help?
  15. For many years Bills fans have not only wanted a great quarterback, but they have wanted to LIKE their quarterback. They wanted him to be smart, down to earth, and classy, a family man and preferably Irish-Catholic. Ryan Fitzpatrick, if he becomes “great” will fit this mold. I think it is natural to want your sports heroes to have “character”. Cam Newton is not smart, not down to earth, not classy, not a family man, and certainly not Irish-Catholic. Maybe this is why so many of you fans are against drafting him. Character is nice, but it does not necessarily win football games. Draft Newton if he is available because he is the best chance the Bills have to save the franchise
  16. A shorter version of that scouting report would be: "Looks like Tarzan- Plays like Jane"
  17. One of the cheerleaders should be ahead of Maybin on the depth chart
  18. I spoke to Waleed Farook who is the Nation of Islam "Wazeer of People-Counting". He is the same guy who counted the people at the Million Man March a few years back. He said there were 817,412 people there
  19. I did not see him "trip" the guy. He was just bending his knees to brace for possible contact
  20. I am starting to suspect that many of you fans are against Cam Newton for the same reason your fathers never gave Jim Harris a fair chance to develop
  21. I say we draft him and have him beat up Maybin in practice
  22. The CFL plays in the summer http://www.cfl.ca/schedule/year/2010/time_zone/0
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