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Everything posted by gumby

  1. This pretty much is where I'm coming from. Unlike you I only have 40+ years of watching this team but like you I don't care anymore if they lose. Why make yourself depressed over something you have no control over? I'll be watching every Sunday, cheer when they win and won't lose any sleep when they don't.
  2. When is his plane touching down in Buffalo?
  3. I think this is closest. With new ownership coming in these guys have to feel tremendous pressure to win and win now. Couple that with the fact the Bills haven't exactly been looking good so far this preseason it's understandable that frustration levels must be rising at OBD.
  4. I think the only ones who are panicked are those that thought the Bills would do something this year. The people who saw a 6-10 team aren't worried. It's the same ol' same ol'.
  5. All I know is that when Rob Johnson walked off the field that day he had that game won. You can not take away from the fact he led what should of been a game winning drive in the playoffs on the road where the Titans team was 8-0 that year.
  6. +1 The ref will not end the match if a team is threatening to score, even if it exceeds the extra injury time. He will wait until the defensive team clears the ball out of danger before whistling the game over.
  7. The reasons for income inequality succinctly stated.
  8. It is also dangerous when a huge segment of society looks the other way when the man who took a vow to uphold the laws of the land picks and chooses which to enforce and wantonly breaks those he disagrees with. please correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Obama sign said law? So he signs a law he thinks is unconstitutional then later when it suits his purposes just ignore it?
  9. Bush's first term was ok, his second term was bad. In my lifetime I didn't think it was possible to have a worse president than Jimmy Carter...then along came Obama.
  10. Good player, but nothing special. I won't miss him.
  11. I'm out here in Vancouver, B.C. and on the morning show of TEAM 1040 the hosts Bro Jake and Dave Pratt do an NFL segment couple times a week with former NFL punter Mitch Berger. Today they were talking about the sale of the Bills already being completed, NFL owners signing off on it, and everything being wrapped up by October with a new long term lease. They were speculating about who the new ownership group was but didn't really mention anyone specifically. You'd be happy to know they all agreed the best outcome would be for the Bills to stay in Buffalo. Now I've been trying to find anything on the WGR or Buffalo News sites to confirm anything like this. Has anyone on TBD have any news? Any names being mentioned in the local media?
  12. I don't know about that. According to liberal dogma only a person with power can be a racist since you need said power to enforce your racism. Bill did have power so technically he could be a racist.
  13. You can also add Hillary and Bill Clinton, as well as Joe Biden.
  14. Everybody in this story is a phony. Sterling is a racist moron and got his just desserts but this stinks from top to bottom. The league and the media knew all about this guy and did nothing for years. It was easy to sweep it under the rug when the Clippers were a crap team and 2nd banana to the Lakers in L.A. you couldn't find anyone to give a damn about this before. Because to do so then led to a potential embarrassment and loss of ad revenue. So they just ignored it and hoped it would go away. Doc Rivers didn't have a problem accepting a 3 year $21 million contract last year. Chris Paul didn't seem to have a problem when he signed a 5 year deal worth approximately $107 million. The NAACP had no problem taking his money and was lined up to bestow its 2014 Humanitariam Award. His "girlfriend" Vanessa Stiviano had no problem exchanging her "favors" for cash, and reportedly 2 Bentleys and a Ferrari and money to purchase a $1.8 million duplex. In any other walk of life that would be called prostitution. In March Sterling's wife filed a 2.5 million lawsuit against Stiviano claiming she received 2.5 million in gifts and they needed to be returned. Shortly after that these tapes come out. Coincidence? Now with these tapes it has created a media feeding frenzy with all the typical faux outrage. Nobody had a problem taking Sterlings money and enriching themselves. But now it's not politically correct to be associated with him anymore everybody is engaged in CYA.
  15. Too bad Harry Reid can't get a lifetime ban for the racist crap he has spewed in the past.
  16. Lot of talk from Sterling with his sugar baby about Magic Johnson. Now guess who's pushing to buy the Clippers http://sports.yahoo.com/news/exit-strategy-for-nba--donald-sterling--sell-clippers-to-magic-johnson-073015142.html It all seems a little too convenient
  17. True. But does that matter? The arena is part of the Bruins corporation so it would be factored into the overall value of the club. I agree it's not strictly apple to apples but I don't see how you can leave out the arena when the club owns it. Anyways I'm not looking to argue over semantics. Plus my personal preference would be for the Jacobs family to be the new owners of the Bills.
  18. According to Forbes the Bills are worth $870 M. The Bruins are valued at $600 M. Yes the Bills are worth more but not nearly as much as some on here would have you believe.
  19. Sorry. The one you replied to. (keepthefaith's post)
  20. Epic amount of ignorance in that post. Reading that post again I'm going to hope it was meant as sarcasm.
  21. Most of the posters here seem to get hung up on whether Manziel wil be a good pro or not and be a good fit for the Bills on the field. My opinion is that we all need to take a step back and look at the big picture. The Bills franchise just lost their long time owner. There is doubt in the Buffalo community and the NFL at large about the long term viability of the club. Johnny Manziel is more than just a QB, he's a flippin' superstar. His nickname is Johnny Football for crying out loud. He ran into trouble in college because his brand was just too big for Texas A&M or the NCAA. If the Bills were to pay the price to get him there couldn't be a bigger statement from the club that the Bills are here to stay. And if he does turn out to be as good as advertised and the team starts winning it would make it a lot easier to secure the funds for a new stadium. Just my 2 cents
  22. If the Bills do indeed make this move it has to be for Manziel. I can not see any scenario in which you move all the pieces that need to go to move that high up to get Clowney.
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