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Everything posted by ToGoGo

  1. I explained my logic perfectly clear later on the 1st page. Everybody seems to be ignoring it. But now we're putting pressure on the station. More pressure than anybody has managed to put on before. If that happened we would be getting somewhere. I'm hearing a lot of dismissal and people laughing at me who have never tried doing anything like this. The main laughing point seems to be that the "joke is on me because advertisers will love the attention". This may be funny in your head, but there are many advertisers who sponsor WGR because they are a popular sports radio show, not because they are controversial. Many would leave quick if they felt any negative effects at all. They are doing it for 100% positive reasons, not for negative attention. Not every small business owner is a Donald Trump type industrialist who just wants any publicity.
  2. I think it's pretty clear EJ has been improving and the coaches are rewarding him. Maybe he wasn't that good the last two years and the beginning of camp. But now he seems to be getting better. It's obvious to me that people made their decisions about him, emotionally invested themselves, and now are hoping he fails to prove a point. I think they need to look in the mirror and ask themselves what's more important.
  3. That's a great story. He clearly has a way of getting himself into bad situations. I know people like him. It's going to keep happening.
  4. Which everyone knows can NEVER be fixed or improved upon.
  5. I'm hearing a lot of "don't bother trying", instead of "I've tried that and it doesn't work".
  6. I'm hearing a lot of this: "You're just letting them know you're listening so you'll just encourage them" and "Just stop listening" If anybody has complained to customer service and gone up the ladder to supervisors and managers, etc. you know that the higher up you go, the more you get what you want. You might think that advertisers will like that people complain about who they're supporting, but if people start judging the advertiser negatively for it, they will threaten to drop out. That's why so many advertisers dropped Tiger Woods for cheating or any other celebrity who said something politically incorrect. You might think that this is the case: But in reality, advertisers don't want anybody having a potentially negative opinion about them. Maybe some don't mind, like those that advertise on Howard Stern, but I assure you most of the advertisers above don't want to deal with people looking down on them for supporting WGR. They didn't sign up for it. That's my logic. So they may talk to WGR directly, or their ad broker, either way they're going to consider it when it comes time to renew. And that is the LAST thing WGR wants. We have more power over the monopoly than we think. If we demand higher quality, then they'll need to give it to us. Second, yes, I personally can stop listening (which I have). BUT, that only makes change on a small scale. We would need people to stop listening on a large scale for any change to be made. Instead what I'm seeing is complaining on a mass scale, but no complaints sent to the people who matter. If all the people in OC's thread would send an email to an advertiser, Schopp would be out the door before the day is out. So forgive me for trying to do something about the sports radio monopoly in Buffalo that so many people have a problem with.
  7. Hit them where it hurts guys. And where they least expect it. "The line of least expectation is the line of least resistance".
  8. You'll be surprised. One well-placed complaint can cause an avalanche.
  9. A poster in the other WGR thread mentioned that the best way to get your complains heard is to contact their advertisers, rather than WGR directly. Well I think that is a great idea! Here are a couple of their smaller advertisers (the ones more likely to hear your complaints). Feel free to contact them and tell them how you really feel about WGR's coverage. Let them know that you prefer TBD for your Bills football and perhaps they should advertise here instead. Original Pizza Logs http://www.pizzalogs.com/contacts https://twitter.com/OriginPizzaLogs Outlet Liquors http://www.whatsyouroutlet.com/contact.html https://twitter.com/WNYOutletLiquor Belknap Heating and Cooling http://www.belknapheating.com/contact Consumers Beverage http://www.consumersbeverages.com/contact.html https://twitter.com/ConsumersBeer
  10. Either they silence the media or they control the media. Pick your poison. Like a previous poster said, everybody is wasting their time complaining to WGR. You need to send emails or better yet tweet and post on social media to the advertisers. Preferably the smaller ones like Original Pizza Logs, Outlet Liquor, Belknap Heating and Cooling, Consumers Liquors, and Kaz companies. Advertisers that are small enough to read their complaints. If you make those advertisers nervous, you will make WGR very nervous. Nothing will get them to change their tune faster.
  11. Hell of a talent. I'd take that risk. Problem is we're loaded at that position.
  12. I think so. Everybody seems hesitant to admit it. Two good practices in a row and the best scrimmage performance.
  13. I have a feeling it's a money issue. Wanted too much like Simmons.
  14. Not always. Most likely Duke is hitting up lots of girls at the same time and seeing who hits him back. You never know who responds.
  15. Yeah, that was weak on her part. Guy was just being a little persistent, something men have done since the beginning of time. He didn't deserve that. And a famous trendy porn star playing the "I have a boyfriend" line like she's all respectful and monogamous. Get out of here.
  16. Everybody wants to be "patient" when it's one of their own, yet want them burnt at the stake when it's somebody else. Hypocrisy everywhere in this thread, especially with all the schadenfreude at other teams and players throughout this forum.
  17. They desperately want him to be innocent. The mob is going to take it out on whoever disagrees with them. I get the same fallout anytime I try to defend someone, that everybody here has already decided is guilty. Don't let them get to you.
  18. Here's my take on the video: The vibe at the bar was perfectly fine before they walked into the frame. Blonde girl is clearly tipsy, Johnson actually looks sober. It's starting to get crowded and he's definitely pushing into her like she's not there. Having been in this situation many times before, I assure you that one thing I can't stand is when some a-hole behind you keeps pushing. She turns around and says something sassy. He says something back but at this point is waiting for the other girl to walk past so he can get the spot at the bar next to her. It's tight and the other girl is struggling to get through. He keeps pushing and suddenly the blonde snaps and turns around aggressively with her fist cocked, lunging forward and ready to go. I would argue the pointed thumb is not her pointing at the bartender, but simply how girls hold their fists (perhaps as a bluff). THIS is the moment everything escalated. It went from half-hearted passive-aggressive yapping to threatening a fight. His instinct is to grab her arm. I'd like to say I wouldn't have done that but watching the video from his perspective, her body language is very aggressive. I might have done the same. You can read her lips yelping out "HEYYYYY" in a drunk way as they struggle. She then kicks and gives a 50% effort punch. She's dragged him into a crappy situation. This is where he screws up. He hits her with full force then leaves really fast. He can't do that and having seen many guys being in similar situations, a strong push and a walk away is in order. Yeah, people might take that the wrong way and kick you out, but at least you can blame it on her and say you didn't hit her. So summary: She's drunk, he's probably not. He's being a bit of a d*ck pushing (but this is college, that's how it is sometimes). They yap pretty harmlessly. He keeps pushing while trying to squeeze in. She snaps and lunges forward aggressively with fist cocked. He grabs her hand. She kicks and punches. He nails her. Honestly, to me, it seems like unfortunate circumstances right until the end. He should have just pushed her strongly and walked away. That might've got him in trouble, but it's better than what he did. Entitled drunk girls are a way of life. You need to be smarter. I'd suspend him then give him another chance. You don't know where these kids come from and how they were raised. You're not recruiting them for academic reasons. I'd keep him on a tiny leash, but I'd give him another shot. But in 2015, race and gender PR is more important than doing the right thing.
  19. Thank you. The difference between EJ and Orton last year was that Orton could consistently get us to the red zone. The problem was we rarely got touchdowns. Then we would lose games we should've won to the Dolphins, Raiders, Chiefs, and Broncos. We had 12-4/13-3 potential last year. We consistently year in and year out have a terrible red zone percentage. The next two problems are third down offense and third down defense, especially in the 4th quarter. Those three things are the reason we haven't been to the playoffs in 15 years. Not just because of a QB. What's interesting to me is that those three quality are all crunch-time/clutch qualities. In other words, mental. That's why people say we don't have any luck. That's why people get annoyed with the losing attitudes. It's like the team expects to lose and ends up losing. I believe that mental expectation of victory/will to win was the difference between 9-7 and 12-4 last year. That Tom Brady, I'm going to win no matter how bad I played the last 3 quarters mentality and nothing is going to stop me. We haven't had that in a long time.
  20. Great great post. Explained the nuances perfectly.
  21. I think some fans need to establish their value systems better. Which one is more important: A. How a player behaves off the field B. How productive he is on the field What's more important to you: A. Your level of annoyance reading articles on ESPN during the summer B. Your level of happiness seeing victories on Sunday during the football season It's nice to have both and if you look at the 70 or so players on the roster, around 65 don't have off the field problems. I think if you focus on those guys, you can ignore the McCoy's and Incognito's of this team. That or filter your news sources a bit more. Another thing you can do is take a step back, breathe, and ask yourself how much your "shady" feelings are based on you projecting your beliefs and opinions onto McCoy and how much is it really McCoy? How much is it the media, who gets a large portion of their advertising dollars from clicks, creating stories and provocative headlines so that they will increase their click-through rate and get more money from direct and affiliate advertisers?
  22. Very nice switcheroo guys. As we all know, to present the possibility that some women are bad apples is clearly prohibited. This explains how everyone comes to their conclusions now. What I described, perhaps roughly, were (truthful and all too common) psychological insights into some messed up people that should always be considered. If you guys can't handle it, then I have no business debating with you on a Bills board.
  23. I never, and you can look through my posts, said that it is easy to believe it is happening here. No reasonable person would say that. I don't know where you inferred that strawman from. I have said that it is a reasonable possibility in cases such as this and should always be examined before passing judgement. Something else people aren't taking into account. It's not always about money. There are many messed up women out there who like to start sh*t on a night out to get their boyfriend to fight for them because it turns them on or they like to see their man stand up for them. There are also plenty of scorned women who would enjoy seeing their SO in trouble with the law if they were angry at them for cheating, for example. It could be a payback type situation. Everything should be examined before ruining a man's life, livelihood, and reputation.
  24. Couple things to keep in mind. In order to do that, let's set aside the whole alleged abuse thing for now. 1. Adrian Peterson is a top 10 running back of all time. He is a future Hall of Famer and the greatest RB of this generation. 2012 is one of the greatest offensive seasons of all time, if not the greatest for a RB. Let's not let any allegations get in the way of what kind of player AP is and was. 2. He is one of the greatest players to play for the Minnesota Vikings. He has been loyal and patient with them as they have struggled since Favre retired. They are also not the flashiest city in the NFL either. 3. People have different honor codes. In Peterson's mind he may have not done anything wrong and this whole thing has been a media overreaction. On the other hand, he watched as the team he's been loyal to for nearly 10 years left him hanging, and then refuses to trade his rights once he is reinstated and the public firestorm has passed. So in other words, Peterson feels he didn't do anything wrong with his kid, and it's a debatable subject if he did. He is one of the greatest NFL players of all time who has been loyal to a middling team who then leaves him out to dry and then refuses to let him go when the heat passed. He may feel an incredible injustice and there are many people out there who would rather call it quits on a career then to lay out your body for an organization that showed their true colors. In my opinion, he might not be bluffing, and frankly I hope he isn't just to prove a point. Regardless of what happened with his son, I think it would be really honorable of him to stick it to the Vikings by retiring if they don't trade him. Go in the Ray McDonald thread to see how I feel about cowardly NFL front offices cutting players as soon as any accusations come out but before any details. It would be nice for the karma to come around.
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