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Everything posted by Peace

  1. It's not your property to make that determination with. If you're a band with a song, do you want some guy in California to say, "I can buy the song if I want but why should I when I can get it for free?" When you do that, and so many here do that I know I'm talking to a wall, you hurt the artist.
  2. It's not crystal clear but let's clear up a few things. Bars and restaurants need special licenses from the NFL (through a special DirecTV package) to show the games. The NFL gives them a special copyright license that allows them to show games to their patrons. Watching an NFL game that is at an illegal website (99.999999999999999999% of the online steams) may not be illegal--for the watcher. But the law on that is at least somewhat murky: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13739_3-9936833-46.html As to the moral issue, I try to make sure the person with the rights to the material gets my money. It's just "right" to do that. I understand that I'm in the minority on that.
  3. You sound like a guy who has done a lot of research but I suspect you are not being truthful. If you are outside North America, you can legally watch EVERY NFL game live over the Internet by subscribing to NFL Game Pass. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that maybe your Google is broken!
  4. That was good of you to admit. Tonyd's position on his high horse is safe.
  5. Jason Peters had 2 last game and 4 so far this preseason. I report this from Eagles country where people are starting to notice Peters more and more and as everyone knows, when the Philly mob turns against you, it can get really ugly.
  6. Hmm. I dunno Fez...the DirecTV site is silent as to that requirement. I am fortunate (or UN, as tha case actually is). The installers have been out 5x, as recently as last week. I have no line of sight.
  7. You found the answer but for everyone else: No. That would defeat the moneymaking purpose. This is a substitute to the satellite, not a way to circumvent the law!
  8. That's not true according to DirecTV. They specifically state that you don't need to have a DirecTV satellite and service subsrciption to use it and there are no other requirements.
  9. They are also bragging about HD download capability...not sure what that means but I assume they mean they will have more than just the two video stream capabilities this year. Once it's up and running, I'll bump the thread. And after the first game, I'll post a review of the software. When they first offered this, the software and stream was terrible. Last year, using Microsoft Silverlight, it was really good. Almost never froze and the quality of the vid was excellent (even if the team was not!). Not HD excellent but not painful either. I watch the games on a Mac BTW, so I assume this will continue to be Mac-compatible this year although I am not sure until the season starts.
  10. For anyone who cares about copyright law, viruses, or wants a clean stream to all the games, DirecTV is offering its NFL Ticket online to everyone for the first time this year. $350 for all the games streamed live to your PC. You do not need the DirecTV dish (which is good, if like me, you can't get DirecTV where you live). I have done the streaming thing before for DirecTV and it's amazingly good. Not as good as watching in HD, but almost never cuts out and quality is solid. Better than the B&W TV I used to watch in 1978. DirecTV starts offering this for sale on Sept 8. Here's the link. Sign up page avail Sep 8
  11. For anyone who cares about copyright law, viruses, or wants a clean stream to all the games, DirecTV is offering its NFL Ticket online to everyone for the first time this year. $350 for all the games streamed live to your PC. You do not need the DirecTV dish (which is good, if like me, you can't get DirecTV where you live). I have done the streaming thing before for DirecTV and it's amazingly good. Not as good as watching in HD, but almost never cuts out and quality is good. Better than the B&W TV I used to watch in 1978. DirecTV starts offering this for sale on Sept 8. Here's the link. Sign up page Sep 8
  12. The Wrangler has a cool factor for off-roading and liking to feel like you can go anywhere. Also good if you plan on being under the hood since everything is easy to work on. On the flip side, the ride is loud (even with the hard top) and uncomfortable. Acceleration from 0-60 is a sloooooow. MPG is terrible. Backseat on 2D is nonexistent and 4D Wrangler is just wrong. And reliability is low. Funny though: Even with all that, it's still a cool car. Something about a Wrangler.
  13. Ahh a competing script. I am obviously onto something. There was the Summer of asteroid movies. There was the Summer of Volcano movies. 2011 will be the Summer of Snopocolypse movies. (The title Sunpocolypse is mine. You can go with Solarcaine if you want. Yours probably has more sponsorship opportunities)
  14. Quick, who's got a script for a solar storm apocalypse movie? Summer 2011 blockbuster starring Piers Brosnan as a fringe astrophysiscist who the establishment keeps ignoring...until it is almost too late.
  15. The government goes a long ways to making the hybrid market with the tax rebate when you buy one. No one wants a $30,000 Prius.
  16. You want conner to give you the reach-around now? Don't do it conner.
  17. As a business owner, I see a lack of confidence driving things down at the moment. Higher taxes coming. Health care reform and more spending coming. New financial reform. An election bloodbath (perhaps). All this leads to uncertainty. Couple that uncertainty to a fair amount of bad macroeconomic news and you won't see too many businesses (or people) sticking their necks out. What to do? Probably need the government to start tackling some of the big macro problems that only it can (coming up with a real plan to pay down the debt, simplifying tax system, fixing immigration to allow more tech savvy people in and let them stay, increase writeoffs for business R&D).
  18. I find this article more and more true...as I get sucked down the tech rabbit hole deeper. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/25/technology/25brain.html?_r=1&src=me&ref=general
  19. It's a tough pill to swallow I know. But you linked to an absurd site and conner made you his b___ for it.
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