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Everything posted by Peace

  1. You off-road so you obviously put the Wrangler to good use. I have never off-roaded in my life even though I go to the beach, camp, and drive in the snow all the time. So even the casual outdoor adventure type like me can't justify a Jeep. But I also can't justify a German sports car that sticks to the road through 60mph corners, goes 0-60 in 4 seconds, goes through gas like a Carribean oil rig, and has no storage room. Wouldn't make it any less fun to drive! That doesn't mean I wouldn't feel cool in a JEep...which is why most people get them. (I have off-roaded on vacation in St. John USVI in rented Jeeps. Was fun.)
  2. Don't protest so much. The left has its loons too. The right loves to trot them out for advantage as well. Like the infamous lady at the Obama rally who said that her gas and mortgage payments would be taken care of if Obama was elected. Or Rev. Al and the race-bait crew. It's all funny and stupid--only the feebleminded find it persuasive.
  3. There is no money for a stadium. This is one poster imagining Bill Gates bought the Bills and Buffalo becomes a new place to live for the world's rich and famous. The Bills will always be a small market team as long as they are locked in Buffalo. The closer they get to Toronto, ie, NF, the better their chances of staying in Buffalo and getting a more wealthy and sustaining fan base and ownership.
  4. Blown tranny + threw a rod + other fixes + loves the Jeep anyways= sounds like every Jeep owner I've ever known!
  5. Don't get me wrong: I appreciate what Jeeps are all about. I really do. I just don't think most people can justify owning one. Hell, for most people, a Ford Fusion/Toyota Camry is all they need to just ramble back and forth to work...but instead they buy a GMC Yukon or Toyota Highlander. I drive my car to the gym on the weekends and occasionally when my wife and I are heading in different directions on the weekends. I don't need a Jeep. I could probably almost get buy on a moped. But I have a way overpriced sports sedan I love. We're Americans: We like cars. Maybe even especially the ones like a Jeep that we don't need.
  6. Let's ruin the Falls by putting a huge stadium next to it? No thanks. The Falls will be around long after the Bills are a memory. Leave the Canadian view untarnished. And the American side has zero view anyways. Want to build it within walking distance in the NF slums? No problem.
  7. Even London doesn't belong. They obviously put a few in there for shock value. The industrial cities in Asia would crush that list.
  8. The firs, second, third part thing threw me but I believe you are arguing that Jeeps are (a) reliable and (b) driven by people who can justify them. Regarding the first, you can't find a single notable publication that says Jeeps are reliable. They are consistently ranked unreliable for so many reasons that the list goes to pages. Jeeps break. They do. The good news is that you don't need to be a rocket scientist to fix it. You buy a jeep because it can go anywhere. It is a seat on wheels. 99% of people don't need that--so they buy Jeeps because it looks cool. Their cool look is tempered by the lousy, loud, unreliable ride. That gets bad MPGs. Most people get them so they can look hip. And this is from someone who loves Jeeps BTW. But see them for what they are. They need a LOT of attention to keep going. Most people aren't interested in that--nor should they be.
  9. People like them because there's an "it" factor in having a Jeep and more importantly for why you don't see them in junkyards, they aer the most modular car in the world and you can sub parts from almost any Jeep into another. That doesn't change the undisputed fact that they are super-unreliable. (And loud. And uncomfortable. And unstoppable.) Most people get Jeeps to look cool. Few people get Jeeps because they are cool enough to need one.
  10. You miss the point and do so in an obnoxious way you would never do in person. Setting your incivility aside, half of teams have a 1000 rusher. Happier now? It's not impressive to have a 1000 yard rusher. 15 teams had 1000 yard rushers in 2009. (Jackson was 15th with 106_.) http://www.nfl.com/stats/categorystats?tabSeq=0&statisticCategory=RUSHING&conference=null&season=2009&seasonType=REG&d-447263-s=RUSHING_YARDS&d-447263-o=2&d-447263-n=1 16 teams had 1000 rushers in 2008. Lynch was 13th with 1036. http://www.nfl.com/stats/categorystats?archive=true&seasonType=REG&d-447263-o=2&conference=null&statisticCategory=RUSHING&d-447263-s=RUSHING_YARDS&experience=null&d-447263-n=1&season=2008&qualified=true&Submit=Go&tabSeq=0&d-447263-p=1 17 in 2007. Lynch was 11th with 1115 yards. http://www.nfl.com/stats/categorystats?archive=true&seasonType=REG&d-447263-o=2&conference=null&statisticCategory=RUSHING&d-447263-s=RUSHING_YARDS&experience=null&d-447263-n=1&season=2007&qualified=true&Submit=Go&tabSeq=0&d-447263-p=1 15 + 16 + 17 / 3*32 = HALF of teams have an RB that rushed for 1000 yards. For most of those teams, Bills included, substitute another guy and you still get 1000 yards.
  11. Agree re desperate look. It's actually a "Bush" like move. Things bad? Wrap yourself in the flag! Leaving 50,000 troops behind, to me, is Obama's "Mission Accomplished" moment. Stupid beyond belief to say he kept his campaign promise.
  12. DirecTV sucks compared to cable but it's the only solution for some people. When I tried to sign up for DirecTV (they ended up not being able to install it), they asked for all that **** RE license and social security. I asked them what they needed that for. The said it was for running a credit check. Credit check for the privilege of spending $100/month? You have to be kidding, right? So I asked if I could pay for the equipment up front and void the credit check (based on general principle, I don't care for people probing me). It took an act of congress to allow me to pay the $700 up front and avoid the credit check. Then, in the end, no service due to no line of sight. If they ever lose the Sunday Ticket, it will gut the customer base.
  13. Also interesting to see how a "kept promise" includes leaving 50,000 American troops in Iraq.
  14. Saying it worked is both way early and also naive. 50,000 troops are still there and will remain. What happens when those 50,000 people leave in 5 years? Who knows? It will likely make no difference to overall regional stability unless we keep our troops there. I just found it amusing that the waste of money on the war (100% unnecessary) was turned into stimulus waste (also unnecessary but at least a real crisis) discussion. See above. Apples and oranges, at least in terms of what was being done. Idiot #1 started a crisis. Idiot #2 was facing a crisis. Both idiots but idiot #1 is still in the lead.
  15. It is. Anyone can now get the NFL Ticket via the web. Hope the servers are ready.
  16. Half the RBs in the NFL rush for 1000 yards, ie, 70 yards/game. That's not much of an accomplishment. No Buffalo Bills player from 2007-2009 (or 2000-2009 for that matter) :lit it up." Take that back.
  17. So you read a story about all the money we wasted on Iraq and decide that the most important thing to note is that the stimulus spent more? Do you think that kind of "thinking" helps?
  18. Lynch, despite his size and obvious strength, has done nothing to prove he can get the 1 on 3rd and 1. I would rather have Jackson take that carry. Jackson finds space and hits holes. Lynch runs into people's backs. As far as trading one vs the other, I don't care. RBs of their caliber are a dime a dozen.
  19. The article is about how we wasted almost 800 billion on Iraq, most of it following the Bush "surge." How did you get your headline?
  20. And there's also lots of credit out there for people/businesses to draw on. The economy could comeback fast...but people need some reasons to feel optimistic.
  21. Your taping=infringement. Your distribution also is infringement. You were a double infringer there. His listening solely by himself may not be since he didn't actually "reproduce the copyrighted work," which is the exlcusive right of the copyright holder.
  22. The difference is the transient nature of the material. In the P2P, you take possession of illegal material and thus become an infringer, During streaming, you don't, although a case can be made that your buffer "stores" portions of the stream, which is one of the reasons watching a stream may be copyright infringement.
  23. Read what I wrote bro: I wasnt' saying that you were trying to do anything illegal. I was just pointing out that the NFL would never allow someone to do what you propose.
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