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Everything posted by ReturnoftheBuffaloBeast23

  1. 1. Cam Newton 2. Cam Heyward 3. Casey Matthews 4. Best OT 4b. Ahmed Black
  2. Gabbert sux... JP 2.0... Name one play from him that made you go *oh sh*t*... Don't worry I'll wait...
  3. (like playing for bad organizations like the Bills) ~ OUCH!... Anyway... I don't think Locker is that bad, I mean JP tho? Geeezzz thats like the comparison of death...LOL...When all is said and done and Cam Newton is a Buffalo Bill at the end of the day people will be ok with that...
  4. It'll be Newton if he is their and he will sit behind Fitz. Some QBs like Palmer, Rivers,McNabb and Rogers sat a year and they turned out fine. My god its not like this team is goin to the Super Bowl are even yet the playoffs its one pick its one player. The rookie cap will stop him from getting an unheard of amount of money. And what if Miller, Bowers, Fairly or Darieus turn out to be busts but Cam doesn't then we will be in this situation another 5 years. We won't be that bad next year to get the #1 pick to get your annoited king Andrew Luck (who I like) but what if he has a Jake Locker fall or what if he gets injured then who you want Matt Barkley LOL... Its all a gamble puttin up stats and comparisons mean nothing just relax. As much as I want Cam i'll be ok with Darieus, Peterson or whoever will help the Bills win PERIOD! Oh and this is a DEEP Defensive class if we take Cam as the only Offensive player we can take the rest Defense you can do that ya know...
  5. There is a 0 in a million chance we take Gabbert. If we don't take Newton in the first then we problaby won't take a QB. End Story. And for all you praying we get Andrew Luck we better lose all but 2 game, I doubt the Bills will be that bad...
  6. Wow seriously Newton is hype? All he did was take 2 teams to championships in 2 years, win a heisman and become the face of college football last year. If thats hype what's reality? Fitz is a journeyman QB of course they found him in free agency, the bills are what his 3rd team? Good point...
  7. By round... 1. Cam Newton 2. Cam Heyward 3. Best OT 4. Casey Matthews or switch 3 and 4 *shrug*
  8. AWWWW DAMN THAT WAS MEAN!... LMAO!... Why you do him like that? That is what I call a good old fashion "SONNING". He didn't expect that response I bet...LOL!... I don't think he will be coming back to this thread anymore, that was harsh ... But yet very entertaining and true, lets hope Carolina doesn't read that post and picks Gabbert while we get Newton...
  9. How exactly do you know he can read a defense? Please elaborate because I can give you better college stats that Newton has to say other wise. You can't say either one can read a defense because NOBODY KNOWS. And seriously he can't throw better than Newton to be honest Mallet throws better than both #beclear... I think the world just blew up (that or Team Newton is wearin you down LOL ) because I agree with this statement. Gabbert wouldn't be in this conversation if Luck would have declared because dude is a nobody. I'd pick Locker or Mallet over him because he just appeared kinda like Losman did. I had no clue who JP was but everyone compared him to Brett Farve. I just knew he was going to fail but I liked Trent and look how that turned out. Even tho JP was the worst of the two but thats like saying im allergic to fish but im a eat this shrimp, either one may kill you...
  10. I was hoping he had a great pro day and I'm happy he did I MEAN REALLY HAPPY. Now that Carolina can call Gabberts name and we get Newton. THE STARS AND ICONS ARE ALIGNING in Buffalo's favor (for once). For a second there I was scared Carolina would call Newton *phew*.... Here's to Cam Newton the newest Buffalo Bill...
  11. I don't understand the infatuation with this guy he seems like JP 2.0, I mean WHOOO the hell even heard of him before Andrew Luck said no to the draft? He is terrible and the Bills with no doubt draft him (they seem to like the people that make me turn into an Owl and go WHOOOOO). How someone can honestly say he is better than Newton baffles me, hell he's not better than Locker or Mallet. He's on the same level as Kaspernick (who I like) a 4th rounder. CAM NEWTON!... NUFF SAID!....
  12. WOW! Good point. If Fitzgerald threw 65.9% from shotgun (and was pretty good at it) why would people fear Cam wouldn't be a good fit for Buffalo if thats his strong point? He has a better arm and is more mobile than Fitzgibbon (may or may not be smarter football wise thats unknown)... Man imagine how dangerous Cam would be in Gailey's offense, Its scary if you think bout it too hard... P.S. Look who's at the bottom with more than half in a spread offense... Yea folks its that guy Brady... Hell I didn't even notice Manning did so much shotgun.. CAM NEWTON!... NUFF SAID...
  13. WHOA! ... That's a new one, but atleast you went so far left I don't think no one will catch this... Plus you choice a white QB, so yea nobody gonna agree with you... But nice thought...LOL...
  14. Do you really think this makes sense? I mean we got the 3rd pick they have the 7th, so you telling me we can get a 2nd and next years 1st from them to move up 4 spots? and what if they did and they pick number 18 next year and we are 12, you really think whoever is at #1 next year would trade out that for those spots? your opinion sir is flawed... and can we get off luck please what if he decides to not come out next year what we wait another year?
  15. Well he was accurate today in a very windy stadium.... Now I wonder what the anti-Cam Newton crowd will say.. *Shrug* I'm thinking they'll go back to the footwork (that even improved)... Thats the anti-Cam's fall back line...
  16. So if we can't evaluate them on what they did in college, what can we evaluate them on? What they did in High School?
  17. If you think Blaine Gabbert is better than Newton you may need to see a physician as soon as possible you maybe coming down with a head cold cuz your a lil sick in the head... Nobody ever heard of Gabbert until Luck didn't declare. Its like on Monday Luck was unsure nobody knew Gabbert, Tuesday Luck said no NFL, Wednesday Gabbert was on ESPN... Gabberts a true nobody...
  18. Wow so he's a felon now?... Its really ashame the things people say when they really dislike a person. It really is sad...
  19. SMH He won't make it past Miami... Boy that will be a fun division for the next 5 years lets see.. NY Jets - Mark Sanchez NE Patriots - Tom Brady Miami Dolphins - Cam Newton Buffalo Bills - WHO KNOWS?
  20. Ok im only gonna entertain this retard A$$ post once... It may come off a lil vulger or angry but don't anybody take it the wrong way (awww screw it take it how you want) Is CJ, Fred, Lee, Stevie not black? But they don't play Quarterback so they get a pass huh? That's why people say "is Buffalo ready for a black QUARTERBACK AGAIN". And I don't give a sh*t where you from to be honest cuz let somebody pay me 40 million dollars got damnit im there let it be Utah, Pennsylvania or Wyoming showin off all kinds of "ICON AND ENTERTAINER STATUS". No offense but you may not be igonorant but that stuff you said was hella ignorant. And your insane if you can't see he pulled the race card. What you want him to just openly say "HEY HE'S A BLACK QB WE DON'T WANT HIM IN BUFFALO"... Come on get real.. He said "Go to a bills game stand up and look around WHAT DO YOU SEE, that's why Cam wont fit"... And keep the jokes to your self unless you want to get labled a racist... Once again im from Buffalo I know what goes down I know how Cheektowaga, South Buffalo and Amherst get down that means nothing. I moved to ATL where its worst because its more sumblimnal that outright. People are gonna hate cuz of skin tone anywhere so please save that sh*t... oh and PS.. WTF come on wit the Eminem and 50 Cent line if you pay them money they here believe that. So if it was Elton John and Hannaha Montana you saying they would fit in better. Please potna save the madness...
  21. WOW! I'm like Newton and I've been to plenty of Bills games (and sat in a club suite), what are you saying? ... You my sir blatantly pulled the race card.. Thanks for playing.. SMH... Watch everyone come out and say "don't be so sensitive" or dance around what he said... When its obvious what he is saying...
  22. Now i'm not saying that sounds suspect but it sounds suspect... To be honest he can stay downtown (like JP) it shouldn't matter where he stays. Im from the eastside of Buffalo he can stay there. What are you really trying to say? He wouldn't fit in? But Luck would coming from Califonia? What you mean by demographic? Please elaborate..
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